Cannot get the missus to listen to the mixes

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Cannot get the missus to listen to the mixes

Post by Thunderer »

Hi there! I am new to this forum but some of you might know me from Lemon64!

I've been a fan of the remix scene ever since I found about RKO. Over time I've accumulated and lost (due hard disk crashes) many remixes and appreciated each and every effort.

Now that I have a couple of CD's burned I take them home and like to listen to them on the CD player. The problem is that my wife is not as appreciative of the music nor is she faintly insterested in trying to listen to the songs. This is the most frustrating part. Whenever I put on a remix she would accuse me of terrorising her and can I for once put on some normal music. I mean it's not that the CD player is perpetually emanating c64 remixes, I put a song or two on occasionally, and it's not like I put on the really weird stuff. I am trying really hard to make her understand and that she should really give the music a chance but to no avail.

Anyway, this is just a rant, hope all you guys and gals do not have the same problem with your significant others.

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Post by LMan »

Hey Thunderer, welcome to the board! :D

Sorry to hear that about your lady's, ehrm, disinterest in the remixes. Perhaps you should make hardly noticable crossfades between "normal" music and a c64 remix. Then she won't notice when you put on that manipulated mix, and before she knows she'll be listening to a c64 mix.

Mixing Backstreetboys "Harder than Life" into PPOT's "Comic Bakery" should be easy enough for a start :D

Enjoy your stay. :)
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Post by Thunderer »

Thanks for the advice and the welcome LMan.
LMan / Remix64 wrote:
Mixing Backstreetboys "Harder than Life" into PPOT's "Comic Bakery" should be easy enough for a start :D

Enjoy your stay. :)
Sorry, I can't stoop so low as to acquire a Backstreetboys CD ;)
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Post by Chris Abbott »

Two words: Crystal Dreamscapes. She won't even know it's a remix CD:)

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Post by dan gillgrass »

Mine has no choice, especially in the car, if she wants to stop listening she would have to leave the car whilst its going at breakneck speed which I dont think she would contemplate. Welcome Thunderer!

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Post by Makke »

How about some N-Joy with Commando Highscore while snuggling? She won't know the difference from any other snuggle-tune! ;)
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Post by Romeo Knight »

What kind of music does she normally listen to?
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Post by Thunderer »

She likes Sting, U2, the Dave Matthews Band, Mariah Carey, Madonna, Lenny Kravitz, mainly mainstream stuff.
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Post by merman »

My sister-in-law doesn't like computer/SID music. I played her the Visa Roster CD, she loved it.
--Anyone want to remix my SIDs?--
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Post by tas »

The ex wife used to think me bonkers for listening to c64 stuff...

Fortunately, my girlfriend now although i don't think she will ever actually enjoy it like i doesn't think of me odd*

*Well, not for that reason anyway ;)
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Post by tomsk »

My girl winds me up constantly about my 'beep beep music' - but much the same as Dan's chick, she has no choice but to listen to it in MY car.
She did actually really like PPOT's boy band tune - and has a hard time singing the correct lyrics if the real song comes on a jukebox or the radio (which often makes me snigger)

Pure SID's are a no-brainer - she hates 'em, but I do have several SID CD's which get aired frequently - it's tough luck pet ! :)

Out of all the pure Sid C64 music I've played in the car - the only thing she ever got away with was the Wizardry theme (although she does still insist on calling it the 'Wizardora tune')

Let's face it - we're a bit of a weird bunch, and if I hadn't grown up listening to this stuff all day long I might have laughed at the prospect of people actually still listening to it today. The fact she's a few years younger - and hence missed all of this 8-bit malarky only makes things harder for her to understand.

To sum up - I think if you're really open to any kind of music, or anything new/different/brave (musically) - you might just get it.......
But too many people have been brought up in the relative 'safety' of modern manufactured pop bands - almost being told what they should/should not enjoy......

What a bloody shame :cry:
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Post by LMan »

tomsk wrote: But too many people have been brought up in the relative 'safety' of modern manufactured pop bands - almost being told what they should/should not enjoy......
Well and the worst thing is that this is where most of the money goes. It's a vicious circle: You buy the stuff you've been told to buy by ads, shows, heavy rotation on radio/video. And with all that money, record industry can pour out more ads etc. etc... and mass produce clones of the recent "innovative song that sold well" until it's done to death - or the x'st cover of an 80s tune (which had been a cover of a 60s tune in the first place). If you ask me, that's the real reason behind the demise of the record industry. But I guess it will be there as long as there's teenagers with a good budget. :)
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Post by tas »

Spot on Lman imho..

I find myself these days NOT listening to commerical bands/artists but more to the underground scene.. There's so much out there thats based on REAL talent than manufacturing.

we get fed all this rubbish from the media yet we still fail to ignore what is out there. I have many bands i listen to, who have yet to make the big time... and in a selfish point of view i wouldn't want them to get there... there's something unique about unsigned bands.. they seem to have a sound thats more pure and enjoyable.
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Re: Cannot get the missus to listen to the mixes

Post by Jan Lund Thomsen »

Thunderer wrote:Now that I have a couple of CD's burned I take them home and like to listen to them on the CD player. The problem is that my wife is not as appreciative of the music nor is she faintly insterested in trying to listen to the songs. This is the most frustrating part. Whenever I put on a remix she would accuse me of terrorising her and can I for once put on some normal music. I mean it's not that the CD player is perpetually emanating c64 remixes, I put a song or two on occasionally, and it's not like I put on the really weird stuff. I am trying really hard to make her understand and that she should really give the music a chance but to no avail.
Heyho Thunderer, and welcome to our little neck of the woods.

I think some of the other posters hit the proverbial nail pretty much on the head; On the whole strangers to the sounds of the C64 seem to automatically disapprove of pretty much anything related to the what they think of as related to the "beep-beep era.". The trick is be stealthy and expose them to tunes that they'll actually listen to before making an opinion about them. Case in point: A while back I had a SLAY Radio show on when the missus entered the flat from whatever it is that women do when we're not watching them, she started bobbing her head to the tune playing. That's when I told her she was listening to the Last Ninja 3 intro tune. Her reponse?

- Whoops! :oops:

My favorite trick-the-missus cd has to be Visa Röster's "C64 Vocally" CD. And if you wan't to be *really* stealthy you get their non-remix CD as well and play that one first. She won't even know what hit her when you switch to their remix album. Other candidates include Chris Abbotts "Crystal Dreamscapes" and "Back In Time III", and Marcel Donnes "SIDologie". If you're looking for freely available tunes Glyn Browns "Firelord" and "Rastan" tunes are a dead cert (assuming she's into orchestral stuff)
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Post by Jan Lund Thomsen »

Thunderer wrote:She likes Sting, U2, the Dave Matthews Band, Mariah Carey, Madonna, Lenny Kravitz, mainly mainstream stuff.
Maria Carey? Sting?

She's a lost cause, mate. Get the pair of you some decent headphones, listen to whatever you like, and let that be the end of it. :D
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