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by Chappers
23/09/2003 - 14:37
Forum: General Conversation
Topic: Jon Hare
Replies: 4
Views: 7503

Jon Hare

Interesting snippet of news that I found out at Brighton. Was talking to Richard Joseph about how he was doing at Elixir Studios and the copy of the SexnDrugsnRocknRoll soundtrack I got from him a while back. He mentioned that Jon Hare is working at Elixir for a couple of days a week on another proj...
by Chappers
19/09/2003 - 9:56
Forum: Work In Progress, remix suggestions, and musicians talk
Topic: Long lost remix; need to find!
Replies: 8
Views: 8683

Whoops. Just spotted in your original post that you said you had already searched the remix archives. Sorry about that. :oops:

I'll just get me coat.....

by Chappers
19/09/2003 - 9:51
Forum: Work In Progress, remix suggestions, and musicians talk
Topic: Long lost remix; need to find!
Replies: 8
Views: 8683

Is the deal still on for your gf? Not that I'm desperate or anything :lol:

by Chappers
19/09/2003 - 9:48
Forum: Work In Progress, remix suggestions, and musicians talk
Topic: Long lost remix; need to find!
Replies: 8
Views: 8683

Might be a good idea to check out the site . There's also a link to it at the top of the page in this very forum.

Did a quick search on Delta and there's loads. Good luck m8y.

by Chappers
19/09/2003 - 9:35
Forum: General Conversation
Topic: Progression, not Regression
Replies: 84
Views: 52382

Sorry Hacky. Assumed you would already have SidPlay2. :)

Once you do get it, if you open the VARIOUS folder of the HVSC and follow the info I posted, you should find it no problem.

by Chappers
19/09/2003 - 8:41
Forum: General Conversation
Topic: Progression, not Regression
Replies: 84
Views: 52382

However, if you were to find a composer whose music you fancy, don't hesitate to check out the rest of their work as well! There are some real talents out there. This is exactly what I did with Glenn Gallefoss' music and found this little beauty which is one of my favourites by William Orbit. \C64M...
by Chappers
17/09/2003 - 18:01
Forum: Events & Broadcasting
Topic: Best moment of the event ...........
Replies: 37
Views: 25879

Darrenxyz wrote:
And of course being bought a drink by the biggest star of the show - Paul Chapman!

Aw shucks. Tis nothing :)

Though, last time I bought a drink for someone, the barman didn't accept Spanish doubloons (obscure Red Dwarf joke)

*does quick mime of wallet creaking open*

by Chappers
17/09/2003 - 17:50
Forum: Events & Broadcasting
Topic: Best moment of the event ...........
Replies: 37
Views: 25879

When I approached Martin Galway he was like "I havent seen you for a good while.." :shock: it was like, he knew me! or maybe I just made a complete bafoon of myself infront of him last time... Martin said the same to me when I was sat next to him just before the photoshoot started :) He r...
by Chappers
17/09/2003 - 14:51
Forum: Events & Broadcasting
Topic: I heard a rumour....... about some people @ Bitlive Brighton
Replies: 25
Views: 16888

Russ Michaels was definitely there... though no one seems to have snapped him anywhere yet! I was told the Rowlands were at the Prodigal by two different people, but sadly missed them due to arriving late from the rehearsal... Saw Kenz chatting to the Rowland bros for a while. Heard they were there...
by Chappers
17/09/2003 - 14:42
Forum: Events & Broadcasting
Topic: Best moment of the event ...........
Replies: 37
Views: 25879

So what was your best moment at Bit 4 Paul? It would have to be getting a big hug from Mark Haitch Bee for "kudos for wearing that suit". Wore a suit to the concert, y'see. Mind you, he was hugging a lot of other people as well (you're me best mate, facking brilliant concert etc. etc.). V...
by Chappers
17/09/2003 - 14:16
Forum: Events & Broadcasting
Topic: Best moment of the event ...........
Replies: 37
Views: 25879

Vinny wrote:Phew! That's more like it.

I didn't think anyone could be THAT sad :)
Relief all round, methinks :)

by Chappers
17/09/2003 - 13:50
Forum: Events & Broadcasting
Topic: Best moment of the event ...........
Replies: 37
Views: 25879

HOLD ON A SEC! You were taking the piss with your post right? Ok, I admit it. Your Going Live impression was pants, any clown could do that (and I should know!) And worse still, you came across as a shameless attention-grabbing media-whore with no redeeming features whatsoever :) *pant* *wheeze* Fe...
by Chappers
17/09/2003 - 12:28
Forum: Events & Broadcasting
Topic: Best moment of the event ...........
Replies: 37
Views: 25879

My favourite moment was meeting Vinny Mainolfi and Frank Gasking for the first time. Was chatting with Vinny for ages about his appearance on the phone-in for Steve Wright many years ago on Going Live - he mentioned his uncle had worked in TV before and had conditioned Vinny on how to impress for th...
by Chappers
16/09/2003 - 12:42
Forum: Events & Broadcasting
Topic: Report from BIT 4 in Brighton ....
Replies: 224
Views: 126910

I think the Asian girl you are wittering on about is the one that had her back signed at BIT1 Correct-a-mundo there... though my brain has failed once MORE and I can't remember her name! I met and spoke to her for a bit during the afternoon, caught up on what had been happening since being plastere...
by Chappers
16/09/2003 - 12:23
Forum: Events & Broadcasting
Topic: Suggestions anyone for the next BIT Live ?
Replies: 47
Views: 30432

Just seems mighty strange to me thats all, we have had 2am closing here for about 6 years or so. curious, does anywhere else have pubs that stay open til 2am without the need of paying admission? I'm beginning to think it's just a Donny thing. Our Nightclubs close at 4am, is that unusal too? Not qu...