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Honest Opinion?

Post by renegade_si »


whilst it was a great venue and possibly the best so far, I have to be honest and say that I think its a good thing for Chris' sanity at least that Chris has decided to call it a day. PPOT and Stuck were both brilliant (as they always are) and some of the acapella tracks from Visa Roster were also brilliantly done.


Monty at 6.15, no Comic Bakery from PPOT and ending the night with Rasputin (ok I was drunk)....? I can understand that Dave W, Martin G and Rob H (to name the biggies) coudn't make it this time, but it does lack a certain something without them.

I can only applaud Chris, the other organisers and the performers of course for the time and effort tonight, and should there be another one next year (organised by Ben?) , I will still be there moshing away. Apologies to all others around me in the posh sets at the front. I was the nutter in the 2nd row headbanging to everything - I still loved it, don't get me wrong! There was no way I would have gone anywhere else tonight!

Roll on the DVD from Brighton, its the best of the four I've been to.
Last edited by renegade_si on 12/09/2004 - 0:17, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Chris Abbott »

> and ending the night with Tetris....?
It was Rob's Rasputin! I think the audience reaction kind of justified its placement, and the fact Mark rocked. I've heard that people would have preferred Monty as the end track, but once SID80s were the last act, that was never going to happen.

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Post by Chris Abbott »

Also, Visa Roster were doing Comic Bakery, so PPOT didn't this time.

And yeah, I wish Rob, Dave and Martin had been there to see it... c'est la vie...

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Post by renegade_si »

I realise that I'm being ultra critical and I know I'm in for stick for what I wrote, but its just how I felt as I left and thought it best to get it out....
Chris, your efforts are, as always, much appreciated. I hope that came across, certainly I'm not being ungrateful - I am so proud that we in the UK have been able to host these events around an hour or so from my house.

Actually Jon Hare on the Bass, nice touch......

Parallax anyone, or even sensi tourny (again?)

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Post by renegade_si »

coudn't agree more about Mark - no matter what he plays its superb. Absolutely untouchable.
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Post by GeckoYamori »

What's the matter with you people, can't tell the difference from Rasputin and Kalinka? :P

And wasn't PPOT's boyband Comic Bakery mix played near the end?
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Post by Matrix »

"Rob's" Rasputin lol ... some ppl know nothing of classical music ... Rob remixed a classic for a game, like many other games... ppl then emulate the eminent emacepator :)

Its like ppl calling Mozart's Musical Joke "The Horse of the Year Show" or Air on a G'String as "Hamlet - The Mild Cigar" lol ....
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Post by hyperhack »

I'm inclined to agree with Renegade_Si (I was sitting next to him with the custom C= bit live tshirt!)

Yeah from what there was it was good, but I think as this was purposely going to be the finale of Bit lives I did expect a bit more to be honest. I understand that some new stuff had to be done and we couldnt just keep going over the same old greats we knew and loved, but I thought as many others did that we would see PPOT and their boyband video on the big screen, maybe them dressing up in the karate outfits and taking the piss out of exploding fist! Maybe see some clips from Kenz and the gang of the Xmas chortles video or something like that. For me it didnt seem like that projection display was used to the fullest potential.

Dont get me wrong I applaud the efforts of Chris Abbott, Ben Daglish, Mark Knight (who played flawlessly) and all the others, it was an experience still not to be missed, and I was still taking all the pictures!

I know people are going to call me an ungrateful bastard but I can take that, just a few more visuals like brighton2003, and PPOT doing comic bakery as apposed to visa roser doing it, okay it was something different we know and they performed well. Mahoneys comic bakery rendition with Hanna Kappellas vocals is one of my fave tracks at the moment!

I don't know I just expected a bit more and It didnt happen for me this time around, I just thought it didnt compare to Brighton2003. Maybe this was because Hubbard, Whittaker, Galway werent there, it wasnt going to compete without them I suppose! If there is to be another one, and I know Chris wants to call it a day, but im sure Ben and Mark would be happy to carry on the trend then I hope maybe we will see some of the things I mentioned?

Okay i'm hiding behind the dustbin lid now, I just wanted to hear a live version of ocean loader 4 and r-type :( boo hoo
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Post by Matrix »

It wasnt about bigname stars this time, there was no day event like that time, this was all about performers and performances.... also it would cost a small fortune to bring Martin over, Rob had personal issues which prevented the attendance afaik and i cant speak for dave... but he didnt look so hot last year at Brighton.

Even though i couldnt attend the event I did listen in, and i wasnt dissapointed one bit ... i loved EVERYTHING, incl the impromptu Star Wars, Knight Rider and the Enigmatic Enyalike performaces of Visa Roster.

Actually no, i did think C64 Mafia were a bit on the weak side.... somehow beat scratching was never really my bag.... but thats a personal viewpoint rather than a skit at the performance.

PS : PPOT's "WERE NOT KRAFTWERK" was Ace !! lol although i was waiting on Tiger Heli, The vocal Wizball and of course OutRun.
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Post by Hydra »

i thought it was all brilliant.

i'll go to the next one and i'll bring chicks too ;) see there's a reason to come. hehe.

I said to my friend John before we went, "damn-it, there's gonna be no chicks tonight" then I got there and clocked Visa Roster - at that time not knowing they would be performing, never imagined that.

I was really so impressed by their performance and they fully deserved the standing ovation they got for it.

The venue (an old church - recently refurbished and made kinda trendy) was brilliant for the accoustics of Visa Roster, suited it them to a tee. One of the girls went bright purple after everyone applauded her vocals after one of their tracks. They all looked really pleased with how it went and I really hope we'll see more of them again.

Press Play On Tape were excellent, had a quick chat with the drummer who was struggling with his hi-hat (he'd not played on a real drumset before apparently only electric kits, hence his weird sticks I guess) that was cool.

Didn't really get to chat to anyone else at the event, probably lots of famous people but I've no-idea what they look like, maybe I should have checked out last years photos and stuff before I went (it was my first BIT live event, hopefullynot my last) then i might have recognised a few faces.

Who brought along the Rob Hubbard Mask and was waving it around? very comical ;)

The C64 Mafia bit was classic, all the humor of the event almost had me rolling around on the floor, i don't think i've laughed so much for ages.

Many thanks to Chris for organizing everything - he did look a bit tired and more stressed than when I met him on a relaxed sunday afternoon at the recent Retro Expo in Croydon.

It must be a huuuuge task to organize something like this, I wouldn't know where to start myself so for that everyone should give Chris some respect and buy a CD or two from here so he makes some cash (or at least doesn't go broke).

Great thing about this BIT live event was that it was about 30 mins WALK from my house (or 5 mins on the 214 to Angel), hope the next one (hint nudge) will be as close.

Right, i'm off to bed after one of the funniest and most entertaining evenings out I've had for ages.

Thanks everyone who made it a great show, and chris, don't listen to the doubters, everything was great!
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Post by hyperhack »

In all the excitement and speculation I forgot to mention how funny and entertaining PPOT were! Mark Knight moving around with his violin and strangling one of the crowd with it was hilarious!

Top drawer stuff!
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Post by Matrix »

I havent seen the visuals yet, so i guess i missed the C64 Mafia joke... Sry Makke m8, no offence....

Hydra, this was ur first Bit Live huh, well you sure missed a storm in a D-Cup for sure... i hope theres another event similar - i urge you to buy the DVD next year - mainly cos itll be sporting my artwork on the front *Cough* I mean awesome visual spectacles and audionix inside :D - its the MUST HAVE DVD of 2005 man !!

Till then, have a poke around different ppls sites and this forum for Bitlive Brighton links - you can start with mine ;)


Sorry about the huge header, ill fix that l8r today...
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Post by LaLa »

As long as we're splitting hair... :lol:

Looking at the playlist, I would've finished the night with PPOT. I think in this concert they were the "main act", the rest were "supporting bands" (as good as they were). It was a bit anticlimactic to end with SID80s.
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Post by Chris Abbott »

> It was a bit anticlimactic to end with SID80s.

1) No, it wasn't.
2) PPOT asked to be first

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Post by zerozillion »

it was great, funstuff and great performances :)

sometimes i had problems understanding people, as english is not my native tongue. (writing on the bbs is muuuuch easier than talking...)

2 things i disliked a bit: the visualization could have been used more and i would have liked it better with no seating (but that's probably personal preference).

mark knight = god ;)
what roughtech sounds like
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