Amiga remixes - reviews

The place for musicians to share their knowledge and ideas about music and remixing, and to post WIP snippets and feedback. Also suggest tunes for remixing, here.

Amiga remix reviews

Amiga remixes are crap, who cares?
Amiga reviews aren't needed, just the music matters!
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Amiga remixes - erm, which reviews? Where? (?)
I'm lazy, I just want musicians to give me music and shut up.
I can't write, sorry.
I don't have an opinion about Amiga remixes, just give me the bloody music, damn it!
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But I wrote a review! (Only eligible for Tas, Rafael and Infamous)
I voted for "I can't write, sorry" but I can read. That's how I knew what to vote for. I'm clever, yes.
Total votes: 13

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Post by SelectaNovel »

Do you now what I mean know? 5 days no response on a board post, 3 votes for a new song in one week...I thought at least at the week-end there'd be some traffic in the amigaremix section... :roll:
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Post by Chris Abbott »

> thought at least at the week-end there'd be some traffic in
> the amigaremix section...
Why? Did you do a major publicity blitz for the site? If you didn't perhaps you should!

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Post by Vosla »

I wrote a review a long time ago, dunno if it was an amiga remix or a c64 remix. Afterwards I felt it was a somehow inadequate review and I think people don't get my point (confusing?!), so I refrained from writing more and I do just comment on posts. Dunno why the amiga corner isn't crawling with fans, it's strange I myself didn't post there... and: *no*, it wasn't honorabili who kept me from posting (well, duh, just a lil'). :wink:
All is lost.
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Post by Infamous »

Mehhhh... ok ... infamous's skewed veiw of the world of reviews and that whole amiga remix site time me thinks.

Amiga remix is still really in conceptual design, paul hasnt really got the spare time to be sitting and doing the same level of maintenance and leg work as say mr abbott or markus. so the site itself is likely to sit pretty dormant and only have a small group of id say hardcore amiga fans that will post/download from it.

Im pretty sure once upon a time remix 64 had the same slow build up where people came in... passed through and didnt bother. expected it to be a fad.. who wants to listen to remixs of silly old 8bit 3 channel (Sometimes 4... or 5 ( psuedo of course)) tunes? when theres kylie minogue or whoever was big back then to pine over?.

But with work and effort and the hardcore few that put in the time and the .. um effort (Again) the site grew, other websites spawned the community grew and compared to some mediums (ie mr vg remix... oc etc) remix is up there with them despite it only sticking to one particular format.. and an old one at that.

Now, again with alot of work and alot of support even from just one or two people amiga remix's site will gradually get bigger and as time goes on it will likely glean its own forums its own "remix 64" site and then the natural progression from there would be regretion and there will be a remix vic20 site or something equally ludicrus.

simple fact is, its fine to sit and moan that you aint getting any recognition there or you aint getting downloads per minute or your face is a googlie because only 1 person voted etc etc.. but this is just a reflection of it being new.
lets not forget the HUGE teething problems that amiga remix has had, that had crippled the poor thing for a longer length of time than even rko.
rko went down for 2 months... amiga remix was already down for about 3 months prior to that. now its back it sounds like those who contribute are expecting this huge sudden boom in activity but lets be honest.. its not going to happen.

its 5/6 months in perpetual limbo will have frankly f$£"cked it for publicity, the original energy for the site the idea has been diluted, those that were intrested in the 1st place are id imagine feeling a little jaded by the lack of support.. but to those i say (because im one of them) dont worry.
so the wheels fell off the cart on the 1st turn... lets just stick them back on again and tighten the nuts a little better.

instead of griping that this that or the other aint getting exposure... give it exposure take it other places.. tell other people... advertise.. get the word out... surely the majority of you use other message boards?.. chat programs? have your own website? advertise.. put amiga remix on your site, mention you put your music there.. its not going to grow on its own.

I can gaurantee if others take the baton like paul did.. like chris, neil, markus etc etc did before him (and please notice remix 64.. was not created and maintained by ONE person.. amiga remix IS) . if other's take the baton lighten the load and start to put input into A.R then it will grow it will prosper i aint saying it'll become the greatest website ever and its got a LONG way to go before it even matches rko.. but it'll be a good resource for remixs of tunes that alot of people remember fondly.

and we'd be a part of it.

and being a part of something special is always something to be proud of, so no moaning, no expecting miracles... if you have an idea contact paul.. offer a hand.. give the poor guy a break he's got alot of shit on quiet clearly and for even getting the damn thing up and maintaining the sodding site he deserves a medal.
just ask jan how annoying running a thriving website can be, it aint as simple as click click.. sorted, when things go drastically wrong is it.

there ive said it.
now im off to continue remixing obscure tunes by someone called rob.
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Post by Chris Abbott »

I'm kind of agreeing with you there Infy, though a couple of points to widen the picture:

1) There was a huge C64 remix scene even before Remix64 came on the scene: there was no such scene when came on the scene. So it's got a lot harder job.

2) Remix64 is LMan's baby, from database design through to user interface. All us other admins just borrowed it! The best comparison to draw is between RKO and, not between remix64 and which, after all, is part of the remix64 unity of sites. Of course you kind of make that point anyway.

Anyway, a whole Amiga Remix scene has to be built from scratch, and that means both getting remixes in, and getting fans to come and appreciate. The C64 scene was driven by demand, in that people were just waiting for it to happen, and then jumped on it. There's no such demand from Amiga users, partially because the C64 remix scene started as an attempt to preserve the tunes in more modern forms and with more modern instruments (even before HVSC), and there's a lot less point doing that with Amiga tunes because the musical gaps to fill are smaller.

Perhaps getting Jan Zottmann to give some suggestions in this area? If anyone would know who/where the Amiga Remix fans hang out, then it's him (having done Immortal 2 and soon... 3).

Another quick point that occurs: are all the classic tunes that everyone will remember done? Or have people picked on obscure subtunes? One of the reasons behind the growth of the C64 scene was that people came for certain tunes, usually Hubbard or Galway, and those tunes were available immediately to them, whether MIDI, MP3 or CD. Do people get that sense of "oooh, this is what I've been waiting for all of my life" feeling about Should people be doing more "classic" covers?

Should this have been an editorial? :)

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Post by SelectaNovel »

SelectaNovel wrote:Do you now what I mean know?
What the heck? See how nervous I am :lol:

So...damn long post by Infamous. You guys were just sleeping I presume ;).

I'm not moaning about too little feedback, because I'm getting enough of it at vgmix, just like Infamous, actually. It's just that I'm feeling more connected to the amiga-scene, and those Americans at vgmix oftentimes don't know the original stuff to compare.

I'd never get the idea critisising Paul for his work on the site! I mean, everything is working decently, so why should I? What I meant in my posting above was just that I (as a lamer) might find it easier, if those sites were merged completely. But that's nothing more than just a single minor discussion point on the flip chart.
And, hell yeah, I'm doing advertising for site, I've posted on and the forums and I'm telling my people about the site...

You might find it funny how much I'm after that - you know, I'm considering those sites as an opportunity to improve my musical skills and the forums for learning some English vocabulary. I'll keep on voting for every new remix that's loaded up on, and I can hardly believe I'm almost the only one who is doing so. (And no: I not voting my own tracks, if you are wondering why my newest one got an "outstanding"-smiley). :wink:
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Post by Infamous »

heh im sure when cannon fodder came up with a red smilie everyone thought it was me subverting my votes aswell! hehe...

maybe a scout out would be a good idea, there surely has to be a market for amiga remix's just take a look at the amount of amiga resource sites that are around, there are people .. thousands of people going on and off these sites (bttr, aminet, nectarine etc) and even on some of these sites .. nectarine in particular there ARE remix's touted there. so maybe a word in their ears a bit might pay off big time.. .or not at all, but still worth a go.

I was making comparisons with markus's brainchild due to the argument earlier about a seperate forum (which would die a death very quickly im sure we all agree at this moment in time) but it SHOULD be an inevitability that sooner rather than later amigaremix gets a site much like remix 64... though whoever ran it would have to have the god like patience of mr LMAN.

Its a definite that amigaremix just needs a little extra exposure, maybe a radio station much like what slaygon has.. take a look at the shows makke ran with the amiga remix's played then. i was present on IRC and no one complained there was no uproar that it wasnt c64, the idea sits firm just the planning and the action hasnt quiet jelled yet.

But!... always a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and i for one will be making sure to post BETTER versions of my amiga remix's upon amigaremix and the slightly different elsewere to drum up enthusiasmn aswell as touting the good names of rko/remix/c64audio etc wherever i go.
heres hoping others will follow suit.

tradition and history shows that as life regresses technology progresses and sooner or later we'll all be wanting a playstation remix site or something... lets all enjoy what we got whilst it lasts.
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Post by tas »

The key thing to making anything work is one thing....


When me and markus started up r64, we worked tirelessly to get things moving and that hardwork paid dividends. I spent alot of time (far too much time for my own good) speaking with other people, contacting other sites, and ofcourse working of the magazine section of r64.

With all due respect i havn't seen that type of effort with the amiga remix scene, and to be fair who wants to spend all that time in something? i was just bonkers ;)

but to make it work and work well thats what is required. I doubt few would want to put so much energy into something. We all have lives outside the scene afterall...
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Post by Chris Abbott »

> we'll all be wanting a playstation remix site or something
I can't see it happening. Playstation music is pretty much CD quality already: why reinterpret it? Also to the lazy youth of today, recreating the piece would be too much like hard work. Already the musicians today just work off loops: anything even remotely resembling hard MIDI work is just beyond them. You can see it even now with projects like Output64.

Plus the music is way more sophisticated and thus a lot less easy to deconstruct. And most of it's crap.

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Post by SelectaNovel »

Yea, I think that playstation-remixes wouldn't be needed that badly, too, because the songs are originally CDDA-tracks. But what's the definition of remix anyway...rearrangement, cover, remix...? If someone likes to do a hardrock-version of his favourite playstation tracks, why not. Ah, aside from that playstation-music's crap, and so on ;)

I'm glad to see that the discussion is going on again :-)
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Post by Infamous »

playstation music is crap? care to generalise where your aiming that one?
not offended or nowt but im sure not ALL of it is shite lol.

Ive always been a big fan of the ff series of soundtracks, the resident evil soundtracks... wipeout, n20, all the ridge racers etc.. its the same as every other platform really innit.

also when i said we'll all be wanting a playstation remix site i didnt mean NOW. i meant in 10 years time when technology has moved forward and that console becomes "maybe" and in "forsight" and "my own crap opinion" much maligned and loved like the c64.

time will tell but right now looking at neils post.. .there is the answer to this entire thread.

hard work.

as far as i know no ones really offered much of a hand to paul and those that have have strangly been told "no its ok i can do this".. so i guess the mystery goes on... still heres hoping the damn site works out because i have high hopes and alot of creative input i would LOVE to channel that way.
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Post by tas »

A site can only be as good or as effective as those who support it. I look at amigaremix and see lots of different musicians, and these boards and see quite a few postings. but i don't see many people doing anything about pushing amigaremix or helping paul.

For me at the end of the day whine all you want about something, if you don't support it then you have only got yourself to blame if it isn't going the way you want it to.
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Post by Rafael Dyll »

Well, my way of not "whining" about it was to start this thread, write some reviews, promote the site on other Amiga forums, put a link on my site, create some remixes and info boxes and to get this kind of discussion rolling.
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Post by Paul Vanukoff »

I admit the site and my involvement aren't where I want them to be at this point. There are a lot of things I want to do with the site - just don't have time for it. I did the site because I heard about a few people (on the amigaremix yahoo group) wanting it and I liked the idea and wanted to give something back to the whole remix scene.

Sometimes the site seems as a black sheep, one amiga-related site in a mix of a primarily c64-centric audience. I would like to maybe get more involved with other amiga-centric sites someday and/or become more integrated with this one. It just depends how things evolve over time.

I'm personally fairly satisfied with things as they are currently. The site is working well for the most part, there are alway improvements and fixes I want to make, it's just a matter of time, I only get a couple of hours a week to work on it due to demands of my job, my daughter, other personal projects, my life ... :D

Anyway - I appreciate the efforts of all those who have submitted remixes, reviews, and have done any sort of advertising for the site, as well as those who work behind the scenes here making the sites as integrated as they are today, exposing my site to a large audience than would have happened otherwise.
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Post by tas »


please don't think that was statement was aimed at you my friend. I was just making a general observation which was aimed at no one in particular. sorry, if it sempt i was suggesting that i was aiming anything at you. it wasn't intentional.
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