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Post by LaLa »

Imagine that your soul has just been crushed, you are feeling sad, depressed,
angry and powerless all at the same time. You are looking for that little ray
of sunshine and hope that would lift your spirit - if just for a second - and
imagine that there's nobody else around who can give that to you.

Except for a single song.

For many-many years the song that has perfectly (!) expressed such combined
emotions of sadness and hope for me was "Sweet" by Johannes Bjerregaard.
Although since then many other songs came very close to it, to me it is still
the single most emotional SID tune that I've ever heard. And I'm not ashamed
to admit that to this date it is still the only SID tune that can make me cry.

So, needless to say, my hands were shaking in nervousness as I could hardly
wait to hear Markus Schneider and Mahoney's joint effort, one of the latest
uploads at R.K.O., "Sweet (feat. Elsa & Karin)". As the tune was downloading,
I remembered Mahoney's absolutely fantastic rendition of "Armaggedon Man", an
exceptionally emotional jazzy piece that also features Karin's voice. As the
tune was downloading, I remembered the many great covers made by Markus
Schneider in near-perfect symphonic style. And so I thought that if their
joint effort is just half as good as their individual remixes, I am in for a

But unfortunately, this story doesn't have a happy ending.

This cover of "Sweet" turned out to be the very first piece both from Markus
and Mahoney that disappointed me. Of course, I should've known better: when
you are so emotionally attached to the original SID tune, when you put your
expectations about an unheard remix so high, it is bound to fail.

However, in my mind, their cover is more than just a failure: it's sacrilege.
With some silly voice-overs and the really unnecessary inclusion of an excerpt
from "Sweet Dreams" by Eurythmics they managed to destroy the very soul, the
very essence of this great Bjerregaard composition.

I don't doubt that others will find this remix very enjoyable (and, judging
from the current rating of this song, they already have). But I think in those
moments of my life when I need some support, I'll just keep listening to the
original SID version and wait for that genius who will turn it into a real
emotional remix for me...


DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed above are mine and mine only. People are
different, so their opinions and feelings about subjective matters like art
are also different. If you can't live with that, tough sh..t. I still have the
utmost respect for the works of both Mahoney and Markus Schneider - except for
this latest one. :) Maybe from the distance of a year I will look at this
remix for what it really is (a silly little remix), but for now I'm quite
upset and rather disappointed, and I won't apologize for my emotions...
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Re: Sweet

Post by Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson »

LaLa wrote:but for now I'm quite
upset and rather disappointed, and I won't apologize for my emotions...
Lala. I perfectly understand your emotions. I am deeply sorry for having tripped on your toes this time. I have probably done that a lot of times to a lot of people, but you are the first in this community to tell me so, and I thank you for your down-to-earth expression of your feelings.

Remixing a known tune is a hazardous game, and I know that I'm always wandering in deep water. I make silly remixes, as you might have noticed. All the time, all of them. Even Armageddon man has a notch of sillyness in it, because that is how I want it! And, that is probably the way that I will continue.

Considering Sweet, it was a Markus-Schneider-trademark-remix, until I got hold of it and turned it into a childish, silly, and to a few people, funny, remix. I think that Markus Schneiders original intents would suit your mood about this tune better.

Lala, I am sorry for disappointing your expectations for a remix of Sweet. As I'm interpretating your post here, maybe even the-best-remix-ever of Sweet would not stand up to your expectations in this case.

I hope that you can still enjoy the original Sweet SID as much as ever!

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Post by tas »

ooooo controversal....

Wonder what Lala will think of Lagerfeldts SWEET when its out. Dunno, but i'm running to those hills now ;)
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Post by Lagerfeldt »


I can only say this:

The Sweet (My Sun Shines On) remix I've made, which should be available for download soon, comes from the heart, and while I can only hope to capture others' emotions, I have captured the feelings the song renders for me personally.

My remix features original nostalgic lyrics, and live violin by my girlfriend Sunniva. So while the melody and feel is slightly sad, it's also a collaboration of love for music.

I'm not without hope that my remix will help LaLa feel a bit better ;-)
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Post by LMan »

I agree with Pex; if you're emotionally bound to a piece of music, no remix/remake/cover version will ever meet your expectations. Not being familiar to the original, and therefore holding a more objective point of view, I can only say that both remixes of Sweet are extraordinary outstanding pieces of work. Very well done, Markus & Pex and Holger. :D

Have a nice day,

- Markus :)
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Re: Sweet

Post by LaLa »

Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson wrote: Lala. I perfectly understand your emotions. I am deeply sorry for having tripped on your toes this time.
Just like I don't feel the need to apologize for my emotions and opinions, there's really no need for you to apologize for tripping on my toes, either. You can't please everybody every time, and this time you happened NOT to please me. And that's fine, that's life/art for you. I simply expressed an - admittedly harsh :) - opinion, I wasn't looking for apologies or anything like that.
Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson wrote: I have probably done that a lot of times to a lot of people, but you are the first in this community to tell me so, and I thank you for your down-to-earth expression of your feelings.
Opinions - that I have plenty of. :wink: You're welcome, I guess... :P
Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson wrote: Remixing a known tune is a hazardous game, and I know that I'm always wandering in deep water.
...And please, if I may ask you, continue to do so! Don't let my one-time criticism stop you! Many times your wanderings produced great remixes, for which I'm eternally grateful. This time you happened to dive way too deep for me, but I'm obviously in the minority when you look at the ratings of this remix...
Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson wrote: Lala, I am sorry for disappointing your expectations for a remix of Sweet. As I'm interpretating your post here, maybe even the-best-remix-ever of Sweet would not stand up to your expectations in this case.

I hope that you can still enjoy the original Sweet SID as much as ever!
Let's just wait what this Lagerfeldt guy can do, then I'll speak again, like I always do, LOL! :D
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Post by Lagerfeldt »

Don't be too hard on me ;-)

I must say I find the current Sweet remix quite silly too, so I assess it quite low musically, but again high in the fun department. However, I never felt this song was intended to be fun or used in a funny way personally, so I probably share a bit of LaLa's feelings (though I wouldn't use his rather trademark harsh style).

I've made this piece out of fun and because I like Johannes original work, hope you all enjoy it!

My remix is not a "remix" in the truest sense, it's a heavily inspired new song in fact.

Enough said. 8)
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Post by DHS »

my 2 cents...

I read between the lines that this isn't a good time for LaLa and this saddens me. On the other side, beside MS/Mahoney cover being "funny" it is also a big work of love, profesionism and, yeah, a little of hirony.

In my eyes, this don't lower the value of the cover itself. I love this remix, and the singing and voices give to it that touch of experimentation and contamination that makes it unique.

I listened yesterday to Tas show, where Lagerfelt mix has been aired too, and i was very impressed by it too. Hope it won't get on anyone nerves, 'cos i think every step taken in remixing a tune in new and original ways should be praised, not shattered. Expecially if there's such big amount of passion and profesionism like in MS/Mahoney and Lagerfelt creations.

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Post by tas »

I absolutely adore both mixes of sweet and i can't fault either.

Great job too all involved in both mixes. :)
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Post by skitz »

I am also totally blown away by both of these remixes.

I am also fortunate to have heard the "raw" music by Markus Schneider and can say musically it is simply stunning!

I wasn't sure about the talking or "Sweet Dreams" chorus either at first but once you listen to it a few times it really does work! Only Mahoney could ever think to put the melody from Sweet Dreams to this orchestral track - the man is a GENIUS I tell ya! :D

I look forward to Lagerfeldt's version to be released too because what I heard of it on Tas's show last night - it is also amazing!
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Post by Markus Schneider »

Well, as it is you can't really please everyone and we are lying to ourselves if you think you can do. Otherwise I am scared that it is possible to hit someones emotions with a remix as we seemed to have done with it with Sweet - in a positive as negative way.
For you LaLa I can say that your (open) words shows a strong character and I really appreciate that.

Further I have to say that this was the most extensive and so far professional piece I have worked on / with. It had several different orchestrations and it seemed I never made pleasant for me as I wanted to have it and drove me insane. And it's contrary that especially the point I tried to enhance as much - the expression - is failed for you.

If you wanted to give it chance without voices I can mail you an instrumental version. But for me the vocal work of Pex (and the girls) is a necessary essential of it and I really do felt in love. This is for the files.

We used Sweet as a musical base for something new, something else, something different and that's probably the point it fails for people who 'grow up' with Sweet.
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Post by tas »

Over the years i've come to notice there are two sets of fans...

Purists, and creativists (yeah i made that word up).

Purists like their remixes unmodified or rather keeping the structure as close to the original. Creativists like a more progressive version and enjoy hearing risk taking and whole new concepts while using the original as a template.

There's no right or wrong with either ideal, but seldom can you please both sets. I'm not saying this is the case here with Lala, but maybe on this occassion with this particular sid lala would have been happy with the purist approach.

As for me i'm part of the second set; the creativists so i particularlly enjoy the work here.
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Post by Chris Abbott »

> There's no right or wrong with either ideal, but seldom can you
> please both sets.
I think you sometimes can, but I also think the creativists are outnumbered, but more vocal (and they vote on RKO more!!).

The average listener to this kind of stuff:

1) Usually only downloads MP3s featuring tracks they actually like
2) Buys CDs on the basis of track listing only, with quality a secondary interest
3) Likes tunes which remind them of the original SID

People on this board are generally not average, but a creative, risktaking subset of the whole. There's a subset of people who think we as a community are getting hung up on technical aspects (both sonically and musically), and aren't producing tunes any more which give them solid nostalgic happy feelings. Our own quest for musical excellence cannot be denied, but is often at odds with the intended listener. I've mentioned before that this is the same dynamic that applies when a band wants to progress musically but the audience wants more of the same :)

All these sectors have to co-exist, of course, and none of them are right or wrong: each has his own needs. I'm just trying to produce something for everyone ;-)

I talk to a lot of SID fans who never come to messageboards, download only sparingly from RKO and for whom it's not as much of an obsession as it is for us, and this is pretty much what the current state of mind is: of course, this subset doesn't mind off-the-wall remixes if done well, but it's not what they're looking for from the RKO experience. Even something like BIT 3 is packed with SID to evoke those nostalgic feelings (even more so than BIT 1 or 2, ironically).

I think Remix64 - Into Eternity is as far divorced from the original SID as the community will allow us to go: to that extent it is indeed the cutting edge :) It wouldn't be wise to stray beyond that point.

Of course, with live performances, people appreciate what they get and what they see: mostly because they get the additional added sensory aspect of performance: something that's missing from an MP3 played through a speaker.

This probably should have been an editorial ;-)

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Post by tas »

yeah i suppose you can actually please both, but getting the balance addressed correctly is rare. I suppose "Glyn R Brown" gets that balance right tho he doesn't use sid.

Thats the real problem isn't it, we can think what people want, we can even talk to masses of people, but still we have no real way knowing. We can only summerise this.

yeah totally right, Remix64 v2 is something very different to any other CD out there, if thats a good thing or a bad thing the sales of the CD's will only show and a true picture will be known in several months time. Again i couldn't go further than this, despite wanting too. I always said from day one that people will either dislike it with a passion or fall for it head over heals with it, and there's gonna be people who just doesn't understand it. Fortunately most have come in the form of the "head over heals" part, tho there's been a few of the other two instances too. Most notably the "Don't understand it" part. (looks at superplay with that remark ;)

but generally, judging by the sales and early feedback from customers i think it's done nicely so far. :)

Judging by the coments from Lala above, its quite possible he'd hate it too, as i guess MS/MY version of sweet is probably the closest there is to r64 v2.
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Post by Chris Abbott »

I don't think anyone gets the balance "right" consistently: not even Instant Remedy (himself one of the most consistent remixers).

> we can think what people want, we can even talk to masses of
> people, but still we have no real way knowing.
As a statistician, I can point out that with a sufficiently broad sample you can make a very accurate decision as to how people are thinking without talking to everybody.

Last edited by Chris Abbott on 19/02/2004 - 12:49, edited 1 time in total.
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