Voting System Thoughts...

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Voting System Thoughts...

Post by Razmo »

Being inspired by other topics in the forum, I've been thinking a lot about the voting system at RKO... yes I know this has been up before, and probably debated to death, but as people seem to keep making comments about the system, I thought; what the heck! I have some thoughts about this topic, and want them out...

I just wonder: what good are the voting system anyway? ... thinking about it, I cannot really use it for anything because of all the criteria that is being looked at... we are dealing with a voting system that is to take into account all different kind of styles of music plus technical aspects as well.

Technical impression
Nostalgic impression
Artistical impression

and on top of these people vote out of preference for specific genres as well, not to forget the possibility of anyone voting out of personal connections to the artist (good or bad)... and even then, there are still all those people who never vote at all, but actualy have an opinion that will not count then.

As I see it, it's really of no use to me, looking at those smilies... If I wanted to do a remix of say Monty on the Run hiscore in hardcore gabber techno style, my score would be hacked down by poor nostalgic impression, even though the music could be judged by those who like that genre to be "redhead" amazing (yeah! my ego is taking over sometimes :lol: :oops: )... those who do not like that genre are likely to hack down on it too...

If the system was to be any good, it should be divided into genre types, and even then, people should not vote, if it's not their genre, which is virtualy impossible to accomplish anyway...

If I were to decide, the only thing that matters is the "Shout box", as it is possible to get some feedback this way... and with time you will learn, like with speakers, what to listen for... or said in another way; who to listen to, and who should be ignored :) with the current system, some remixers could easily be mislead into believing their work is of either higher or lesser quality.

One thing I fear happens with the voting smiley scheme used now is, that some artists do not get heard as much as others... I know from myself, that I have a tendency to click on scores with only orange and red smileys... and if I do this, others probably do the same thing, and I'm a bit ashamed of this, since it is not fair to those artists who just happened to get low votes from the beginning... I'd say scrap the darn smileys, and build further on the shouting box scheme instead... it's those remarks that are of any use anyway. That would make comments non-anonymous also, and prevent bad-ass voters... if any...

Just my thoughts...
Regards, Jess D. Skov-Nielsen (Razmo).
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Post by Razmo »

Lman: You've seen topics like this before I guess? :lol: ... actualy I don't see how you could make the voting system any better than it is now... I just don't use it for much, and felt because of other topics on the subject, that I wanted to tell why I don't take much notice of it. simple as that.

It's not a critique of the voting system as such... as it don't get any better.
Regards, Jess D. Skov-Nielsen (Razmo).
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Post by Razmo »

Funnily enough, it seems that this topic is not getting much action... guess nobody want to debate it anymore :)
Regards, Jess D. Skov-Nielsen (Razmo).
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Post by Chris Abbott »

Any voting system is going to be imperfect. The one we've got kind of sort of works to allow people to have an idea of what's good and what's likely to be disappointing. That's all you can ask, really.

Won't somebody PLEASE think of the children?
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Post by Razmo »

Chris: Sure... I dig that totaly... anyway, the topic stil sneak in the occational topic here and there, and it IS an exiting topic, if you can debate it with low profile... funnily enough, the topic is only brought up when someone get bad comments or votes... there is no problems with the system when it votes high scores :lol:

Guess the only thing I could wish for was, that voting was not anonymous... to me, anonymous votes are a blurr... I guess that if you vote, you ought to give an explanation too... otherwise it's not really of any use.... at least to me that is... everyone has a right to their opinion.
Regards, Jess D. Skov-Nielsen (Razmo).
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Post by xo »

The problem is: remixers can be abusive and voters can be abusive. You don't want any of that.

What would be useful, though, was to assign a unique ID to every vote so you could see whether a particular voter had a voting pattern. That might compromise anonymity though, if you started "data mining"???
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Post by Razmo »

But still... if you do not get creative feedback, votes does not help you get better at all, or spot where you could have done better. non-anonymous "shouts" make people behave better (exeptions will allways be there, I know). Now if Waz and others had not been commenting on my R1D1 remix and the robot noises, I might never had given it a thought... I find those noises to be good for the tune because I wanted R1 and R2 chatting a bit to set the mood.... but the ordeal whent bananas, and it was pointed out, hence I've learned something that I would not have, if people just fire off yellow smilies and below.... a few voted even lower, but the only response to one of these was "Boring"... not much help...
Regards, Jess D. Skov-Nielsen (Razmo).
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Post by LMan »

Chris put it nicely at some time in the past: the expression on the vote-smiley should be equivalent to the expression on your face when listening to a remix.

The final score of a remix represents the average smile it puts on people's faces. That's not a bad thing to know, either for consumers or artists - even if the votes were anonymous or maybe even unjustified.
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Post by Razmo »

Lman... hmmm... did not think of it that way :) you're right... but it does still not substitute the need for creative feedback of course, so I'm most happy with the shoutbox... just wish voters would use this also... especially those who give out below yellow smileys.... well... no all in fact, as it's just as important to be told when and what good you did do actually :)

Even when it's a genre related vote, it's nice to hear what others think... When death metal musicians present their stuff for me (I've got a few of those hehe) and ask what I think, I usualy say that it's well done!... sounds just as awful as the best of the best! :lol: ... then we laugh a little, and everyone's happy :wink:
Regards, Jess D. Skov-Nielsen (Razmo).
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Post by Romeo Knight »

LMan wrote:*sigh*
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Post by xo »

Romeo Knight wrote:
LMan wrote:*sigh*
Romeo, we have to come up with more requests for Lman. He's not quite as stressed as we like him.

:fnar: :whip: :frustration: :oops: :hug:
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