Dissapointment by Overclocked. Share ur thoughts pls. :(

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Post by Lexx »


A thankless task because they need to write the feedback on a puplic place without any notifaction to the artist like in my chase. That's similar like, ..."talking behind ur back". I'm not looking for a big depate on their judgement & rules. I just went through it a little bit because to make it very clear what bothers me.

Not the rejection caused me headaches. And as i mentioned a few posts before, ...i can see the sense why the threads are closed but why do they need to use the forums for giving feedback or why is it so neccesary to do a work that will be always a thankless one. To my though a waste of time when u got completely rejected. Of course there might be people that would want to know the reasons but in that chase not neccesary because the rules are very clear, ...so u don't need a big roman about this to read after. U got rejected because it's a cover & not a remix...finsih. No need for any further information. Like in school....u get a bad mark....u can't disagree with the teacher & then u quarrel with him he will become ur enemy. When u ask the teacher he will give a friendly advise how to improve or why the test could get a bad result. So & nothing more lese would have be fine. A private email to the artist is enough IF they think that they need to explain their reasons. No need for a big puplic show. Sorry but i can't agree to this. Especialy not in my chase where i accendtly found it. :)

And yes i still want to read people's thoughts & opinions about their expierence with overclocked & my song. With the sentence "don't missjudge me" i didn't meant u don't may to critize my song. A simple yes i like it or no i don't, is more than enough. I just thought that u people could have a wrong idea now about my character because i'm so mad about a special thing reguarding to overclocked's exhibtion fethismn. That's why don't missjudge me because of that. I'm not AS crazy as u might gussed. ;)

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Post by Lexx »

Appropos like & dislike...as i'm not a moderator here, i'm not able to put up a vote such: do u like my remix with yes or no.

I think this would be much easier for the most people. Can somebody do this for me pls ?
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Post by Analog-X64 »

We can go back and forth on this topic and all you will get out of it is a bet of venting. The People at OC will always run the site the way they want to regardless if we like it or not.

I would recommend you put your energy towards another fine remix.

You can always post a link here and we can give you feedback.
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Post by Lexx »

In other words, ...this remix is a bullshit, it will fail on amigaremix.com too & i better should think about making a new one before i do ask for a voting ?

Thank u. :)

Joke aside. I'm curious what people do think about my track & in the way of anonymity, thanks to this voting... it's a far better to them. So i don't know who likes & dislikes it. I can't kick their nuts yes ? ;)

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Post by Analog-X64 »

Lexx wrote:In other words, ...this remix is a bullshit, it will fail on amigaremix.com too
Thats not what I said. :)

Take the negative energy in this case the bad experience with OC, and turn it around and make it a positive by either improving this remix or work on another song. Thats all :)
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Post by Vosla »

The review was harsh but they didn't destroy you. I've seen reviews which were more of an execution than anything else but not this one.

I understand, you are quite dissapointed by the non-approval of your remix.

BUT... you take this very personal. This is not YOU on the block, it's your remix. The review does NOT state that you and your remix are a failure. Your remix simply didn't met their concept for a remix, that's all.

Sorry for the heartblood you put in this remix. You've seen your baby run, stumble and fall. That's hard but it happened and you can't moan it away.

Keep trying. I'm another open ear.
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Post by Retrovertigo »

Review seemed quite constructively fair to me to be honest.

* Edited because I am a moron.
Last edited by Retrovertigo on 01/04/2007 - 18:51, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Lexx »


Thanks for ur kind compassion. I realy appraise it. Nowadays, indeed it's a sparsity when people try to understand by heart & not only by brain.

And that's it...i have made the baby together with my brotha this time. It was our very first project together. It might be possible that this one is one of the next reasons why i react so depressed about this. If u do compose or remix a song by ur own then it's just a "ME" biz. But when u colaborate with someone & u have put alot of energy together then u release it was a "US" for "1" Thing ! So that's the main reason why i do care alot more about this than i usualy would do.

The second reason, ...the reviewer critizied a few things of the concept of the song. Of course he did because he wanted to prove that this is not a song that is worth to be accepted. So there he thought he had to go deeper & deeper in detail while i think it was just a waste of his time. Rejected is rejected & not "u might try a little rework then u might get an accepting." And somehow...the reviewer didn't wanted to recognize that this so called cover was correct in the way it is.

A fusion of 8bit Amigaflair packed with a little bit hardrock & so he complaint about on things too, that their absolutely ok as we wanted to enhance the song to a studio-alike version. Got me ? The guy wouldn't have to go through of this because he couldn't be neutral & objectiv at all. The review just descripes a few examples why this song is "just" a poor cover. And as they don't accept covers at all it would have been enough to write: "we can't accept ur track - it is a cover & it doesn't fit to our taste & rules - sorry, goodbye - ur overclocked tm".

To review people who get rejected smells like pure provocation & it comes also somehow a little bit...in a arrogant manner. If the reviewer would have kept digging any deeper he would have pissed off Chris Huelsbeck too. :)
Last edited by Lexx on 01/04/2007 - 9:13, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Lexx »

U seem like to go on off-topic don't u dude ? ;)
To be honest, ...here in Austria we do have our comedy heros as also a few famous drag queens in our nightclub scene but most of us might not know him. No wonders, i can't recieve national broadcasting from UK. Only BBC europe & kind of shit through cable. So i would have to buy me alot of satelite antennas. Maybe Astra could bring it with his 4 or maybe more (?) satellites (1a, 1b, 1c, 1d etc...)

However, i realy don't know him, i have watched the short movie on youtube & i start to guess he is a guy who likes to parody the female concept in a different way a draq queen does. If u like to compare him with me, ...nono...wrong idea because i'm realy transexuell & u can't say that all trannies are draq queens aswell. We had a performer on a german tv-station who played a transexuell luxus-lady. In real she lived as a man, was married with woman, ...so it was just for the show itself.

Or there are also comedians who do act as a gay but aren't gay in their reallife. Differencies.
If u would have compared me with Liza Minelli, ...ok that's what i heard 2 or 3 times since i wear a pony alike haircut. :) Many people do also ask if i do wear a peruke & my answer was & still is -> NO ! My growth of hair is natural & not a synthetic one. Last but least i'm the kind of transexuell who is still thinking about the op., who is permanently as a women & that means in every life's situation that can come in ur mind.

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Post by Vosla »

Are we talking rejected remixes or gender here? :?
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Post by Lexx »

That is a good question Vosla. But don't punish me...Retrovertigo migt have been more worried about my gender as about my shock expierence with Overclocked. So u can see....different people & different interests. ;)
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Post by Retrovertigo »

Naah, not curious about anyones gender, your avatar just reminded me of him is all. Doesn't mean I think you're a tranvestite! :wink:
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Post by Lexx »

Retrovertigo wrote:Naah, not curious about anyones gender, your avatar just reminded me of him is all. Doesn't mean I think you're a tranvestite! :wink:
But exactly that seems to be a bridge to another topic. Therefore the guess of ur curiousity. ;) I didn't though that my avatar could cause that attention to anyone. Sofar noone asked me about any deeper details because i was honest from the beginning to this community.

But extra for u i will give this lesson because i've the feel u lack of knowledge in this subject but after this i do hope for ur understanding that i want to change back to the main-topic.

In my chase i'm not a tranvestite because those do crossdressing just for sexual satisfaction or for show performances. That's a big difference because i do wear, style, live as female because my psychological gender is not male one. In other words i feel, think like a woman does. So i don't get horny by wearing female clothes. Of course, as i'm a lesbian type of transexuell i like sexy female clothes on biological females to see. That's another thing but i'm not a crossdresser. People often do mix all the definations together. And the second wrong guess by them is that they are all sure a transgender person "must" be homosexuell -> completely wrong ! Male to Fe & Female to Male - transgender can desire all (pan/bi-sexuality) or just only one gender (hetero/homo-sexuality)

And if u realy think that i look like ur comedian then have look on http://www.tsvos.sub.cc or http://www.lexx.2see.de , ...both pages do contain pictures from me. The newest are on the tsvos website in a hidden gallerie (biographie page by pressing on my pic).

I think that's all. If u have any further questions u may open a new topic or feel free to pm me.

But now we scratch the corner if u don't mind, thanks in advance. :)

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Post by Retrovertigo »

Sorry Lexx didn't mean any offense and put my foot in it like a moron!
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Post by Lexx »

Retrovertigo wrote:Sorry Lexx didn't mean any offense and put my foot in it like a moron!
Don't worry i didn't felt attacked by u. I just thought u needed the information so u are sure what's going on with the likes like me & i admit that it might be irritating for new comers. The most obviously aren't well informed about the whole chapter transgender. That's why the little lesson. ;)

Okkkeeyy 7 votes and 3 want the baby too. :) Meaning by they will let stored on their hardisc.
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