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by hyperhack
14/09/2004 - 9:43
Forum: Events & Broadcasting
Topic: Honest Opinion?
Replies: 199
Views: 98462

Sheesh man! I was only having a joke about C64 Mafia and mentioning that Im not personally a fan of RAP thats all! That doesnt mean that I still didn't find it funny thought, I was laughing my head off with the stuff they come out with! Why is it, you make a couple of comments and Rambones comes bac...
by hyperhack
14/09/2004 - 3:23
Forum: Events & Broadcasting
Topic: Bitlive 2004 - Some Pics & Video Links
Replies: 58
Views: 32151

photo gallery :D

Okay dudez Here is my photo gallery! Managed to get some half decent pics with my dodgy nasty yucky digital camera!!!! Also, for those that didnt see 'renegade_si' on TV a little while back on Gamestars, then here is a treat for you all....
by hyperhack
13/09/2004 - 23:51
Forum: Events & Broadcasting
Topic: Honest Opinion?
Replies: 199
Views: 98462

Someone said it was shite? :evil: I guess no one said it was shite (you just don't say that to the mafia ;) ), just a couple of "weakest link" kind of hints. I guess they either didn't get the point, or are over sensitive to rap. Most likely both. But as I said, I don't really mind it sin...
by hyperhack
13/09/2004 - 19:29
Forum: Events & Broadcasting
Topic: The next 'Back In Time Live' (BIT2K5 if there is one?)
Replies: 66
Views: 32106

Sorry i got all distracted from SF when Orchid appeard on the side of the KILLER INSTINCT cab ;) Hell yeah! Wasnt that just a ferking cool game! 80hit combo! severely funny to watch and the music oh it was great! I still have the Killer Cuts CD that came with the SNES version and listen to it all t...
by hyperhack
13/09/2004 - 19:24
Forum: Events & Broadcasting
Topic: Abuse of my camera
Replies: 7
Views: 4019

rambones wrote:I have already done the detective work, but I'm trying real hard not to be the tyranni of evil men.
Well you heard it people! All you camera nicking b*stards better run and hide because:

It's Sherlock Bones the Danish Detective!

sorry Rambones couldnt resist!
by hyperhack
13/09/2004 - 19:18
Forum: Events & Broadcasting
Topic: The next 'Back In Time Live' (BIT2K5 if there is one?)
Replies: 66
Views: 32106

Guile just did my head in, he was too slow - well, except on the turbo version . Ken and Ryu were basicly just the same char... very useable, love em.... ive always thought of them as extensions from the original Way of the Exploding Fist arcade cab (remember that, the mid section where you had to ...
by hyperhack
13/09/2004 - 19:10
Forum: Events & Broadcasting
Topic: Abuse of my camera
Replies: 7
Views: 4019

Nothing worse than someone nicking your camera, taking snaps and not clearing them off! Seems like a bit of detective work is needed RAMBONES! Reminds me of the Vandals who filmed themselves smashing things up and then left their camera behind! unlucky for them someone handed it into the police! :lol:
by hyperhack
13/09/2004 - 19:00
Forum: Events & Broadcasting
Topic: Thank you from Visa Röster!
Replies: 21
Views: 14704

Chris Abbott wrote:It would probably be unfair to have a "name your favourite Visa Roster girl" argument....

Elsa! :oops:

Yeah, your quite right Chris!

HANNA!!!!! :wink:

damnit! thinking out loud again!
by hyperhack
13/09/2004 - 18:56
Forum: Events & Broadcasting
Topic: The next 'Back In Time Live' (BIT2K5 if there is one?)
Replies: 66
Views: 32106

Matrix an old streetfighter II champ eh? HADOOOOOOOKEN!!!!!!!!!!! Right doods bring your MAME'd PC to the next BIT! I missed out (as well as others) with the MAME Compo at Brighton last time! Who wants a pixelled slap in the chops? I'm sure *cough* renegade_si will join in! YA-YA-YA-YA-YA-YA-YA-YA-...
by hyperhack
13/09/2004 - 18:49
Forum: Events & Broadcasting
Topic: The next 'Back In Time Live' (BIT2K5 if there is one?)
Replies: 66
Views: 32106

Matrix an old streetfighter II champ eh?


Right doods bring your MAME'd PC to the next BIT! I missed out (as well as others) with the MAME Compo at Brighton last time!

Who wants a pixelled slap in the chops?

I'm sure *cough* renegade_si will join in!
by hyperhack
13/09/2004 - 11:13
Forum: Events & Broadcasting
Topic: New idea
Replies: 19
Views: 11696

Matrix wrote:Well we need a KNIGHT in shining armour to save out BIT :) That violin could leave a MARK on anyone he hits with it eh ;)
Ahhh yes! but does it leave a MARK on anyone that gets strangled with it during mid-play? That's the question! Wheres Gazl? He would know! lol
by hyperhack
12/09/2004 - 23:45
Forum: Events & Broadcasting
Replies: 129
Views: 67662

Dont get £50 notes either! there are lots around with the ink still wet!!!!

pmsl! :lol:
by hyperhack
12/09/2004 - 23:43
Forum: Events & Broadcasting
Replies: 129
Views: 67662

yeah but dont u have to be the manager of the place or be female and shagging the manager to get the £50 a day bog? :lol:
by hyperhack
12/09/2004 - 21:47
Forum: Events & Broadcasting
Topic: Thanks!
Replies: 25
Views: 13293

Don't forget to give yourself a pat on the back Chris!
by hyperhack
12/09/2004 - 21:44
Forum: Events & Broadcasting
Topic: New idea
Replies: 19
Views: 11696

Well, I suppose theres nothing quite like MARKing the kNIGHT with some mad fiddling!

Okay that was terrible, I hang my head in shame as I leave the stage! :lol: