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by bign2003
06/02/2008 - 18:07
Forum: General Conversation
Topic: The Last Ninja Movie
Replies: 46
Views: 31260

Re: The Last Ninja Movie

Hi everyone! Production Diary 2 has been a long time coming, but finally it is almost upon is. Cant belive its been a year since the first, sorry for the wait. I know I've said this before but from April I'll be dedicating my efforts full time towards The Last Ninja Movie, this time for real. Gate-H...
by bign2003
01/01/2008 - 13:02
Forum: General Conversation
Topic: The Last Ninja Movie
Replies: 46
Views: 31260

Re: The Last Ninja Movie

Hi everyone! A bit of bad news, my pc went nuts last night and crashed on me while writing and I lost the script for The Last Ninja. Just wondered if anyone out there who downloaded it still had a copy that they could send me? Its not a big problem if not, just means I have to type it up again. Let ...
by bign2003
19/12/2007 - 18:06
Forum: General Conversation
Topic: The Last Ninja Movie
Replies: 46
Views: 31260

Re: The Last Ninja Movie

Hey everyone!
Gonna release another draft of the script early in the new year. The Last Ninja officialy begins production in 2008 after almost a years worth of prep work :D

Merry Christmas!!
Joe x
by bign2003
12/11/2007 - 18:22
Forum: General Conversation
Topic: The Last Ninja Movie
Replies: 46
Views: 31260

Re: The Last Ninja Movie

Ahhh right lol,
was worried there for a sec, thought something had got past me in the quality side of things hehe!

Hopefully gonna be releasing a second production diary for The Last Ninja soon!
by bign2003
06/11/2007 - 23:56
Forum: General Conversation
Topic: The Last Ninja Movie
Replies: 46
Views: 31260

Re: The Last Ninja Movie

Hi Retrovertigo, thanks for the feedback! A lot of the artifacts found in that remix were due to YouTube unfortunitly - it comes up good for getting films shown to the public, but it terms of quality it doesnt hold up too well. What sorta thing do you think we could do to improve the track? I though...
by bign2003
02/11/2007 - 10:48
Forum: General Conversation
Topic: The Last Ninja Movie
Replies: 46
Views: 31260

Re: The Last Ninja Movie

Hi everyone! Sorry I've been away so long, had tones to do this past 6 months or so (getting engaged was one hehe) the other was filming and producing a feature film titled "Vampire Mermaids From Mars"! Heres the trailer, it features music originally remixed for The Last Ninja Movie: http:...
by bign2003
24/05/2007 - 7:50
Forum: General Conversation
Topic: The Last Ninja Movie
Replies: 46
Views: 31260

Hey, thanks for the feedback man!
Yeah I agree, the sound could of been a whole lot better if I'd of thought - luckly when it comes to The Last Ninja this wont be a problem as were dubbing the entire film.

Thanks again :D
by bign2003
23/05/2007 - 17:23
Forum: General Conversation
Topic: The Last Ninja Movie
Replies: 46
Views: 31260

Hi everyone! Joe here with something that maybe of interest. I've just released a 24 minute short film online titled "Chinks From China". It was shot in one day on green screen and shows off exacally what is possible with the effects were currently prepping for The Last Ninja Movie. YouTub...
by bign2003
04/04/2007 - 15:32
Forum: General Conversation
Topic: The Last Ninja Movie
Replies: 46
Views: 31260

The first 100% remixed song for The Last Ninja is complete, also heres a preview of the test city that our CG guys are building for Lin-Fen's capital: Comments needed! Dont forget, this is just a test city, the actual design hasnt begun yet and wont for at l...
by bign2003
29/03/2007 - 10:59
Forum: General Conversation
Topic: The Last Ninja Movie
Replies: 46
Views: 31260

Hey TmX, didnt know you hung about these parts hehe!

The second diary maybe closer than I originally thought as Ive had TONES of interest in the special effects side.

Keep ya eyes peeled, may get to see the first test versions of the skeleton warriors VERY soon :D

Joe x
by bign2003
28/03/2007 - 1:42
Forum: General Conversation
Topic: The Last Ninja Movie
Replies: 46
Views: 31260

Ok, here it is, the first 20 of The Last Ninja script. Hope you enjoy it. The script ends just after The Ninja's confrontation with The Dragon. Now its still rough, with spelling and grammer errors but its pretty much how it'll playout on film. Naturally tho...
by bign2003
27/03/2007 - 18:06
Forum: General Conversation
Topic: The Last Ninja Movie
Replies: 46
Views: 31260

Retrovertigo wrote:Have to admit I was sceptical at first but the video rocked, keep them coming! Oh and the music sounds fantastic, looking forward to hearing the full tracks.
Cheers dude, hopefully it'll turn out good!
by bign2003
26/03/2007 - 16:37
Forum: General Conversation
Topic: The Last Ninja Movie
Replies: 46
Views: 31260

Decided to bite the bullet and commit a budget to The Last Ninja, if a jobs worth doing its worth doing right, right?

Heres the first production diary (YouTube):

Props, costumes and music have entered production, let me know what you think so far,
by bign2003
20/03/2007 - 16:51
Forum: General Conversation
Topic: Are you on myspace ?
Replies: 84
Views: 55611

Lauri [cirdan/pds]

No c64 stuff there tho' ;)
Same here ;)
by bign2003
13/02/2007 - 17:52
Forum: General Conversation
Topic: The Last Ninja Movie
Replies: 46
Views: 31260

Hey everyone, Joe here! Been a long while since I updated you on this so thought I'd do it now. My second feature TTK went down really well in December, it was screened to over 130 people and reaction was really good. Since then I've been doing short films, heres my updated filmography: http://www.g...