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New here, but not new in remixin...

Post by richerich »

DJ Skitz has uploaded some of my remixes at:

Hope that u will enjoy some of them ;)
Download my songs at:

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Post by skitz »

Disclaimer: I am just hosting them because I am a nice chap. I had nothing to do with them myself :)
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Post by Floaf »

Well, I think we all know Dajova by now, so you don't have to explain yourself, Skitz :-D <-- visit or die :-P
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Post by skitz »

It was for legal reasons only Floaf - honest... :P
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Post by richerich »

Hehe... well, as long as i get reviews, I´m glad... So, how do u think of my music so far? Is it good or bad after just 1 year of making music?
Download my songs at:

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Post by Sonic Wanderer »


Here's what I think, from another amataeur-point-of-view:

Listening to the tracks I've found some immidiate "problems":

1. You concentrate *too* much on having a drumbeat in there. And that crowdnoise could be used less.
2. The melodies are often blurred to irritating levels with use of stereodelays or reverb, drowning in the "mix".
3. You don't have any really supporting basslines anywhere.
4. The upper EQ levels of the bass in the mix is way beyond acceptable levels. Making everything sound distorted and "unclean".
5. Ambience level is zero. It is quite obvious you're using SID2MIDI, because there are notefaults audiable in there (like in Parallax for example), caused by the slides and/or vibrato of the original SID getting misinterpreted on conversion. It's obvious by now that the straight convert-to-MIDI-and-add-drums-and-some-fx-samples is not a good way to go. You *need* to go into the melodies and "personalize" them a bit. And add parts of your own in the background, other than drums and static bass.

Bottomline is, you really need to pratice quite a bit more before you can expect the wider audience to accept your work. Hard truth.

That's my oppinion.
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Post by Chris Abbott »

I'd agree with almost all of what Sonic just said. In fact, I did more on Lightforce than you did (you used my MIDI file which was distributed generally some years ago)...

I would disagree that melodies *need* to be personalised (sometimes the original SID lead through an appropriately nice patch is the best tool for the job), but I'd agree that if you're going to go down that route, then you need to avoid making the rookie mistake of forgetting about the concept of "pitch bend", because that just says that you're so desperate for glory that you'll overlook obvious technical errors: like getting the melody wrong.

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Post by Sonic Wanderer »


What I meant by "personalize" was directly linked to the stated fact in the posting. I.e. "fix" the errors, and regain some integrity of it, after having been "unpersonalized" by the conversion process. =)
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Post by Chris Abbott »

Sonic Wanderer wrote:Chris.

What I meant by "personalize" was directly linked to the stated fact in the posting. I.e. "fix" the errors, and regain some integrity of it, after having been "unpersonalized" by the conversion process. =)
Oh, OK. It read as slightly more than that :) So we were making the same point!

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OMG !!!

Post by Dimmignatt »

I just listened to the demo song you sent to Skitz yesterday !!
I don't know what you call that but it's not music..

This is the problem !!
I've acutally listened through your remixes !! Belive it or not !
Just so I could state my opinions in a more proffesional way ( I did listen to them before )

well.. back to the demo song..
I really pushed myself for listening through the whole song..
I mean.. The instruments doesn't work at all with each other..
They are off key !! The drumbeat is to simple and to annoying to give any pleasure ! I find that this is the common drumbeat style for your remixes !
It's repetetive and just doesn't cut it to be called music.. It's NOISE.

I have tried having patients with you and explained over and over and in
different ways BUT. You don't listen and if you do, you twist and bend what I say so it looks like I'm the bad guy.. Sure I said some bad words and shit but if you don't listen when I explain things to you.. Then you are not worth my time ...

Nr1: It's not the programs fault that the music tends to suck.

Nr2: If advice is given at least listen to them instead of bitching back and come up with LAME ass excuses about other things that make your songs sound bad. I have told you Dozens of time that FLstudio is a GREAT program for making music with. Ejay is definetly NOT.

Nr3: Just because you're getting reason your music and sound will not change to the better automaticly. It's the person doing the music and twisting the knobs that are responsible for the outcome.

Nr4: Making excuses like... "ahh my friends wants to play CS with me so I have to do that" That's not an excuse for not be able to concentrate on your music.. Either you do or you don't, just pick.. It's not so hard.

Nr5: You have only done music for a year so I don't expect to much either but it's adviceable to listen to other guys when getting tips and tricks, not bitch back and make excuses.

Nr6: I would love to help you BUT, I can't really handle your attitude and behavior nor can I master FLstudio.

Nr7: Put more then 30min - 2hours on your music.. Whatever you do.. DONT rush it.. It will become sloppy and just bad.. Sure music can be made in short period of times but for a beginner that's not adviceable.

Nr8: Learn how to take critisicm, both negative and positive...

I don't have the power to write more.. All that I said above is just advice.. No demands... Listen or dont.. But if you keep on behaving and acting the way you do.. Don't be surprised if the folks continue behave in the same manor back !!

Cheers !
Last edited by Dimmignatt on 14/12/2005 - 17:47, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Chris Abbott »

Actually, one thing in common with most of the best remixers ( ;-) ) is that they're pretty humble guys, who have collaborated and listened when others have suggested things, and who take criticism in the right way: and who really mean it when they say "tell me what you think". That's how they got better.

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Post by Vosla »

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Post by richerich »

At least now I know better... Not because of Dimmignat, because all he has done is complain on me ever since he heard my music... Quote:
"Nr2: If advice is given at least listen to them instead of bitching back and come up with LAME ass excuses about other things that make your songs sound bad. I have told you Dozens of time that FLstudio is a GREAT program for making music with. Ejay is definetly NOT. "
I said on IRC that I only use eJay on putting my sampels on into my song... NOT that I use it in avarage terms...

And btw... As u hear on the name of the song... IT WAS A FUCKING DEMOSONG, U WANKER!!! I just made it, so that Skitz could show me what changes I should make... Isnt that 1 of the learingprogress, then u must be stupid...
Download my songs at:

Or if u just want to listen direcly, download these:
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Post by Floaf »

[23:15] <Dajova> Dimmignat: anyhow... i can send u 1 of my best remixes and see if i got the strengh to even be compared to your remixes...
[23:15] <Dimmignat> Dajova: Shoot.. Cant use Dcc though !
[23:19] <Dajova> anyhow, that song i send is 1 of my best songs so far ;)
[23:20] <Dimmignat> dajova: the croud sample is way to much !!!
[23:20] <Dimmignat> Dajova: The lead doesn't really get along with the rest of the track..
[23:25] <Dajova> btw, Dim... did u listen to the whole track? the real part doesnt begins until after 2 min or so
[23:25] <Dimmignat> Dajova: Yes I did !!
[23:25] <Dimmignat> Dajova: Take away the croud and change the lead synth !! Other then that it was quite good.. some more work on the mastering is needed though ..
This looks like suggestions to me... But you just wouldn't listen.
"No, my remixes are great, it's all you other who sucks." (Ok, sorry for that one, I just had a deja vu :-))

Just understand that learning music and music programs take time. I don't give a crap if you play Counterstrike all the time and dont have time to learn FL, that is NOT an excuse for bitching over that others don't like your music.

Stop being so defensive and start letting other peoples suggestions into your brain. :) <-- visit or die :-P