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Last post in C64 history...

Post by richerich »

Ok, THIS is the very last time im gonna write here... After this message, im gonna be gone forever from this channel... Sry, but im not welcome here, it seems to... This 1 last thing i say before i leave, is this:

<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

There is the site that i have put up my songs and NO ONE there thinks im doing "wrong" music. If anyone say im doing "wrong" tracks there too... I´m gonna say this to that person: "S**** U, A******!!" Because im making my own music and no one can say that im doing "wrong" music either... At least my music is heard there and i can take both good and bad reviews from that site, because i know that there are a lot more that are better than me... but they say that i shall keep it up with the songs im doing... unlike others here, they think i should make more music, instead of changing my whole set of knowledge... and with this, i say BYE to Boz, Makke, Dimmignat, Ziphoid, Skitz, C64Lamer, Alic3 and all the others that maked my staying here a LIVING HELLl...
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Post by ifadeo »

did i miss something?

btw. the most ppl also think my remixes a crap, but i don't care..... :wink:
i just walk on and never turn back....

cheers ifadeo
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Post by LMan »

Just one comment from my side as an independent observer of the whole affair: The people that are supposed to have made your stay a "living hell" are known to be very friendly and supportive. No hard feelings but it's obvious that you've brought this upon yourself.

I'm closing this thread now, richierich aka DJ Dajova has said what he wanted to say and that should be it. Move along nothing to see.

"Reisende soll man nicht aufhalten."
(German saying, meaning as much as: Don't try to hold up someone who's about to leave.")