Personal lists

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Personal lists

Post by sumppi »

I don't know if this has been suggested before, but here goes anyway.

As a community feature It would be great if users could group remixes forming personal lists, sharing them via the member profiles or on a new section (listed by creation date etc). Instead of voting it would be another method to find remixes.

Instead of just "personal top 10 by sumppi" I see possibilities for more interesting lists:
- Top10 rock/dance/genre remixes
- Top10 remixes that use SID sounds
- Top10 remixes to get you going in the morning
- Top10 remixes from action games

And for those of us that have strong opinions about vocals:
- Bottom 10 blasphemous vocal remixes (Sorry, had to ;) )

As a bonus feature it could automatically create winamp playlists from said personal lists to be used if you have your own personal RKO collection.

All in all, if you've seen the movie High Fidelity you know what I'm talking about. And those of you that haven't seen it - go and rent it now! :)

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Personal lists

Post by C64GLeN »

I've always thought the possiblity to list the remixes by how I rated them would be a great feature.
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Post by Larsec »

Great idea me thinks... Cute :)
<--- I went that way --->
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Jan Lund Thomsen
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Re: Personal lists

Post by Jan Lund Thomsen »

sumppi wrote:All in all, if you've seen the movie High Fidelity you know what I'm talking about. And those of you that haven't seen it - go and rent it now! :)
Or read the book. I'm told such things still exist. =)
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Re: Personal lists

Post by sumppi »

Jan Lund Thomsen wrote:Or read the book. I'm told such things still exist. =)
I could try to sneak out of this shame by explaining how I tried approaching the masses via the lowest common... oh forget it :)

Yeah, I've read (and have) the Nick Hornsby book too, just forgot totally that it exists. I'm not much of a fiction reader myself. Besides, books take too much time from all the fun things ;)

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Post by LMan »

Okay I hope I'll find some time to create this feature. :)
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