My style.........

The place for musicians to share their knowledge and ideas about music and remixing, and to post WIP snippets and feedback. Also suggest tunes for remixing, here.

Do *YOU* really think I try to plagiate IR?

Hell yeah, you little copycat!!!
No votes
Absolutely not, you have a sound of your own!
Total votes: 14

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Post by ifadeo »

Michael wrote:
2Klang wrote:i speak for myself as remixer and 'victim' of a review written by you...
Since this is a comment directed to me, am I allowed to reply to it or will putzi run upon me?
Okay, then let's discuss all these issues:

i mean it ironic, 'cause it's your point of view and i can live with that... :wink:
so i don't really take care, i also got a good review...

cheers 2Klang
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Post by Michael »

putzi, please stop distracting and bothering! Only hit reply if you want to take part in the discussion and if you have more to say than one-line insults.

@ 2Klang

I did expect a different answer to my question. Apparently, you are not satisfied with my "good" rating and the total 68%. And that is the reason for your ironic comment. Strange. I would understand the irony if my rating was far off the mean rating. Oh well...

According to basic maths and the current total ranking, with each person that has voted your remix as very good, another person has voted your remix just average.
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Post by putzi »

Michael wrote:putzi, please stop distracting and bothering! Only hit reply if you want to take part in the discussion and if you have more to say than one-line insults.
I clicked on "Stop watching this crap", OK?
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Post by Michael »

Crap? :roll:

Practice in tolerance. Learn how to ignore things that don't interest you. Don't play message board dictator. Don't disturb threads like this. Or if you are a moderator here maybe I should ask Markus or Neil for deletion of my account. Probably the goal of actions like yours. :roll:
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Post by Larsec »

Michael wrote: Well, I don't discuss my reviews here, since my opinion won't change.
You're absolutly right. God forbid that someone else than you should get anything out of such a discussion, like the remixer... ;)
Michael wrote: Some reviewer of a different remix abused the review-system as a discussion board already and, when writing his review, referred to my earlier review. Double misconception, since discussion is not possible there at all, and reviews should be independent.
OK, so people are allowed to have different opinions when it comes to music, but everything else in the world should be as Michael wants it... ;)
Michael wrote: Also, it doesn't make sense to argue whether you understand my reviews or not, especially since with your last reply you extend your criticism to several albeit unnamed reviews of mine.
Again, I think I understand... You don't want the artist to understand what you are writing about when reviewing their music... Gotcha ;)
I could find the other reviews if you want but to sum it up I was refering to the fact that you commented negativly in regard to the mixes having no resemblence to the style in the original SID and moved to far away from the original theme, melody, whatever. ;)
Michael wrote: Your theory concerning "remix vs. cover version" is out-of-touch. No idea where that comes from. You would need to elaborate on that before it becomes a basis for discussion.
A cover is when you take the original and do a new version of it, keeping it almost intact when it comes to form. It may be done in whatever style or tempo but the key factor is that it for the most part follows the original note for note.
A remix is when you "re-create" the original, add and deduct, blend, swap... Of course the original has to be present in some way, but it doesn't need to be 1 to 1 as with a cover....
I can detail it further if you wish ;)
Michael wrote: Anyway, I hope more people will show the courage to explain their votes.
I couldn't agree more
Michael wrote: There are more people who voted your remix, Larsec, as less than "very good", and if all those misinterpreted your arrangement, well, that is the flaw then and room for improvement (on your side).
...and on your side as well Michael. Don't rate a piece of music for something it's not. Do your homework before writing a review ;)
Michael wrote: You may try to educate people in terms of your style, but it is doomed to fail = Impossible Mission.
Wrong... I may fail to educate people in terms of LIKING my style, but explaining what my style is about that's another matter... ;)
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Post by Larsec »

Michael wrote: I mentioned my ratings of Sonic Wanderer's remixes because Larsec wrote the following: Judging from both your review of OL2, mine of Arabian Zoids and several others I am starting to think he just doesn't get it. which makes it look like my review of OL2 would be bad or anything like that. Actually, I gave it an overall "very good", so where is the problem with my OL2 review apart from the IR comment? Read my postings in this thread again and learn to quote if there's anything you don't understand.
I admit I was wrong here. I shouldn't have mentioned your review of Ocean Loader 2 in that context... I was trying to tell SW that I thought you didn't know what you were talking about and I jumped to the conclusion that his 'rage' about being compared to Instant Remedy was triggered after reading you review. It was just the last straw I guess (if it was this that triggered it). So to sum up I was trying to cheer up Sonic by showing him that you didn't know what you were talking about but made a mistake in the process...
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once a long time ago...

Post by ifadeo »

look at this board message to try to understand me and my opinion... :P


it's about 'reviews'....

cheers 2Klang
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Post by Michael »

Another reply in hope this discussion is not disturbed again...

@ Larsec

No longer quotes this time, since it would fast become a quoting-nightmare. ;)

Your extensive usage of smileys noted, you're nevertheless wrong about your first three sentences.

I'm open to discuss remixes or reviews thereof where it is not out of place. Here I have the feeling, it is the wrong thread, because a) it's Sonic Wanderer's poll/thread about people comparing some of his tracks to IR's work. And b) some of the hostility doesn't make me feel good. There are other ways where one can discuss and analyze a remix if need be. Some remixers know that occasionally I post short or encouraging comments via RKO's feedback form feature. Sometimes that triggers replies.

Concerning your comment below the third quote, no, not true either. I just want to know about what we discuss. Only about the review of your latest release? Or about several other reviews of mine which you have not specified further?

You also misunderstood my comment on that "remix vs. cover version" thing. I do know the difference. Nevertheless I prefer remixes which contain clearly recognizable pieces of the original -- not with regard to style, but accuracy of notes in the lead, for instance. And if the remixed bits are sparse, I must realize what else a track offers. If I fail to realize what a track offers, the track obviously doesn't work for me well. This is something where you don't have an influence on me. In a review's rating I might acknowledge the technical impression or artistic impression, but overall think that a tune doesn't work well (e.g. compared to other works). If I fail to explain why a tune doesn't work for me, there's always a way to contact a reviewer. Reviews can be edited and extended.
I admit I was wrong here.
Thanks! :D One issue resolved.
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Post by Larsec »

I excuse for the quotes in advance :)
Michael wrote: I'm open to discuss remixes or reviews thereof where it is not out of place. Here I have the feeling, it is the wrong thread, because a) it's Sonic Wanderer's poll/thread about people comparing some of his tracks to IR's work. And b) some of the hostility doesn't make me feel good.
I apologize. I guess I misunderstood the comment I quoted...
Michael wrote: If I fail to explain why a tune doesn't work for me, there's always a way to contact a reviewer.
I wanted to write you a mail but I couldn't find and e-mail addy or anything and I didn't know whether or not you visited the boards....
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Post by ifadeo »

P E A C E... :wink:

cheers 2Klang
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Oh my god.

Post by Sonic Wanderer »

What have I done???? :shock:

This thread was not supposed to become a personal vendetta between remixers.
I was trying to separate remixers and genres to clear things up a bit, but apparently I have poured gasoline on an open flame.

If you people want to rack down on each other, start a "I Hate XXXXX" thread instead.

I agree, PEACE!!!!! :evil:
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Post by Larsec »

I apologize Sonic Wanderer, for things getting out of control. You can read in my first post why I mentioned Beldin/Michael in this thread. Maybe I shouldn't have responded when he did, and for that, I apologize... To everyone...

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Post by Vosla »

... though it's a really interesting thread as it :
1. completely swayed away from the original intention
2. showed clearly how limited the written word comes when explaining opinions and emotions.
i've seen that in way too many chats, boards and so on...

so back to the original intention i guess the poll and opinions of all writers here made clear that SW doesn't copycat IR. if there is nobody left to give a good reason to fire up this discussion once more (to say 'yup, SW IS copying IR), i would suggest to lock this thread up after a week or so...

[hmm... i shouldn't read thru the boards when in bad mood...]]
All is lost.
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Post by Michael »

Vosla wrote:i would suggest to lock this thread up after a week or so...
Threads that "die" automatically, when no one posts into them, don't need to be locked.

Btw, as something which fits into this thread, read the most recent view of Sonic Wanderer's remix:

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Post by Vosla »

sometimes it's better to lock such threads up because we strayed completely from the path here and there is little to add... if something at all... and it's annoying when you were new to the boards, stumbled in such a thread (forgot to look for the date of the last answer) and added a comment long after the thread's demise... just to look like a fool.
locking up dead threads is helpful sometimes for you can't accidentally continue it. and if there is really a need for it : open a new thread that points to the old.
i do not want to everybody to shut up in here, but wouldn't it be better to make a new thread? this isn't the 'is SW coopying IR' thread anymore... let it rot in peace... :(
All is lost.