How much to charge for commercial composing?

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How much to charge for commercial composing?

Post by Feekzoid »

Anyone able to advise me here?

I've been asked to compose multiple compositions for an architectural design company- they intend to send out DVD's with 3D flyby's etc of their work - and would like music composed for each sequence - each to be about 1 minute in length.

I've not really had any experience with commercial fees and the like for composing - and would like any advice as to costing that anyone can offer.
Chris Abbott
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Post by Chris Abbott »

Try and find out what they've budgeted for, and if it sounds reasonable, charge that :) Well, maybe go in at 10% over and let them budget you down. The trick is, getting them to admit how much they've budgeted. Because if they haven't budgeted anything, then you're on a hiding to nothing. But "OK, what's your budget?" isn't an unreasonable question.

[edit: of course, if you've openly asked what their budget is, and then go in at 10% over, you just look greedy. Unless their budget is really crap and obviously so]

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Romeo Knight
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Post by Romeo Knight »

It also depends on how much time it takes for you. If you deliver something and they want you to do several changes afterwards it can get really annoying if you made a bargain price for them.
In advertising business it is common to make the layout price for a composition really low, let's say 500 Eur or less per music (with the opporrtunity for numerous free changes), and when it gets aired you can charge up to five or 10 times more, depending on how "big" and frequent the commercial the music is used in is.
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