SLAY Radio & Radio (name removed) - The future.

Radio shows, podcasts, live events, CD releases, etc...

What's the main reason not listening our station?

The language
Only live shows unfitting in your time plan.
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The moderators
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Technical reasons
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The program structure / Themes in our program
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All of that / Don't like at all
Other reasons (Please specify as posting)
Total votes: 15


Post by PARALAX »

tas wrote: Do not try to emulate Slay Radio. Slay Radio does what it does, and it does it well.
I don't try to emulate or copy something because I think that every project does have his own style. The main reason was because I want to know the general opinion and what's to change in future or what we could do better without loosing our german community which are growing at the moment. I'm only speaking of the interest here.

Although we want to chance everythin I read here, I've to thank you for the honesty here because there's obviously not the main reasons I thought before. I know that such threads don't really increase our famous and I don't be able to force something in this way but maybe it's helping for me to re-structure or enhance my project and there's many thinks we could learn from another...

Unfortunately the language is a difficult point for us because most german listeners we've don't accect an english show. Therefore my idea would be a special show in english every 2nd or 3rd week but I don't know whether it would worth for most current SLAY listeners or other english prefered peoples.
waz wrote: * Do I need fame, or am I doing this for the right reasons?
I'm still thinking it's a hobby project and it will stay this way but I thing it should worth at least a little bit for that what we do and I don't know any station, doing their work for almost no listeners.
waz wrote: * Should I see myself as competition, and should I aim towards collaboration instead?
As I've said so often: We're doint almost the same job here, I think Slaygon know what I mean...and I'm sure we would be stronger together than regarding us as "competition" which I never did. But it's not me doing the next step of this.

waz wrote: * Am I being counter-productive by shouting to make myself heard?

Normally not but isn't it a good feeling being listened from many people? I think this question could answer besser Boz personally.;)

waz wrote: * What can I do to enhance the listener experience and make it more user-friendly? (language for example)
That's the main problem because it would mean that we must offer at least a homepage with 2 languages which I can't do at the moment due lack of time. Furthermore we're to less support at the moment, most things I must do by myself except some live shows.:(
waz wrote: * Do I accept constructive criticism or do I see it all as negative?
Wouldn't I start such threads then if I must be afraid from the answer I'm awaiting? I like to discuss and finally it seems to work...
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Post by Chris Abbott »

fnordpojk wrote:
tas wrote:Slay Radio opens out to the world as jolly-cum-silly. Thats not a slander but its a way which works well for Slay Radio. I'm sure many people would appreciate a lets say "BBC Radio 2" style. A more serious, a more in-depth approach.
This is actually one reason why I don't even try to keep up with the live shows anymore - I've grown a bit bored of the format I call "Z-Boz", which almost all the DJs seem to have adapted lately: be silly, play requests from people, reply to IRC questions on air and.. that's it.

I find myself with less and less free time, and the free time I have I like to invest into something worthwile. The live shows are dropping on my priority list, and I find that kind of sad - I remember when I wouldn't miss a Z Show for anything.

So yes, I for one would like a "serious" live show alternative (such as some of Thalamus' shows - he does know a hell of a lot about the stuff he plays). But it would have to be in English - mein Deutsch ist sehr schlecht. :)
I think Kenz's new show fills a bit of that gap, albeit not being live... though I think if you're not actually interacting with your listeners that much you might as well pre-record and make it smooth. But that's just ole' post-production me :)

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Post by fnordpojk »

Chris Abbott wrote:I think Kenz's new show fills a bit of that gap, albeit not being live... though I think if you're not actually interacting with your listeners that much you might as well pre-record and make it smooth. But that's just ole' post-production me :)
That's true - I enjoyed Kenz' show, and wish he'd output stuff on a more frequent basis. More good C64 podcasts would probably not be a bad idea either.
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Post by Waz »

(name removed) wrote: Unfortunately the language is a difficult point for us because most german listeners we've don't accect an english show.
Maybe if you haven't already done so, why not ask them? That might at least give you some feedback. If the majority of the German listeners still would like a native language version, then that's fair enough. It's just that I think you may be missing out on a potential audience elsehwere that might actually enjoy what you do.

Maybe have someone translate all the spoken parts from German to English for you, and take the time off your hands? I'm quite sure that if you asked around there would be a listener for example who would probably be enthusisatic to help (especially if they're a fan of the show) and go from there. After all, teamwork is always good - and makes you feel less burdened.
(name removed) wrote: I'm still thinking it's a hobby project.
I wouldn't see it beyond a hobby and I'm sure most people would respect you for that anyhow. After all, many projects exist purely as hobbies, there's many within the C64 community for example, and people understand and appreciate that it's a spare time thing. Not only that but often they feel like they'd like to give something back by helping out.
(name removed) wrote: I'm sure we would be stronger together than regarding us as "competition" which I never did. But it's not me doing the next step of this.

There's other ways of collaboration - such as complimenting what SlayRadio already does rather than compete with it. Maybe think of a niche area that you feel hasn't been covered, and have some shows to fill the gaps if you think there are any? After all, BBC don't survive on just Radio 1. Their other stations compliment each other by being different, but collaborating by not repeating too much of what the others do. That might be one way of thinking that you could consider.
(name removed) wrote: isn't it a good feeling being listened from many people?
It should be more of a good feeling that you receive an email of feedback, saying that they enjoyed one of your shows and that they'd like to hear more. If someone takes their time to not just listen to your shows, but to actually take the time in addition to write to you, then that I think would maybe enrich that feeling.

What I meant by counter-productive is when you mention such quotes as per your original post:
(name removed) wrote: Shall we cancel our presence here so that you're satisfied???
All that does is that people will read that and interpret you as someone who's thrown their toys out of the pram because they act like a spoilt child, sort of "Well I don't care anymore ner ner ner". Do bear that in mind, it's not always easy to interpret feelings and people will read your sentence as that sort of intention.

If that wasn't what you intended, then fair enough. But think about it.
Warren Pilkington (Waz)
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Post by PARALAX »

waz wrote: Maybe have someone translate all the spoken parts from German to English for you, and take the time off your hands?
That's not the main problem I think, it's my spoken english and I'm sure there are many other peoples which could do it better like Ziphoid for example. That's the main reason because we could need some help, maybe with a live show from one of the SLAY-Moderators at our show, maybe an interview or something other. That also would make a show much more exciting, even for german listeners.

Maybe Slaygon should think about it or at least the other DJ's, if they don't have a hand writing contract with SLAY Radio.:)

And if he confess himself as "lazy" like some months before inside another thread, there are more than enough people prepared for helping him.;)

Some points I've still forgotten but I'm always watching what's changing worldwide, so I note that many people are prefering Podcast shows meanwhile because due to lack of time. But only 8 subscribers for a show everyone asking me before to record for a show being announced almost 3 weeks before isn't much, most of them are germans. :?

I must confess: I don't like Podcast at all, I'm only offering for such peoples missing a show. A Podcast show may be very practically for your I-Pod but it's still not interactive and planned until the last second. That's the reason why I would never record a special "Podcast only" show.

I forgot to commentate 2 things from Slaygon too:
Slaygon wrote: Video streams are nice and all, but does it really do anything to better your radio station?
I think it's one of the main reasons if I'm watching the last statistics. We've had 3-4 times more on video stream than on the standard channel, although not even accessable directly from our homepage or as banner from Remix64 or here in the forum, although you only can view it with Winamp 5.xx or higher.

How is this possible? I think it's the content we offer and the idea to play longplays from some fan project sites which we want to support. - A lot of work because we must collect several hours of video for a show. But if I note that only 2-3 listeners are on the standard channel, I know that they must be hating Winamp or that they are only few peolples liking a show regardless the language.
Slaygon wrote: All the DJs are friends with each other in one way or another, and they in turn know a lot of people that want to hear them do a radio show.
I'm a bit confused about that if I refer to this page:

...where you're offering a page for new applicants (or not?). If you're only prefering personal contacts, why you're offering this page?

Sure, I also would prefer personal contacts but unfortunately it's impossible because most people asking for a broadcast are not living in my region so I must thrust them over a bigger distance...maybe a small point you could learn from others. Full thrust isn't a question of distance every time. And disthrust isn't really promoting for a more variedly program content.:roll:

Also I heard that you're only accepting songs, that you're determine alone but why??? - Don't you think you could do it better with the whole team or with us and the other listeners together? :wink:

That's all for now of my "constructive critism". Whenever you want, we could cooperate or help us a bit at least for someone having similar dreams or thinkings instead regarding us as "competitors".;)

You did, are doing and will do a good job anyway but maybe you're prepared for some changes in future.
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Post by Ziphoid »

Just a couple of quickies...
(name removed) wrote: That's not the main problem I think, it's my spoken english and I'm sure there are many other peoples which could do it better like Ziphoid for example.
I really don't know why you mention me here, but I've simply always been able to speak english rather well. The main issue here is the simple fact that more people understand english than german. It's as simple as that. Even your not-so-good english is a lot better than having the shows totally in german, at least for me and many other potential listeners.
(name removed) wrote: I think it's one of the main reasons if I'm watching the last statistics. We've had 3-4 times more on video stream than on the standard channel, although not even accessable directly from our homepage or as banner from Remix64 or here in the forum, although you only can view it with Winamp 5.xx or higher.
I think it's quite understandable that you've got more people on the video stream than on the audio stream, since if the possibility is there, why not try it out? I thought it was quite hilarious that you started to bring out the vacuum cleaner at 5.30 am, but other than that I really didn't found myself actually watching the feed. Nevertheless, it's a quite nice feature which easily is comparable to the webcams we're using on SLAY. Just keep on using it if you feel it brings another dimension to your show.
(name removed) wrote: I'm a bit confused about that if I refer to this page:

...where you're offering a page for new applicants (or not?). If you're only prefering personal contacts, why you're offering this page?
That page actually only displays what we DJs use as equipment and techniques to air our shows. It doesn't actually state that anyone could or should apply themselves as DJs.
(name removed) wrote: Also I heard that you're only accepting songs, that you're determine alone but why??? - Don't you think you could do it better with the whole team or with us and the other listeners together? :wink:
This is not entirely true. The biggest reason why Slaygon and Slaygon alone adds new tracks to the playable songs is the fact that since he's the master controller of the software, it's better if it's him that handles it. In that way, the tracks are added correctly since SAM (the server software we're using) is a bit peculiar in the way it handles such things.

All in all, I think the main thing you should think of is to loosen up, mate. I _know_ that the language barrier is quite a hard one to climb over, which definately is noticeable in your postings here (even though some of the sentences are quite hilarious ;)), but the mere fact that you've been VERY pushy about getting listeners to your shows is - in my opinion - one of the main reasons why you haven't. People just can't stand when other people are somewhat both begging and demanding people to listen.

I don't mean to upset you, but I simply must say this. If you in general tone down your approach a bit, then people will start to listen to you.

...and for my personal opinion, I STILL think you're overusing your FX unit in bad places, but that's perhaps my personal taste... ;)

Oh, btw, I'm sorry if you feel that we "stole" some of your listeners this last saturday, but I simply don't see it that way. I've listened to parts of your shows and just don't get the right feeling when I listen to them, and that's not only because of the language. I do understand some German so it's only when you speak TOO fast that I don't quite follow you, but I feel the shows just are missing something. Can't tell you what it is, though, but it's just a feeling I have.

Anyhoo, keep at it and it'll get better. But, as it has been previously pointed out, listeners don't come overnight. It has taken SLAY Radio 6-7 years to reach where it is today and I don't need to point out the facts once again, since it already has been done thoroughly. Quit 'seeking fame' and just do shows 'coz you love to do it. Do NOT point to the fact that you've spent a lot of money on buying equipment and is spending a lot of time to prepare your shows as some sort of a blackmailing reason for us to feel guilty if we're not listening to you (as Makke said). I've put WAY too much money into this, but I'm doing it solely for the reason that I like to squeeze as much out of my work as I possibly can. It might now sound any better now than if I'd used the cheapest possible microphone and soundcard, but at least in my mind it sounds better. (Psychology 101 - if you've got more expensive golf clubs, you'll automatically hit the ball harder, straighter and get it closer to the hole without any other help... ;))

Of course it's more fun to be appreciated by more people and have more listeners. I mean, of course I'd rather have 500 listeners than 5, but even if I only had 5 listeners, I'd still do the best I could. Noone could be asked to do anything more. Some people might think that I've taken the easy road to 'fame' by joining the DJ staff at SLAY when there already is a steady base of listeners, but I think that I've managed quite well so far since my average amount of listeners actually has gone up (even though it's not easy considering the fact that my shows tend to get longer and longer ;)). Once again, I don't do this for the 'fame' of it all, but merely for the fact that it's fun and relaxing in my otherwise hectic world. I really shouldn't be on air as much as I am, since my schedule is WAY overbooked, but I feel like it keeps me sane and calm and helps me focus better in other aspects of my life, such as work and that kind of stuff. As long as I love to be on air and the listeners wants me to, I'll be here. ;)

I think it's a good thing that you've started a thread like this, but you could have handled it quite a bit better. For instance, which has been pointed out a couple of times earlier on, that last sentence you wrote only made you look childish, bitter and annoying, so that should've been left out. The title of this thread also gives the whole core meaning of the scene a bad name. There shouldn't be any "vs" used in a situation like this. (Although, Hazel can continue his remix-vengeance towards all the famous composers with his Hazel vs.-tracks... ;)) Just look at it like we're raising the awareness of the scene to higher levels amongst 'regular' people and try to fight towards that instead of being jealous about the fact that SLAY Radio has a lot more listeners than Radio (name removed) has. I won't point out the same facts that already has been pointed out more than once, but just take your time and read through this thread a couple of more times and you'll get the hang of it.

I probably won't be listening to your shows in their current form, even though I just might download them once in a while to see that I'm not missing out on something. I _KNOW_ that you've got a burning feeling to do something good with this, so just do it. Just make sure you're not only doing it for the reason of becoming 'famous', but for the love of doing it. Therefor, you shouldn't complain about only having this and that amount of listeners, but just keep coming up with more ideas and make your shows better and better. I think it's a good thing that you're aiming to provide as much information of a tune as possible and that just might be one of the strongest reasons to listen to your shows, so just keep that up and try to find a way to take your shows further into the future.

This became a bit longer than I initially intended, but I just had to get this out of my system.

In short, stop whining, keep improving and overall - make sure to have FUN! ;)

/ Ziph

Post by PARALAX »

Thanks a lot. I've changed the thread name a little bit.

Maybe some other purposes will follow...
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Post by tas »

I don't think having 1 show every 3 weeks in English will help. It's either all or bust.

As Ziphod says; even with a poor accent it's better than German.

Post by PARALAX »

By the way....I want to remember that I'm DJ & Producer since over 16 years and leading the radio for almost 6 years which means that we're one of the oldest, german projects and far not a young project.

So, no one could say that I'm just a beginner. We only change the concept from commercial to free music, that's all.

And I hope that's following more listeners and broadcasters in future to do the same because the main part of my concept ist still to never give up (until it's too late...)
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Post by Jan Lund Thomsen »

(name removed) wrote:By the way....I want to remember that I'm DJ & Producer since over 16 years and leading the radio for almost 6 years
Oh, the I've-been-doing-this-for-years-so-don't-anyone-dare-to-tell-me-I-suck card. Not a very wise one to play if your problem is a lack of listeners. It's highly likely to leave people thinking along the lines of "well, if he hasn't learned in 6 years I can't be bothered to listen for even 6 minutes."

As a side note; wasn't part of your original "mission statement" that you wanted to do a remix radio station catering for German listeners? Just find it rather ironic now that you're whining about non-Germans not tuning in.
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Post by Makke »

Jan Lund Thomsen wrote:
(name removed) wrote:By the way....I want to remember that I'm DJ & Producer since over 16 years and leading the radio for almost 6 years
Oh, the I've-been-doing-this-for-years-so-don't-anyone-dare-to-tell-me-I-suck card. Not a very wise one to play if your problem is a lack of listeners. It's highly likely to leave people thinking along the lines of "well, if he hasn't learned in 6 years I can't be bothered to listen for even 6 minutes."
His experience also seems to increase exponentially, with no connection to the space/time continuum.
On August 3rd 2005 (name removed) wrote:I'm DJ & Producer since over 10 years and owner of a small radio station which is registered since over 4 years.
In six months he's gained 6 years as a DJ and producer. So obviously he's an out of this world DJ.

Jokes aside, (name removed), asking for feedback/help and then tell people that you have this and that much experience so no one can tell you off is just silly.

As I said, I've not had time to listen to much of the stuff you've done, so I can only give you feedback on your behaviour on this forum...and personally I think it's appalling. I don't even feel like taking the time to help you out. Especially since you're ignoring what everyone is telling you:
The main problem is the language, to which you simply reply "That can't be done, the Germans won't have it".
You're asking what's wrong, and what you can do, but you don't want to change anything. So what's the point in giving you feedback?
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Post by Ziphoid »

(name removed) wrote:By the way....I want to remember that I'm DJ & Producer since over 16 years and leading the radio for almost 6 years which means that we're one of the oldest, german projects and far not a young project.
I don't mean to be rude or anything, but if you now have been doing this for 6 years and still can't get a bigger audience than maybe 15 persons, shouldn't that be a sign to perhaps seek something else to do if the main reason for you doing this is to have many listeners and be "famous"? I mean, get your priorities sorted out first, do the best thing you can do and THEN cry out if you feel mistreated in any way. What have we done to you? Do you have a hard time about the fact that your demo show really didn't fit into the SLAY Radio schedule? As we've continously pointed out, the reason why we do this is that we love the music, the heritage, the scene and the people in and around it. For chrissakes, do you know how much time and money Chris Abbott has put into this just because he loves it? Chris, you're crazy and you know it, but that's why we love you, you know... ;) Of course people should have the possibility to do what they love to do AND make something out of it. One thing is for sure, and that's the fact that noone will become a millionaire on doing any of this. And what about this stuff about 'being famous'? It's a LONG way to raise the public knowledge about the c64 scene and its beauty, but we're slowly progressing towards such a good thing by telling our friends and people around us about what we do and what other people do. I've actually managed to get more than one of my 'non-computer' friends to start listening to SLAY Radio since I started being a DJ. At first, they only listened to the station whenever I was DJing, just to hear me, but lately they've actually found themselves listening to the rotational list and some of them have even signed up as members and started to make their own requests and all.

This is exactly what this should be about. I mean, every since I started as a DJ doing some Fleming Shows together with Andreas last november, I've constantly tried to learn how to use my gear and improve my shows. I have NEVER gotten any kind of comment from Boz, Slaygon, Makke, Skitz or anyone of the other DJs about something like "Well, you should really do this and do that. I know, since I've been DJing for so and so many years now.". I have asked for input and help and since we're all friends, I've received it whenever I've asked for it. I've always been very humble about it and I don't feel that I have to show off to anyone in any way about how things are going and I really think you should start to think about such things as well. You come off as a somewhat spoiled and annoying brat that's just pure jealous and it's NOT a pretty sight.

Please, just skip these types of messages in the future. IF you feel like you can make a contribution to the community by doing your shows and improving the way you do them, then please do. Just don't complain and whine about not having as many listeners as you want to. Just keep on doing your thing and advertise wherever you want to, but I still think it's important to build up the community around it, and I kinda feel that you're not doing the best thing in that department so far.

We've done our part here as well. LMan has given you all kinds of support and we've even changed this part of the forum into being a bit more generic than simply having it called 'SLAY Radio'. Make GOOD use of such help and accept our constructive comments and DON'T bite back at everything you feel is offensive towards you in any way. You've been a bit TOO oversensitive about a lot of stuff and that's one thing that people just can't and won't accept.

In case you haven't noticed yet, but if you look closer in this thread and see who has actually answered, you'll basically find most of the people deeply involved in the scene as the people that has written. Why is that? Well, you've touched a sensitive subject and not in a good way, otherwise they wouldn't have bothered to write. I mean, we're not touchy about the scene itself and we gladly welcome any new person that wants to join the community, BUT, and that's a big but, to join the community also means you've got a responsibility to behave in a proper manner. I personally feel that you've partly not succeeded in that way. Lately, you've behaved a lot better and a lot more mature than you did earlier on this year, and then there's this? Why? Are you so DESPERATE about being "famous" that you need to shout it out to everyone just to get noticed?

Well, I've noticed you, and I do NOT like what I see. I'm sorry, I've given you more than one chance to prove that you're not only a fame-seeker, but in my eyes you have failed.

I won't work against you but if your manner doesn't change and your behavior stays on the same, immature level, I will simply put an /ignore on you. I'm sad to say this, but this is just the way I feel. And no, it has NOTHING to do with the fact that you're gay. I'm still up for a cup of coffee with you when you come to Stockholm in October if you still want to. I just don't want to hear any more of this nonsense.

Make music - not war!

/ Ziph
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Post by LMan »

Well said, Ziphoid.

@(name removed): ich glaube das Hauptproblem ist dass Du überhaupt nicht wahrnimmst was Leute Dir mitteilen. Irgendwie wiederholen sich die Argumente tausendmal, aber Du scheinst nicht zuzuhören.

(translated: I think the main problem is that you do not perceive at all what people are trying to tell you. Somehow the arguments repeat themselves over and over, but you don't seem to listen.)

Post by PARALAX »

Jan Lund Thomsen wrote:Oh, the I've-been-doing-this-for-years-so-don't-anyone-dare-to-tell-me-I-suck card. Not a very wise one to play if your problem is a lack of listeners. It's highly likely to leave people thinking along the lines of "well, if he hasn't learned in 6 years I can't be bothered to listen for even 6 minutes."
You don't seems to understand it, same for Ziphoid. That's not the main reason, I start this thread. I did it to collect opinions what's to change in future for a better show or more global interest. I don't have it necessary "whining" for something read my threads more carefully.

And I don't want to start a dispute here, okay?

@LMan: Ich nehme alles wahr, aber solche Behauptungen lasse ich nicht auf mir sitzen. Ich bin hier um ehrliche Meinungen zu sammeln und nicht um Streit an zu fangen.

Still I've the opinion: Together we are least in a view.

So let's continue the thread with a reasonably conversation, please.
Last edited by PARALAX on 31/05/2006 - 18:31, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DHS »

Ziphoid wrote:Are you so DESPERATE about being "famous" that you need to shout it out to everyone just to get noticed?
The last one who was desperate about being "famous" didn't end well.
(name removed) wrote:You don't seems to understand it, like Ziphoid does I think.
And, weirdly, he also thought that anybody was understanding him.

DHS of The SoundWavers