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Post by DHS »

Yeah! Yeah!

Bab5 forever! ;)
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Post by Feekzoid »

Big fan of B5 also, tho I never yet got to the end of season 5.

Thought it kinda... tapered off a bit after season 4.
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Post by Matrix »

Love Enterprise, Love The Cast, Love The Theme Tune - Love Everything about it... Love the way they explained away the non-mars bar head klingons, loved the way they did the timeline story, the Xindi, new enemies, and i especially like how they do the antenne on the andorians.

Im TOTALLY Hooked !!

Cool cartoon too (see below - ignore the stargate one / jamie theakston)


Love Babylon 5 too ..... or as i like to call it "Evif Nolybab" :)
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Post by Feekzoid »

Matrix wrote:Love the way they explained away the non-mars bar head klingons,
How did they do that?
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Post by Matrix »

Last Ep I saw (mid Season 4) showed the klingies were experimenting with DNA and caused an airborne virus that was sweeping through klingons on all planets. It caused the disolving of the cranial plates making them look human.

The High Command had ordered all infected planets destroyed - as ya do...

Presumably they will wind up that story with a small pack that escaped the culling and were sent to a small moon somewhere, same as happened to the Remens & Romulans; and Vulcans / Romulans; and blue n white andorians before them.
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Post by tas »

Loved TNG, enjoyed Voyager... Deplored DS9

Enterprise i just havn't seen enough of to give it a fair crack of the whip.

Must say though, it probably needs a break now, give it 5-7 years and then come back again IMHO
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Post by Chappers »

Tas wrote:Loved TNG, enjoyed Voyager... Deplored DS9

Enterprise i just havn't seen enough of to give it a fair crack of the whip.

Must say though, it probably needs a break now, give it 5-7 years and then come back again IMHO
Same as Tas with TNG & Voyager, though I did like DS9 (albeit the worst of the three).

Not seen a lot of Enterprise either to make a fair judgement. To me, it seemed a tough ask for Enterprise to succeed with it being before the Kirk era of Star Trek. I think the attraction of Star Trek (for some) has been to try to get a glimpse of what the future may be like. To these viewers, Enterprise would probably represent a backwards step.

Personally, I don't care if it is Star Trek past, I'd judge it on its merits to entertain in its own right rather than as comparison with the other spin-offs.
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Post by LMan »

Here we have two audiences:

<b>1. People who like single shot episodes</b>
Like Maindrian. Those will like the original series, TNG and Voyager.

<b>2. People who like a large and consistent story being told</b>
Like me. Those will like DS9, Enterprise, or Bab5.

So again it boils down to personal taste - I didn't like Voyager very much, I guess it comes closest to the style of the original series in regard of cheesiness and singe-shot episode style. I love TNG, but I liked DS9 and the whole Cardassian/Bajoran/Dominion/Star Fleet plot even better.

With those two audiences in mind, it's not possible to tell objectively which series was better. But it's certainly more difficult to create a series like Enterprise or DS9 than Voyager or TNG (long-term-story-wise).

And if you dig those long term stories, it feels like a real shame if such a great story like Enterprise gets axed.
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Post by xo »

Nicely summed up.
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Post by Matrix »

Yup that about covers it.
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Post by tas »

LMan / Remix64 wrote:Here we have two audiences:

<b>1. People who like single shot episodes</b>
Like Maindrian. Those will like the original series, TNG and Voyager.

<b>2. People who like a large and consistent story being told</b>
Like me. Those will like DS9, Enterprise, or Bab5.

So again it boils down to personal taste - I didn't like Voyager very much, I guess it comes closest to the style of the original series in regard of cheesiness and singe-shot episode style. I love TNG, but I liked DS9 and the whole Cardassian/Bajoran/Dominion/Star Fleet plot even better.

With those two audiences in mind, it's not possible to tell objectively which series was better. But it's certainly more difficult to create a series like Enterprise or DS9 than Voyager or TNG (long-term-story-wise).

And if you dig those long term stories, it feels like a real shame if such a great story like Enterprise gets axed.
Well, i know what your saying but DS9 for me wasn't because of it's story lines or consistant stories. I simply couldn't relate to the characters. I found DS9 just a little devoid of personalities such as pickard or Data etc. That for me is the reason i liked TNG because the cast was so strong and every single character had their own little quips/strengths and weaknesses. This i think wasn't totally explored with DS9.
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Post by LMan »

TNG had great characters, that's true, but so had in my opinion DS9 (Quark and Odo are great) :). The Voyager characters had IMHO an enormous lack of personality, with the exception of Seven of Nine and the Doctor. They had a nice offset of characters in the beginning; Chakotay the charismatic rebel leader, the half-klingon woman, the looser Paris, the junk trader... but within a few episodes they become all very much alike and don't develop any further. Also the conflict Maquis/Starfleet had great potential, but was never brought to fruition. And I had the impression that half of the episodes were about "Look, there's a nebula. Maybe it contains a way home, let's explore it." :)
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Post by tas »

Yes, i have to say while i liked Voyager for a short period of time, the idea of trying to find there way home became eventually very boring. There's not much scope for great storylines when your only objective is to find your way home and failing all the time.

Hence Voyager for me had a brief interest level but i soon knew the plot of every story before even the writers had. It did have a good cast though, but nothing like that of TNG.

I think another major downfall for DS9 was it was all confined to a little space. The tried and trusted and working way of "Exploration, Seeking out new civilisations, to bold go where no man as gone before" just didn't happen to the extent of other Startreks. i did feel like i missed the wide openess of TNG.

I found DS9 more of a spin off than actual startrek. It started to feel like any other space series and boy i am totally fed up with space series these days.
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Post by merman »

Tas wrote:I found DS9 more of a spin off than actual startrek. It started to feel like any other space series and boy i am totally fed up with space series these days.
The author of the Nitpicker's Guide to DS9 (all Trek fans should read the Nitpickers's guides, very funny) said that DS9 should really be called "Bajor: Terok Nor", because so many of the episodes aren't really about the Federation and Star Trek.

I started watching DS9 out of loyalty, but found at the start of series 2 it lost its way a bit. The introduction of the Dominion (and the Defiant) spiced things up A LOT, and made the later series worth watching, in my view. Still not as good as TNG, but some good work.
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Post by Grazey / PHF »

give me B5 anyday.... not Roddenberry childish pap.

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