My turn to go to the hospital

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My turn to go to the hospital

Post by Makke »

It’s an awful trend this; sceners ending up in the hospital for various reasons. My reason for ending up in the hospital was telling the wrong person to shut up. I have very vague memories of the events, partly due to intoxication and partly because…well, I did get the living shit beaten out of me.

We were out drinking, celebrating a friends 25th birthday. I was on my way home with another friend, when we decided to swing by Burger King for food. While in line waiting for our burgers I told a couple of guys to "cut it the fuck out", I don’t remember what they were doing, but apparently something that after a while pissed me off. A few words were exchanged, and they left the place.
When I got outside they were waiting for me. I was alone, as my mate was still waiting for his order. What happens from this point on is a bit of a haze. What I remember is that we got in a fight (since I’ve only been in a fight once before in my life, and even though I can be pretty cocky I’m not the violent type, so I’m pretty sure one of them jumped me). Next thing I remember is one of them sitting on me, while I’m flat on my back, pounding my face for all he’s worth. That’s about when I thought “I might just as well lie here and take it, and hope he wears himself out”.
Next memory I have I’m bleeding, some people are helping me up, and the ambulance is on its way. They say I passed out for 10 minutes, but I highly doubt that number. I might have passed out, but from the point I left BK until my mate came out it was max 2-3 minutes, and by that point I was up and awake again.

I have no strong recollection of what the guy looked like (because I think it was just the one guy who hit me…though it might’ve been more). The police told me they knew who it was, and that he’d essentially just got out of jail. The problem is, because assault and battery is not what the police call a “prioritised crime”, they didn’t get there until all the witnesses had left already. They (the ambulance guys) got the name of the guy who jumped me from two girls who saw it all. Now they need to find those two girls and hope they’ll testify, or if someone else saw it who can verify who it was, or else they have no case to work on. We’ll see what happens. I’m thinking about taking out an ad in the local paper this week, asking people who saw something to get in touch with the cops.

As for injuries I was in the hospital for two days. When I got there I looked like I’d been hit in the face by a train. Luckily, and amazingly enough, there were almost no “real” damage done. Well, yes. My nose is broken, but only a small fracture which hopefully will be almost impossible to notice. It’s too early to tell though, because my face is still a bit swollen. No damage to eyes, ears or skull. A bit bruised, but nothing that won’t heal in a couple of weeks…though I look like a freakin’ carnival in the face! If you want to see what I looked like when I got home from the hospital a couple of hours ago you can look here (nothing for the faint hearted, though it’s nothing compared to what I looked like when the police took my picture a few hours after the assault):

I’m taking this week off from work and studies. I think I’ve deserved a week of watching series and eating crisps after this mess. Besides, I doubt the busses will stop and pick me up so I can go to work/school when looking like this. ;)

Let’s just hope the cops, and court can nail the bastard who did it.
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Post by Chris Abbott »

You poor sod :( That's my worst nightmare you had just there...

Get well soon... hope they do find the scum.

Won't somebody PLEASE think of the children?
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Post by Sonic Wanderer »

Ouch, indeed. :shock:

Damn those provocative, dumb-ass no-good "I wanna fight tonight for no reason" arsebags! :evil:

I ran into a herd of neo-nazi such creeps about 15 years ago. I had trouble going *near* the town for ages after that, in pure fear. Damn 'em all to hell.

Let's gather 'em up and ship 'em off to the northpole, the lot of them.

Have a speedy healing/recovery and hope they catch them mothercocksuckers! (Pardon my French, but I'm upset!).
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Post by Romeo Knight »

Hey Makke, you look kacke (how the german says)!
Hope you get well soon!
And let the cops get those Froschfotzengesichter!
(It's only rock'n' roll btw!) :wink:
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Post by DHS »


I'm more of the "eye for eye" type of guy. Dunno why, i just feel the need to come back to sweden.


Get well soon, man.
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Post by Andreas Wallström »

Makke, I'm sorry for what happened. From the way you write, I guess things are pretty OK considering. I really get angry when I hear about these stupid violent acts. I live in Stockholm and I see it all the time. In fact, it was so close this happened to me at this weekend as well, which is a bit freaky.

Now, rest and do things that'll cheer you up. I just watched the Wallace & Gromit movie and that cheered me up A LOT. I can really recommend it, but I can't help you with the file as it's illegal to spread moviefiles.
Last edited by Andreas Wallström on 27/02/2006 - 19:47, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by FFRenzy »


Awful to read that this has happened to you, but luckily you got away pretty good ( although you'r not too pretty now. Hell, i imagina that must HURT ! )

Enjoy your well-deserved rest.
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Post by LMan »

What the fuck. Get well soon mate, hope those assholes get what they deserve. Dunno what's wrong with some people... :x
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Post by jgb »

With that amount of makeup I understand why you got beaten up! ;)

Jokes aside, get well! I hope the next time you see the bastards it will be on court.
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Post by xo »

Get well soon Makke, you deserve a week of rest after that nightmarish encounter.
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Post by trace »

HOLY SH-T!!!!!!!!!!!!! didn't allmost recognize you there on the pic. :shock:

Some people are really fucked up and can't take anything.

Get well Makke soon and hope they get him !!!! :evil:
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Post by skitz »

Gadzooks! I can only imagine what you looked like in the hospital!

I didnt actually expect this type behaviour happened in Sweden but I guess you always get the pea-brains out there who are just out looking for an excuse for a fight. I hope they catch this oink and put him back in jail...
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Post by Chris Abbott »

skitz wrote:I hope they catch this oink and put him back in jail...
Well, I'm sure the Pigs can catch the Oink :)

Won't somebody PLEASE think of the children?
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Post by dan gillgrass »

Holy Crap Makke!!!! hope you get better soon...... me and a few mates are just getting tooled up to come round and deliver some "justice"

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Post by the_JinX »

Sjeezz that looks terrible..
With the red eyes and all..

Something similar got me to cut down on the drinking a couple of years ago..
Or atleast in loud pubs (no more then 6 beers or something)..

Get well soon..
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