Search found 12 matches

by HungryHorace
08/01/2006 - 21:20
Forum: C64 / Amiga Remix Releases
Topic: Super Monsterboy in Wonderland
Replies: 7
Views: 4788

Chris Abbott wrote: Well, I am a huge fan of your skiing :)
:lol: good to hear. well i'm glad that ugly misunderstanding is out of the way (that was far more likely to keep me awake at night than the remix tbh!)

so maybe now you've calmed down you can tell me why you said... hehe - just kidding! :wink:
by HungryHorace
08/01/2006 - 20:50
Forum: C64 / Amiga Remix Releases
Topic: Super Monsterboy in Wonderland
Replies: 7
Views: 4788

ok, i obviously didnt put in that second post quite quick enough, and thats blown it. i'm not after any reflected glory, and i dont expect anyone to give a monkeys whether or not i post tracks or not, that *really* wasnt what i intended to be implied by that last statement, just that i should have b...
by HungryHorace
08/01/2006 - 20:38
Forum: C64 / Amiga Remix Releases
Topic: Super Monsterboy in Wonderland
Replies: 7
Views: 4788

btw chris, reading my post back, i hope i dont come across as a complete arse... :shock:
you're quite right to criticise every element of the track with the reasoning you have, but i just wanted you to understand my reasoning behind the decisions i made when i made this track the way it is.
by HungryHorace
08/01/2006 - 20:14
Forum: C64 / Amiga Remix Releases
Topic: Super Monsterboy in Wonderland
Replies: 7
Views: 4788

let me just say thanks for the response Chris, its appriciated. with regards to your comments i've the following to say; The instruments you're using seem like this: 1) Two square wave lead instruments (taken from original?) 2) One square wave bassline 3) Some drums 4) Some sample/hold bassline that...
by HungryHorace
08/01/2006 - 17:49
Forum: C64 / Amiga Remix Releases
Topic: Super Monsterboy in Wonderland
Replies: 7
Views: 4788

Super Monsterboy in Wonderland

hi guys, well, it's only been up for a short while, but my latest remix Super Monsterboy in Wonderland looks like its gonna go down like a sack o' sh**. :( I understand its probably not to everyone's tastes, but if it really is *that* bad, would a few of you mind giving me some constructive criticis...
by HungryHorace
06/01/2006 - 13:56
Forum: General Conversation
Topic: Get anything nice from santa this year then?
Replies: 23
Views: 10826

Horace, are you referring to old (vintage) Doctor Who, or the new stuff? errr... i''ll be honest; a lot of both! i've got all the new stuff on there, and i've just been watching "Ambassadors of Death" (an old Jon Pertwee story) on there. the screens so small i can fall asleep with it righ...
by HungryHorace
05/01/2006 - 14:02
Forum: Fun Forum
Topic: [GAME] Image Association Game #2
Replies: 1488
Views: 492367

by HungryHorace
04/01/2006 - 20:30
Forum: Fun Forum
Topic: [GAME] Image Association Game #2
Replies: 1488
Views: 492367


BTW Steve B wins Horace's "coolest post ever" award for the Cyberman pic. :worship:
by HungryHorace
04/01/2006 - 14:58
Forum: General Conversation
Topic: Get anything nice from santa this year then?
Replies: 23
Views: 10826

i got a rather sweet little video iPod - which was quickly stuffed full of Doctor Who episodes and game remixes (and very little else) Took me ages to give all those mp3's the graphics of the game-boxes mind you... (but worth it i think!) maybe now i can use the term "podcast" in public wi...
by HungryHorace
29/12/2005 - 21:43
Forum: Other Releases
Topic: ZX Spectrum Remix spares
Replies: 8
Views: 7413

Nightshade; eaten and tasted fine. :) thanks, like i say, it could use some work (largely mixing) but i'm glad it doesnt grate on your ears! Horace goes raving; rave ain't my thing but it sounds quite nice; e.g. some instrument effects. yeah, i wouldnt imagine it to be to everyones taste, but it's ...
by HungryHorace
29/12/2005 - 16:58
Forum: Other Releases
Topic: ZX Spectrum Remix spares
Replies: 8
Views: 7413

ZX Spectrum Remix spares

hi guys, just though i'd drop you all a couple of links, since i dont really know what to do with them. There two remixes of ZX Spectrum games, one features the "3 note beeps" from Horace and the Spiders and is a somewhat silly Rave tune i made a few years ago. (also featuring many amiga /...
by HungryHorace
27/12/2005 - 15:45
Forum: C64 / Amiga Remix Releases
Topic: Lotus 3 Theme
Replies: 0
Views: 2738

Lotus 3 Theme

hiya guys, first, a quick hello from a long time listener, a couple of times submitter, and first time forum poster! i basically wanted to start a thread to get some feedback for my remix which some of you have been very kind to vote for (and not one under "good" so far!) - thanks to woody...