Search found 259 matches

by Feekzoid
04/09/2009 - 14:31
Forum: General Conversation
Topic: BIT Live 20xx
Replies: 50
Views: 34158

Re: BIT Live 20xx

I for one loved 2004 @ St Lukes, and would love a repeat of something similar. I find the idea of an event where people are wandering about, gabbing at the bar and what not during a planned/organised event/performance abhorrent. It would annoy the hell out of me, like people having a conversation in...
by Feekzoid
03/11/2007 - 10:50
Forum: Fun Forum
Topic: Halloween Get-up!
Replies: 4
Views: 7147

Re: Halloween Get-up!

Well I finally achieved a childhood want...



Was great fun, especially as we lit up our hallway with a green laser and smoke machine :D
by Feekzoid
22/08/2007 - 15:44
Forum: General Conversation
Replies: 26
Views: 78781


On my original first C64, I found that by feeding the audio in as an OUT to my tape-deck/amp, I was getting the isolated "sample" channel - was really cool with Skate or Die, Turbo OutRun etc... sorta weird stereo, and being about 13-14 at the time, I thought it was awesome to hear just th...
by Feekzoid
15/04/2007 - 13:02
Forum: Fun Forum
Topic: Desert Dream on the C64
Replies: 5
Views: 5081

Desert Dream on the C64

Dont know if anyone else has seen this....
by Feekzoid
11/04/2007 - 11:52
Forum: Events & Broadcasting
Topic: Back in Time Live 2007 - official thread
Replies: 505
Views: 293481

Steve Dee wrote:
Feekzoid wrote:Wont be able to confirm if I can go until May unfortunately, but damn hope to.

Is Kenz aboot? He going?
Feekzoid, u live up these parts dontcha??? only im looking for a travel companion...
Sorry for delay, if I *can* go, I'd be flying from Inverness.
by Feekzoid
21/03/2007 - 16:33
Forum: Events & Broadcasting
Topic: Back in Time Live 2007 - official thread
Replies: 505
Views: 293481

Wont be able to confirm if I can go until May unfortunately, but damn hope to.

Is Kenz aboot? He going?
by Feekzoid
28/02/2007 - 15:25
Forum: Events & Broadcasting
Topic: Back in Time Live 2007 - official thread
Replies: 505
Views: 293481

Gotta confim accom... but I hope to go :)
by Feekzoid
15/02/2007 - 7:22
Forum: Events & Broadcasting
Topic: Back in Time Live 2007 - official thread
Replies: 505
Views: 293481

lol, I occasionaly check the main remix64 page, and often BITlive info leaks to other forum topics... plus ofcourse I've not been listening to any of the live shows on Slay... So I've kinda been out of the loop for a while and just happened to catch something about it in one of the other forum topic...
by Feekzoid
14/02/2007 - 16:32
Forum: Events & Broadcasting
Topic: Back in Time Live 2007 - official thread
Replies: 505
Views: 293481

(only realises today that there is a new Back in Time Live event)

by Feekzoid
04/01/2007 - 22:03
Forum: Fun Forum
Replies: 40
Views: 22710

Is good, but am more impressed by this dude: Quite a famous ukelele performance now, but more importantly the guys own take on a song, and I love this performance, more than I like the original track, and the guy is obviously "feeling" what he pla...
by Feekzoid
31/12/2006 - 11:44
Forum: Fun Forum
Topic: What's your New Year Resolution?
Replies: 16
Views: 11198

New years resolution:

Compose at least one C64 remix!
by Feekzoid
19/12/2006 - 14:47
Forum: General Conversation
Topic: Mobile SID or Mod player
Replies: 16
Views: 17324

I think its just Symbian OS phones that can play SID's.
by Feekzoid
19/12/2006 - 14:43
Forum: General Conversation
Topic: Are you on myspace ?
Replies: 84
Views: 55463

I managed to do that ok. I cancelled - created a personal one with the html from the that one, waited 24 hours, then recreated /feekzoid as a band one. ...only AFTER emailing myspace to ask about account conversion... no answer... so I did it meself... and got an answer from the...
by Feekzoid
18/11/2006 - 11:25
Forum: General Conversation
Topic: Are you on myspace ?
Replies: 84
Views: 55463

Lol, I've been on myspace a while, but more for my sinister goth alter-ego than my music stuff... tho I did try and make it a bit more of both!
by Feekzoid
16/10/2006 - 6:22
Forum: Events & Broadcasting
Topic: Where is
Replies: 10
Views: 11786

Baffling! How could Scenemusic get taken down for copyright issues?

Also.. its *still* broadcasting!