New show...

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What should this show be called?

On Air with Ziphoid
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New show...

Post by Ziphoid »

Allright, tonight it's time to lose my virginity as host of my own show on SLAY Radio.

The show is called 'On Air with Ziphoid' and will be a bi-weekly, semi-request, themebased show. The name comes from a friend of mine who works in the radio business and says that it's very popular to call your show something like that and since I couldn't come up with a better name, I went for this for now... You may kindly provide your view of that matter in the little poll included here. ;)

There will be a new theme of the show each time it's aired and the first theme will be 'The Soft Spot'. The meaning of that is that tonight, there won't be any UNZy tracks played at all, but instead I will focus on the softer and smoother side of the scene. I will mostly play C64 tracks and remixes, but since I have a history in the Amiga scene, don't be surprised if some tunes from that machine also pops up sometimes... ;)

About the semi-request thing, it means that I have a quite preset playlist but I'll allow you to make your requests if you feel that I'm not playing just that particular tune that you want to hear, within the theme of the particular show, of course.

I'm actually starting to get kinda nervous about this, since it's the absolytely first time I'm behind the wheel of things on a show. I mean, on 'The Fleming Show', it's Andreas who handles things and now I can't even blame him if something goes wrong... Only myself... :?

Nevertheless, I'm really excited about this and just the simple fact that MY show will be the one leading SLAY Radio in to the new year is an honor by default. I just hope I can make you proud and satisfied... ;)

So, tune in tonight at 20:00 CET and join me as I take the first step into 2006 with SLAY Radio.

/ Ziph
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Post by Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson »

Hi John! If Visa Röster is "soft enough" for you, you're welcome to play any tracks from us! 8)

Good luck tonight! :D
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Post by Ziphoid »

Hey Pex!

Thank you! Visa Röster WILL be played more than once tonight, since you've made some of the absolutely best 'soft' remixes there is, so rest assured you will be heard. ;) ...and who knows, I just _might_ call one of you up for a quick, impromptu interview, but that's for me to know and for you to find out... ;)
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Post by Makke »

I'd give you suggestions, but I'm trying to think of a good name for my own new show...and I seem to suffer from complete "hjärnsläpp" at the moment.

So I'm not giving my ideas away. ;)
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Post by merman »

Call it "The Zyphoid Process".

It's a play on words - there's a muscle called the xiphoid process, at the bottom of the sternum (breastbone).

You also "process" the listener's requests. Get it?
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Post by Chris Abbott »

Makke wrote:I'd give you suggestions, but I'm trying to think of a good name for my own new show...and I seem to suffer from complete "hjärnsläpp" at the moment.

So I'm not giving my ideas away. ;)
"Makke's hjärnsläpp"?
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Post by Dimmignatt »


Simple and Retro !!
Two meanings also...

A few others !!

Ziphoids Memorial
Ziphoids Theme-orama

well.. I suck at namegiving..
Looking forward to the show(s) though =)
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Post by C64GLeN »

Chris Abbott wrote:
Makke wrote:I'd give you suggestions, but I'm trying to think of a good name for my own new show...and I seem to suffer from complete "hjärnsläpp" at the moment.

So I'm not giving my ideas away. ;)
"Makke's hjärnsläpp"?
I like it! :lol:
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Post by Makke »

Chris Abbott wrote:"Makke's hjärnsläpp"?
Heh, that's not a bad idea considering my shows usually consist of a series of hjärnsläpp. ;)
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Post by trace »

good show there ziphoid, the little i heard before my kids started to scream :)

Makke: Maybe you can call it : Makke - A big step for Slay Radio and a giant step for SID! :D
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Post by Ziphoid »

trace wrote:good show there ziphoid, the little i heard before my kids started to scream :)
Thanx, mate... :) I'm downloading it as we speak to listen to all the 'errms' and 'well' and 'allrightys' I said... *S* Perhaps a script for the show should help, but then again, what would a show on SLAY Radio be without some hickups, huh? ;)

Hope you have more time to listen on the 19th where I intend to do my next show, which will be about movies and movie-esque remixes...

/ Ziph
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Post by Chris Abbott »

Incidentally, I'm working on my own show, called "Little Bit 'o Chris" :) It will be a BIT different :)

I hope I got played last night, I'm softer than Marcel used to be before the diet!

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Post by Ziphoid »

Chris Abbott wrote:Incidentally, I'm working on my own show, called "Little Bit 'o Chris" :) It will be a BIT different :)

I hope I got played last night, I'm softer than Marcel used to be before the diet!

Cool with your own show, mate! :)

...and about you being played, I actually had quite a few of your songs lined up, but they got kinda lost in the overall chaosness I had... It's not good to be too nervous when doing a thing like this... *S* I mean, I never tend to be nervous, but for some reason I was VERY nervous during most of the show...

Hopefully, things'll get better once I get more used to handling a show all by myself. I mean, this was only my 5th show ever and the first one all by my lonesome, you know... ;)

/ Ziph
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Post by Chris Abbott »

Ziphoid wrote:
Chris Abbott wrote:Incidentally, I'm working on my own show, called "Little Bit 'o Chris" :) It will be a BIT different :)

I hope I got played last night, I'm softer than Marcel used to be before the diet!

Cool with your own show, mate! :)

/ Ziph
Well, I haven't OKd it with Slay: it might work better as a Podcast, since it won't be live. We'll have a much better idea when the pilot exists :)

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Post by Ziphoid »

Btw, the show is downloadable at just so you know... ;)
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