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Post by madfiddler »

Lets hope that a few more people can be bothered to come to this, and give Chris a bit of faith - and keep him from near financial ruin.

It's really not fair on him, putting all this stuff on, people being enthusiastic about it on message boards but when it comes to the crunch and buying a ticket, yeah right.... no go...

THIS IS THE LAST ONE PEEPS. I don't want to hear any complaining next year or the year after, that there isn't a BITLive... we all know why there won't be one..... and we all know who to blame....

Hell, if you want to show your support but REALLY REALLY cannot come... but you want BITLive to survive.... buy a ticket anyway....

Rant over....

Purply mad fiddly bloke.
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Post by Subzero »

Good point fadmiddler - wish I could be there :(
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Post by hyperhack »

I know for a fact that some people were initially put off by the steep £25 ticket price and probably didnt bother to revisit the site again to see that their was a significant reduction!

I think the problem with promoting this event is the lack of advertising. I mean yeah okay, advertise it on the net and word of mouth but wouldnt it have been better to walk a few people around london giving out leaflets or something? Yeah it all costs money I realise that. Knock them up on your printer at home, photocopy ect. It could be that everyone is too busy and leaving it to the last minute.

I just feel that maybe more people would take an interest if they knew about it. Same old story.

Fingers crossed that Chris doesnt suffer hardship over it all. He doesnt need that!
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Post by Lee's PeeknPoke »

Lets just hope most people turn up on the night. COME ON PEOPLE!

I wouldnt blame the none advertisement of it, most retro sites have mentioned it and Retrogamer have mentioned it loads of times in features and the news pages (not to mention my BIT2004 trailer on the coverdisk - this month folks)

I was not going to go, but I want to support it and Chris the best I can, if that means turning up, buying CDs I want and having a fucking good time then Im all for it. :)

its going to be top, if not the best one...and the last.

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Post by Chris Abbott »

but wouldnt it have been better to walk a few people around london giving out leaflets or something? Yeah it all costs money I realise that. Knock them up on your printer at home, photocopy ect.
No, it would have been a waste of money. What are the chances that one of those flyers will end up in the hands of someone who comes? We did the leaflet thing with Birmingham. What a waste of cash that was.

We've done all we could: there's been PR, retro sites, some magazines, word of mouth, my customer database...

I've made mistakes of course.

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Post by Chris Abbott »

There also is a kind of denial going on, too. i'm getting "oh, maybe another time", or "just in case there's a BIT revival next year", "nah, you've got the bug, you'll do it next year"... even after they've been told!

I just can't get through to some people.

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Post by hyperhack »

I wasn't criticising you Chris. I didnt realise you had already tried those things and i'm sorry that your efforts didnt work out for you last time around. Me being less informed on my part. Just trying to be positive and as supportive as I can. I've spread the word to some friends of mine who hopefully will come along and bring their friends. For some reason it was hard to convince them it was a 'real concert' and not just someone on mixing desks playing the music from a real C64! Dont ask me why they have that impression but I did my best to convince them otherwise.

I was at the last BIT in brighton and I thought it was fantastic! wild horses wouldnt keep me away from this one.

I hope people start realising that they need to make the most of this now before its too late.
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Post by Chris Abbott »

I wasn't criticising you Chris. I didnt realise you had already tried those things and i'm sorry that your efforts didnt work out for you last time around.
I know, HH. It's just the frustration of knowing how limited the audience actually is, and how hard it is to reach them!

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bit 2004 trailer

Post by hyperhack »

Just seen that trailer Lee and it's great! Especially the music! Is there anywhere I can download that or did you make it especially?

I wouldnt mind listening to that radio interview of 2001 as well. I missed that sadly :(
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Post by Vosla »

I kicked everybody in the ass I know who might remotely be interested in the event (who wasn't interested was pestered, too)... hopefully some will consider joining the show... if there was money for it I would have bought a ticket for my last chance of Back In Time Live :(
Some of you will even be very glad to hear that I am about to cancel my internet account... no job, no money, no fun.
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Post by hyperhack »

Sorry to hear your having a tough time of it vosla. I know how you feel as im currently jobless too (unemployed software developer). A kind friend of mine who I got interested in the event is actually shouting me a ticket for this but I still have to find my trainfare there tho luckily I dont live too far away.

I'm sure there will be plenty of video footage and of course slay radios coverage to keep you going if you keep your internet connection long enough?

Hope things improve for you sometime soon!
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Post by tas »

I learnt just how limited the remix scene really was after the two remix64 Cd's i produced. Sales were ok with the first CD, but at best only average with v2 despite funding the project to a much higher level. I guess Chris is now begining to learn the same thing.

The non turn-outs to bitlive and the non purchases of CD's has eventually caused both Remix64 CD's and Bitlives to eventually cease!

And you know what? the ones who haven't supported these efforts deserve everything they get from now......."NOTHING!"
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Post by madfiddler »

Believe me, I'm not having a go at anyone in particular, but the whole "scene" - we've heard the same old story before... Concert is organised.. email reminders go out... nothing... carry on promoting, many here, but on other retro sites too... nothing... email reminders sent out a week or so before... replies like "that's not enough notice"... I mean, it's a joke...

At the end of the day, the performers are doing this for free. Chris is doing this to become (not by choise) bankrupt). Enough said... even if peeps who can't make it, could donate say £5 to the cause... that helps keep things going.

Hell why should we take two days unpaid holiday to reherse this stuff if people can't be botheres to support this..

No-one's making cash out of this. If you think we are, then you're sadly mistaken.

As far as I can see it, the more people who come... the better chance we have of getting a free beer ;) *grin*

fadmiddler - thanks for that ;)
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Re: bit 2004 trailer

Post by Lee's PeeknPoke »

hyperhack wrote:Just seen that trailer Lee and it's great! Especially the music! Is there anywhere I can download that or did you make it especially?

I wouldnt mind listening to that radio interview of 2001 as well. I missed that sadly :(
music stolen with permission from Sunflower and Lman - follow me back in time- available for download at various places! in various remixed forms too.

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Post by Zzapback »

I'd say bump the bitlive threads at all (retro)forums!
The future is Retro...(sorta)
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