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You're really gay/lesbian???

Yes, I am (but possibly don't wanna talk about it further)
I don't know yet...possibly
No, I'm not and never want it.
I'm Bi
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Post by Romeo Knight »

Did I mention yet that I like to eat pussy?
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Post by Nickenstien »

@Romeo Knight

haha, I was thinking about saying that some time soon also :D

stuff and that and things with bits on it!
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Post by FunkyM »

Okay, so what about transexuals?

Like, would you give Buck Angel one, just because "he" has a pussy? or would you be taken by the Idea of "Girlcock"?

That's the mindfucker, TS folks just unlevels the playing field when it comes to sexuality...
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Post by Romeo Knight »

Holy Moses! :fear:
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Post by Chris Abbott »

Romeo Knight wrote:Holy Moses! :fear:
No, he was straight, I think. Apart from those tablets he kept taking :)
Won't somebody PLEASE think of the children?
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Post by C64GLeN »

I'm never gonna read all that....
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Post by Lexx »

FunkyM wrote:Okay, so what about transexuals?

Like, would you give Buck Angel one, just because "he" has a pussy? or would you be taken by the Idea of "Girlcock"?

That's the mindfucker, TS folks just unlevels the playing field when it comes to sexuality...
Lol...ok here are my 5cents as i know what a trannies life is about. :) :oops: I hope i can explain it as best as possible because my english isn't that good yet but well enough to allow me to compose with a few vocabularies....if ya don't mind. ;)

First i admit that i'm a tranny. The kind of tranny which biologocial gender is still male but inside, the psychological gender remains as female. Due my interest into bhudismn i don't think it's a good solution for me to adjust the gender. My destiny / karma is what i'm responsible for / past life. Therefore i keep my male body as it is, learn to accept the reality while i balance the things by allowing my female side to coming out. Perhaps that will bring me a better karma for the futurelife but i won't to go too much offtopic. ;)

Now....my current problem that i & all the other trannies have, is to fighting for being accepted as what we are. That doesn't mean that TS/TV/TG/Tranny,Shemales or whatever u like to call them are ill, constantly day dreaming, only beloved in their mirror reflection & just concerned ony with their own sorrows etc... NO :!:
I think the most people have a wrong idea about them. So i think it's time to get along better & better, put away all disagreements & prejudices that were finespun by the moral concept from older generations & should be from now on replaced by curiosity, the attempt for a new world-community which mind becomes very openend to a new life & a wider horizon.

I'm very confident that someday, there will be a wholesome world-community but before...we have to sort out alot of negative emotions & thoughts for the matter of a change, to replace them into positive thoughts / emotions...so everything gets to a new start. I think u know what i'm trying to talk about.
Ts-folk are absolutely normal & very intelligent as they understand both planets at once :arrow: Mars & Venus.
They also are very creativ, well-natured, interested for social mobility & of course also aiming for same social position to @ll. U can compare that matter with:

.) woman versus man /emanzipation
.) black versus white / equal rights for all races
.) homosexuells versus heterosexuells / adoption of children & marriage
.) religion/cultures versus other ones etc...

All this groups have their own pain in the ass. Nothing is more terrible as being crowded, punished etc... because u are different in gender, skin color, whereabouts, belief or in ur sexual life.
I don't want to get too generaly but this was just for examples. TS can feel compassion with others aswell. Even for those who are filled with intolerant thoughts, detestation & hatred. As what i have expierenced sofar... (since about 3 years i'm living as transexuell woman & i'm not hiding it anywhere ...nor in my job, nor when i'm going out as for shopping, weekend activities etc...) it's of course not an easy but an interesting life.
U meet people who don't can get their hands from u...who are more comfortable to so called "unormal" figures because they know that those carry a big heart & respect to @ll inside their bodies. So i speak about gender-neutral meetings/friendships which trannies of course enjoy alot. Especialy with females.

The thing that boders me is getting undressed by eyes from perverted men. Funny but true. :) Those can be also heteros & bisexuells...not all of them are homosexuell.
And as i'm not homosexuell there is a proof that there are also so called "lesbian trannies" arround, which just prefer to share intim emotions as female only with biologocial females I know my whole roman sounds abit funny due my broken english but i'm writing about the true. As meterosexuell man i had my affairs / relationships but also as tranny which was far the better expierence to me. Look as lesbian-tranny u feel affirmed as female when a female / male loves u as what u are inside. By the years i learned to deal with intolerance, wide-opened eyes by youngins who just already learn about the reallife & also by perverts, homosexuells, old people who are isolated living with their past etc... that's not the big deal but it hurts me that Trannies, Gays & Lesbians are still socially disadvantaged. They can't enjoy the same life like heteros ...the so called "normal" people. But then again i feel relived that there are threads such this because it signalize a change in the future because & thanks to the interest that proves that the normal people are interested about us. :!:

I hope u guyz won't misconceive me. I just threw my 5cents into this for a better understanding generelly. I'm not here for judgment, i just found this thread by luck as i was browsing to what happend with Radio (name removed) thanks to the big news. I don't know the leader personaly but i allowed them to promote their shows on Fanpage Forum & they asked me if they could use the materials that i have collected, written about my childhood idol Chris Huelsbeck sofar. So u can say...i was very shocked & suprised that such harsh wordfights happend here. No one told me about.

However...according to the TS topic, ...if there are any questions pls go ahead, i'm realy happy when i can help. :)
Last note: The reason why homosexuals, lesbians & transexuals make a big deal about their comingouts, sexuallife is the fact that they are prisoners/victims of discrimination. Alot of them expierence realy hardships so it's not that easy as u might have supposed. To the opinion...that homos, not @ll but a few, appear very arrogant happens but has a good reasons & therefore it should be understandable. If u feel very much isolated & in disadvantage because u are different....not @ll homos, lesbian & trannies are able to deal with it with a smiling face. Some of them can be very resentful & therefore the arrogance as protection. But don't get a wrong idea....the pink world of gayz & lesbian is of course open to @ll. U don't have to be homo, bi nor transexuell. Just try to tolerate their nature as normal as possible. Fair treatment is the ultimative medicine to this wrecked planet as it sadly is the moment. To be a tranny for example makes u the feel like being very special but that doesn't say that i'm isolated in my world of dressing, makeup & high heels :!: I do have interest to everyone. I see the Life as my school.

Ok enough.....deep apology cause i made u @ll reading my long roman but i hope i could explain the things what's all about the differencies etc... No offenense e to anyone :!:

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