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Post by Cheetor »

I don't actually remember seeing them, but now I think about it, I *do* remember the name now!! I've downloaded them to install them on my new PC when it arrives this week and when I've got Amiga Forever installed!

All I've got to do then is try and get my old Amiga stuff up and running on it - and try and get all my old stuff converted while the disks still work...!! :roll:
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Post by Feekzoid »

I've always been FeekZoid.

Plain, simple, FeekZoid ;)

I used to write music on the C64, and later the Amiga :)
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Post by Romeo Knight »

Similar with me: Romeo Knight from Red Sector, TRSI, Masque.
I used to sit with IRATA in his room and he showed me the latest cracks and demos while his seat collapsed :lol:
SMF (Programmer), Prime Evil (now Ifadeo, he changed his handle often in this times too :) ) and me did the "Classic Demo" on AMIGA. That was a hell lot of fun!
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Post by ifadeo »

hehe, i remember as IRATA call me by phone and start crying...
...'cause he thought RK leave Red Sector for FCG.... :lol:

yep, it was funny to do our 'Classic Demo'.... :wink:

cheers ifadeo
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Post by beyond »

RK: Your "Cream of the Earth" is still an amazing tune... An all time favorite of mine!!
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Post by Steve B »

i used to do graphics for a cracking/packing group on the ST.
the group changed its name more often than i change my windows wallpaper .. we were known as (among other things) Revolution, Untouchables and LED (standing for Laser Enhanced Distribution rofl) i think our best moment was when Automation mentioned in one of their scrollies that we had a long way to go to catch them up ... I remember going to the 'main' meeting house and being told "We got slagged off by the best ! they know we exist" heh heh :lol:

now i am a slave to Chris Abbott and his unusual fetishes by doing the odd graphic for some of his works of art (BIT3 - Carma - Crystal - Trap2 and stuff)
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Post by Matrix »

I wonder whoch group came first ..... LED or LSD (Leisure Software Distributors) ? lol
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Post by Cheetor »

RK, I remember a lot of your classic Amiga tracks - great stuff! 8)
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Post by Rafael Dyll »

Matrix wrote: Wonder if any of you made it to the 1992 Anarchy hosted CopyParty at Bridgewater... hmmm
Yep, I was there. Even entered the mod competition. came all the way from Germany by train, met up with my buddy Bjorn in Denmark and headed up to the bloody cold north. We stood in the cold for about 4 hours before the mysterious bus came to pick us up and took us to the huge hall in the middle of nowhere. Spent 3 days composing, laughing, copy... erm, playing games. We were there with the other members of Quartz. I remember meeting a few guys who went on to join Core Design.

Actually, i think you didn't mean the Aars Party II by Anarchy, Crystal and Silents did you...

it feels akward you using my handle now that I think of it mate. :wink:
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Post by Slaygon »

I've been known as Slaygon for ages.

Started out in small, local groups in the village me and Codex (there's two of them) lived. Team 3 and lame stuff like that.

Then I joined Eltronic, in which also Morhpeus (Andreas Wallström) was a member.
Joined Triad for a while, and then went to Censor pretty quickly.
Been in Censor ever since.

Did a bunch of SIDs (can be found here), coded a couple of lame demo parts (can be found here), some of which I can't remember. =)

I nowadays run both the and SLAY Radio empire (*grin*), and have been doing so since about 1996. Nowadays I get a lot of help from friends in doing so.
I host a lot of strange stuff on those servers, most of which is c64 related, for instance.

Yeah, well... The rest you know, I think. =)
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Post by LMan »

I was nobody.

No "nobody" wasn't my handle, I was really not involved in the scene in any way until stumbling upon the c64rmx egroup a couple of years ago.

I did do a few rather average SIDs which are in the HVSC though, and I've been coding loads of semi-finished games... I've also made a few games with "Gary Kitchen's Gamemaker" and "SEUCK". Hmmm... must release them some day. :)

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Post by tas »

Steve B wrote:i used to do graphics for a cracking/packing group on the ST.
the group changed its name more often than i change my windows wallpaper .. we were known as (among other things) Revolution, Untouchables and LED (standing for Laser Enhanced Distribution rofl) i think our best moment was when Automation mentioned in one of their scrollies that we had a long way to go to catch them up ... I remember going to the 'main' meeting house and being told "We got slagged off by the best ! they know we exist" heh heh :lol:
Har, i remember you lot... Untouchables.

So, you had a war with Automation did you? join the club mate! Big headed assholes they were at the time!

I'll never forget pompey priates being so impressed with one of our menu's that they ripped the code and used it themselves in a few menu's of theirs!!! Cheeky sods! ;)
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Post by Vosla »

beyond wrote:Trent of The Danish Aliens (C64 & Amiga)
beyond of hybris/NEMESIS (WiLD! & PC demos)

(I know, it's such a cheap laugh... but I couldn't resist...) :wink:

Holy sh*t! There must have been something in my coffee today...
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Post by Cheetor »

At one point, I was associated with a small Amiga demo group that only released a couple of intros called Power House who I don't think *anyone* has ever heard of!! lol

If it comes to being in a war with anyone, I think I can go one better though... I ended up being in a battle with everyone else in the group over a lot of shit including the guy running it and the so-called "musician" ripping stuff off from Bjorn Lynne and claiming that it was his own work!!

My own stuff with Infinite Frontiers was being done in parallel with them though and at least we had a pretty good reputation with the Amiga press. One of our disk mags, The Final Frontier, picked up a review score of 98% in Amiga Shopper! 8)

I didn't stop grinning for a week after that!
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Post by LMan »


* L O L * :lol:
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