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Post by Dafunk »

i once encoutered internal error when i submitted a tune that was already in the queue, i think it was because i used the exact same file name to resubmit. i just changed the filename and it uploaded successfully, later i just mailed jan to remove the first version. it was the trick bag tune (that's why it says 'modified' in the brackets next to the name...)

p.s.: i screw up all the time when submitting tunes, jan knows that... ;)
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Post by Chris Abbott »

I've never seen a thread with four different flamewars before!!!

First: everybody stop name calling!! "Cheater", "Childish", all labels guaranteed to start fighting.

Second: There is such a thing as "passive aggression", and that's what Gibs post displayed, at least to me. That's what Jan was reacting to. If we all bear in mind that after years of providing a service you tend to get a bit sensitive about people who appear to be "demanding" things, even if they really don't think they are.

I think many times here the native English speakers, or people whose English is native level are maybe overly sensitive to nuances and subtleties that appear to be posts written by people whose English is more functional. We react to what's written, but I certainly sometimes forget that people might choose inappropriate words, or say something with a style that's acceptable in one language, but not in another.

Now, can we make this the point in the thread where we all kiss and make up? Please? Pretty please? I'll even throw in some sugar, if it will sweeten the deal.

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Post by Makke »

I'm getting just a little bit f*cking annoyed now.

Gibs, what the hell is your major malfunction?! For the past few months I've not been able to say a f*cking thing to you without you going into full on flame-mode!

You constantly turn sparks into bonfires! You're an arrogant f*cking child who starts crying "UNFAIR!!!" as soon as you don't get your way and get it now.

From now on, since I'm obviously such a major annoyance to you Mr. Gibs, I'll gladly ignore anything you say and refrain from replying to any of your posts.

Have a nice day.
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Post by Chris Abbott »

Makke wrote:I'm getting just a little bit f*cking annoyed now.

Gibs, what the hell is your major malfunction?! For the past few months I've not been able to say a f*cking thing to you without you going into full on flame-mode!

You constantly turn sparks into bonfires! You're an arrogant f*cking child who starts crying "UNFAIR!!!" as soon as you don't get your way and get it now.

From now on, since I'm obviously such a major annoyance to you Mr. Gibs, I'll gladly ignore anything you say and refrain from replying to any of your posts.

Have a nice day.
I think a number of people are now allergic to each other and should follow Makke's advice towards each other.

Won't somebody PLEASE think of the children?
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Re: Why are you doing this guys!!??

Post by Romeo Knight »

Dear MoadDib!
Moad'Dib wrote: I don't understand why you talk about "childish style". Lately you wanted to "eat pussy" as I remebre, about 5-6 times on the same topic.
You're mixing up two completely different things here.
1. Trying to be funny may look childish to some people - that's due to anyones different kind of humour. 2. Getting upset, "arguing" in a manner like gibs did here in public ("I know that you are trying to put people against me, and I know the reason why") without telling the reason in public is childish behaviour in my opinion. Real men do handle this different. Just my own personal point of view.
When I read this, I only smiled on it
Well, that's what it was written for.
Adult people have to behave childish sometimes and you don't have the right call anybody childish after you behaved chilidish.
Yes, I have. :) I pointed it out above.
I think I won't read you for a couple of days. I have to relax about it.
That's kinda odd cos so you won't read this. Nevermind.
I really don't like when people offending a person, just becouse they have more of them...
I don't know if I really get what you mean by this, but one last word:
I don't accuse people simply because others do.
I have constant email contact with gibs for months, we send each other samples of our work, I always try to help him with his mixing and mastering. I just don't like it when people get obscene without an apparent reason. Please don't judge me too fast and simple.
And now let's make up.
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Post by Tonka »

It's worth noting here that I am in no way advocating Gibs' response to Makke any more than I am Makke's response to Gibs initial post. It does indicate however how quickly a mild 'telling off' (Makke) can escalate into full blown abuse (Gibs)!

Whilst nobody should feel they need to tip-toe around anyone on this forum, it maybe worth taking a step back sometimes and thinking - "OK - is it REALLY worth putting my 10p's worth in here for what this may turn into"?...

Gibs hasn't been able to upload for over 2 months and has a right to be pissed off - I would be. How helpful Jan has been to him, we may never know... If Jan is all out of ideas, then maybe making this problem public is the best thing to do.

Nobody really needed to defend Jan, BTW - he is a big boy ( :wink: ) and can fight his own battles!

I personally would like to see people working towards a solution. We have already had 2 theory's of why Gibs may be having uploading probs (thanks to Dafunk and Moog).

Let's keep on this train of thought...

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Re: Why are you doing this guys!!??

Post by Moad'Dib »

That's kinda odd cos so you won't read this. Nevermind.
I lied! Can you believe that, I could keep myself out from here in this situation??? :lol:
I love this forum, and love this community with it's people, so hard to don't read it of course! :wink:

There are truth in your personal equation of course! No problem with my humour belive me, but if you want to be funny you should be childish sometimes to reach it, and you reached it... :wink:
But as I said it isn't a problem, cos I love to eat pussy too. And loved your strange bike with the big penis too in an other topic. :lol:
Just please don't tell to others: childish, cos sometimes we all are childish... Is it ok? :roll:
Real men do handle this different.
Real man going out to back of the house and handle it with a fistfight... :wink:
And now let's make up.
Of course man, I wasn't angry with you at all, just... never mind...

I still in shock about Makke's and Chris's lately comments. This is not the way to be a correct, frendly mood here. :( So please guys!

Let's get solutions to able Gibs uploads, and stop this all silly dispute!
And mainly let's make it up everybody please!!!

Of course thanx for your sacrifice and amazing work you're doing for this all! :wink:
(Will you find some solution for Gibs problem? )

Weekend coming, so be happy everyone!
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Post by Infamous »

i too have the same problems as moog with the encoding problems, i have to re-save my mp3's using cool edit for the rko site to accept that its an mp3 using the encoder attached to that (not sure what it is, or where to find out.. but i assume its the default .dll that comes with it.. so maybe thats an idea to try out too).
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Re: Why are you doing this guys!!??

Post by Tonka »

I love to eat pussy too. And loved your strange bike with the big penis too
Now THERE'S a sentence you don't read every day... :lol:
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Post by Romeo Knight »

:D Nuff said! Now let's make love.... :P (this is supposed to be a pussy licking smiley)
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Post by moog »

Romeo Knight wrote::D Nuff said! Now let's make love.... :P (this is supposed to be a pussy licking smiley)
That's the attitude i like :D
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Post by LMan »

One more name-calling on this thread and I'm going to explode into 1000 bits. In fact I'm thinking about stripping this thread from everything off topic :evil:
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Post by moog »

LMan / Remix64 wrote:One more name-calling on this thread and I'm going to explode into 1000 bits.
WOW, it's about 0,122 kbyte :D
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Re: Why are you doing this guys!!??

Post by Makke »

Moad'Dib wrote:Seriously:
I still in shock about Makke's and Chris's lately comments. This is not the way to be a correct, frendly mood here. :( So please guys!
I'm sorry you feel that way, Moad'Dib. I wasn't out to disturb the calm, I just felt gibs was acting inappropriate. His reply, which was nothing short of an attack, seriously pissed me off.

Regarding my most recent post, yes it was harsh, but if you read what gibs was calling me and accusing me of I hope you'll understand my reaction. I didn't mean to offend anyone, or cause trouble, so if anyone feels insulted by my behaviour I apologise.

Seeing as gibs and I seem to have some kind of chemistry problem between us, I just find that the best thing to do would probaby be to ignore each other. Hence, for the best of the community, I'll from now on refrain from replying to any of gibs posts. I hope he'll do the same, since we seem to bring out the worst in each other.
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Post by Makke »

LMan / Remix64 wrote:One more name-calling on this thread and I'm going to explode into 1000 bits. In fact I'm thinking about stripping this thread from everything off topic .
Sorry, LMan. Didn't mean to make your day sour. :(
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