Search found 39 matches

by Glyn R Brown
27/02/2003 - 20:11
Forum: General Conversation
Topic: S.N.O.R 2
Replies: 33
Views: 25129

I've never read a book in my life :( except for when i was at school :lol: I just don't seem to have the patience for it , i can't even be bothered to read my " Catalogue sized " Triton manual ... Hey ! :idea: Perhaps one of you guys would like to read it , then you could explain to me how...
by Glyn R Brown
25/02/2003 - 0:26
Forum: Work In Progress, remix suggestions, and musicians talk
Topic: Deliplayer
Replies: 17
Views: 14934

Thanks DHS , Appreciate the help Buddy :D
by Glyn R Brown
25/02/2003 - 0:22
Forum: Work In Progress, remix suggestions, and musicians talk
Topic: Barbarian
Replies: 19
Views: 15889

Hey Bruno , hows things with my No:1 Canadian Buddy ?? :D No probs , i'll rip that music & send it to you 1st thing tomorrow :wink: hoomish >> Where in Macc did you work ??? Markus >> :roll: Hmmm , i forgot to get back to you on this one Buddy :( Truth is , when you mailed me , the link never wo...
by Glyn R Brown
25/02/2003 - 0:04
Forum: Work In Progress, remix suggestions, and musicians talk
Topic: Deliplayer
Replies: 17
Views: 14934

What player do i need to listen to these Original Amiga tunes ?
I downloaded one & it's an LHA File . What's LHA ????
You see i'm usless when it comes to PC's and all this computer jargon stuff !! :oops:
by Glyn R Brown
24/02/2003 - 20:45
Forum: Work In Progress, remix suggestions, and musicians talk
Topic: Barbarian
Replies: 19
Views: 15889

Marple ! Hmm , i know where that is :D
Well i'm not too far away , i'm in Macclesfield ...
by Glyn R Brown
24/02/2003 - 15:22
Forum: Site Improvements
Topic: Reviews order
Replies: 44
Views: 45153

It reminds me of the music from " CHERRY 2000 " - Poledouris .
I love this film score :) & a proud owner of 1 of the Very Limited 1500 only , pressed copies :wink:
by Glyn R Brown
24/02/2003 - 12:22
Forum: Work In Progress, remix suggestions, and musicians talk
Topic: Barbarian
Replies: 19
Views: 15889

HA !! Mighty Glyn :shock: Nooo .... That's tooo much ... Thanks anyhow Bruno :D As for the Barbarian tune , sorry but i'm not interested in doing this tune at all . I prefer just to listen to the Poledouris version , it' just the same in my ears . Especially the " Conan & Bombaata Battle&qu...
by Glyn R Brown
24/02/2003 - 12:08
Forum: Site Improvements
Topic: Reviews order
Replies: 44
Views: 45153

Hi Craig :)
Just checked out the web-site .
:shock: Those mp3's are !!! Very Impressive !!!
I Loved " The Crossing " ... Great Work !!
by Glyn R Brown
23/02/2003 - 22:46
Forum: Site Improvements
Topic: Reviews order
Replies: 44
Views: 45153

Oh Yeah ! Ha Ha !!!!! :lol:
by Glyn R Brown
23/02/2003 - 20:34
Forum: Site Improvements
Topic: Reviews order
Replies: 44
Views: 45153

:shock: Hey Neil , Thanks for the kind words Buddy :D Very true though , Firelord has many , Many floors , and Gordian Tomb has even more than i can count :oops: , Ha !!!! But i do see what you mean , like when Gayle listens to a piece of music , she only hears the tune itself , things like the melo...
by Glyn R Brown
31/01/2003 - 20:27
Forum: General Conversation
Topic: In the mood
Replies: 41
Views: 36380

Sorry Max , i thought this was the 1st one :oops:
Though i don't remember the match with wobbler , must'v missed that one .
by Glyn R Brown
31/01/2003 - 13:38
Forum: General Conversation
Topic: In the mood
Replies: 41
Views: 36380

:shock: This is a suprise !! 2 remixers going Head to Head ...
This'll be Interesting !! :)
by Glyn R Brown
29/01/2003 - 12:22
Forum: C64 / Amiga Remix Releases
Topic: NEW: Human Race
Replies: 17
Views: 19262

Quality as usual Buddy :wink:
by Glyn R Brown
29/01/2003 - 10:41
Forum: C64 / Amiga Remix Releases
Topic: It is Markus Schneider´s "Bírthday" !
Replies: 15
Views: 17696

:shock: Masterpiece ?? Ha ! i would'nt say that .. But thanks ! :D At the moment i am currently working on Times Of Lore for the Vol 2 CD . I intend to do it in a kinda Symphonic way , just working on a few ideas at the moment , & waiting for my Expansion board to arrive so i can add a more real...
by Glyn R Brown
29/01/2003 - 9:22
Forum: C64 / Amiga Remix Releases
Topic: It is Markus Schneider´s "Bírthday" !
Replies: 15
Views: 17696

Oops , Sorry Chris , i hope you don't think i wrote that because of your statement . I was just thanking Putzi for his kind words :D