Fatal server crash (and the state of the scene)

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Re: Fatal server crash (and the state of the scene)

Post by Chris Abbott »

Hmm, OK, will check. It worked fine on the other dev machine, but there were some environmental changes between dev and live. Thanks for going there, anyway.

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Re: Fatal server crash (and the state of the scene)

Post by Chris Abbott »

Aha, found the bug. Altogether now... d'oh!!


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Re: Fatal server crash (and the state of the scene)

Post by Razmo »

Jan Lund Thomsen wrote:
Razmo wrote:All this makes me think if it would be possible to make a sister-site just like Remix64, but totaly for original music by the remixers? a site with the same friendly forums and such... it could be exactly the same system setup...

With this there would be no original authors to pay royalties to, and maybe income from this site could in turn "feed" the economy hungry remix scene of SID? I've noticed that many in the scene feel an urge to show of their original skills also, so I think many would use this feature don't you? ... I certainly would.

This way you'd be free from the "SID Nerd Paranoia" of the general public also with this new site.
Here's a record label in distress. Lets all start selling bananas. Everyone loves bananas. Especially ours. So everyone will buy them.
Once the banana-money starts flowing in we'll donate it to said label. Problem solved.
Yes... I see we read eachother the way it should be done now Jan :lol:

Anyhow, I posted exactly this because Chris did mention this possibility earlier in this thread... If that was a misinterpretation on my behalf and Chris was sarchastic I cannot say...

"I see the captains standing on their sinking ship... too stubborn to get saved unless their ship comes with them" ... sorry, but that's the feelin' I get here. Nonetheless a heroic deed 8)
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Re: Fatal server crash (and the state of the scene)

Post by Razmo »

Analog-X wrote:
Jan Lund Thomsen wrote: Here's a record label in distress. Lets all start selling bananas. Everyone loves bananas. Especially ours. So everyone will buy them.
Once the banana-money starts flowing in we'll donate it to said label. Problem solved.
Put me down for a dozen banana's, I'm low on potassium.

Hey Razmo... want some banana's? I'll share.
You actualy made some original music Analog-X? :D ... thank you! but yes, I'd like some of them "Bananas" :P

well... joke aside; actually I don't see the problem or "embarrasment" of funding a site that cannot make an income for it to run, by another site that might... How it would work? don't ask me, I'm not into that kind of work... but I know, that here in Denmark, well reputated musicians are put on the governments finances if they have earned their status over a long period... call it "musical artist renovation" or something like that... it's a bit like the same to me.

I just don't believe in the filosophy that just because things cannot fund itself, it should be removed and forgotten... Remix64 has quite a bit of social value in my eyes that it would be a shame to loose because of a full shutdown. I don't know, maybe there just IS not any profit to be had by these SID remixes? ...

Don't know what to think of this situation anymore, so I think I'll just leave the salvation to the inner circle, and see what comes... :)
Regards, Jess D. Skov-Nielsen (Razmo).
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Re: Fatal server crash (and the state of the scene)

Post by Ziphoid »

Razmo wrote: well... joke aside; actually I don't see the problem or "embarrasment" of funding a site that cannot make an income for it to run, by another site that might... How it would work? don't ask me, I'm not into that kind of work... but I know, that here in Denmark, well reputated musicians are put on the governments finances if they have earned their status over a long period... call it "musical artist renovation" or something like that... it's a bit like the same to me.

I just don't believe in the filosophy that just because things cannot fund itself, it should be removed and forgotten... Remix64 has quite a bit of social value in my eyes that it would be a shame to loose because of a full shutdown. I don't know, maybe there just IS not any profit to be had by these SID remixes? ...

Don't know what to think of this situation anymore, so I think I'll just leave the salvation to the inner circle, and see what comes... :)
Well, a lot of stuff has already been written about this all and I won't go deeper into it, but it's not the site itself that costs money and so on. Of course it costs time to maintain it, host it and such, but that's not the big thing. Besides, Remix64 and c64audio.com are two separate entities even though they interact quite a lot.

The biggest problem is that to print CDs, arrange BIT Lives and such things cost money and that money isn't easily earned back. If Chris would count how many hours worth of work he has put in this all and translate it into money it would be a ludicrous amount, so I don't think he should even consider trying that if he wants to keep any of his mind intact.

We're doing a lot of thinking and work to get things rolling in the right direction and hopefully things will keep being fun to do after taking the necessary measures, because otherwise it's just not worth to keep doing it. This is what it all comes down to in the end anyway, at least from my point of view. Also, of course, we don't want anyone to LOSE money doing this, so let's make sure that won't happen. There are two things necessary to do that and one of them is that c64audio.com (with the help of a lot of people out there) will keep releasing amazing stuff and the other is that we others will have to support it buy buying stuff.

I mean, I have about all the stuff on c64audio.com myself, bought and paid for, even though I'm hosting a mirror of the site. I just like to show my appreciation to quality buy paying for it.

Dunno if this made any sense, but I just wanted to put it there. :)

// Ziph
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Re: Fatal server crash (and the state of the scene)

Post by Chris Abbott »

Well, Slaygon, Jan, Ziphoid and LMan have all been very supportive and have put/will put measures in place to drive some more traffic through C64Audio.com, which is pretty much all it needs, presuming the music speaks for itself. So, thanks guys :)

There's some amazing stuff on the CDs: sometimes people are afraid to admit that to themselves in case it empties their wallets :)

Now's a good time for you, dear reader, to actually go and have a nice time listening to the C64Audio jukeboxes with an open mind. Paypal isn't REAL money you know ;-)

This dedicated server costs $250 per month, though, even though the files are hosted on Ziphoid's server (for speed across the Atlantic).

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Re: Fatal server crash (and the state of the scene)

Post by Razmo »

This sounds good! ... and I believe everything Ziph and Chris wrote in the last couple of replies to be realistic enough... I can certainly understand that noone will want to work ridiculous amounts of time for nothing... not even I would do that :roll: ...

I just start to feel that this discussion is between me and the "inner circle". I just want this cool scene to continue, and as such when I read that there is trouble, I try to give some idears... that some of you take these idears personal I find kind of a shame, since that was never the intention. I don't know how your collaborations, sites or bussinesses work... I'm from "out here" and you "in there", and maybe some of my idears are kind of "dumb" when viewed from the "inside"... and maybe some of my views on it all touch a "soft spot" or two, I don't know, but I'm just telling things the way I see them.

As I said earlier... I'm just a happy scener, and want to stay that way... I'll shut up, and see what comes :)
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Re: Fatal server crash (and the state of the scene)

Post by LMan »

Hey Razmo,

please don't exaggerate the "inner circle" thingy, we're all just a regular bunch of regular blokes who love the scene as much as you do, down to selfless acts of commitment for it. If there's talk about "internals" or "inner circle", in the end this means nothing more than the webmasters exchange ideas in non-public emails. I don't want this to be misinterpreted as an elitist group pulling the scene strings, because that's definitely not the case. :!:

As for "harsh" reactions to your posts: you do realize that when you pull off one of your "posting sprees", that it sometimes does feel like being overrun with stuff. In such discussions it might be helpful to condense your thoughts and ideas down to the essentials. :)

You know I'm really a friend of forthright speech, but employing forthright speech also implies the acceptance of forthright answers. ;)

Peace bro, and please keep them ideas coming, but try to post them easy-to-digest. :)
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Re: Fatal server crash (and the state of the scene)

Post by xo »

As I was saying...

Chris, your karma is unbelievably high, so I'm going to send some love your way. :hug:

Stay tuned, and by the way - please accept longer emails! ;-)
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Re: Fatal server crash (and the state of the scene)

Post by Slaygon »

Razmo wrote:I just want this cool scene to continue,
As do we all, which is why we are here.
Razmo wrote:and as such when I read that there is trouble, I try to give some idears...
What you did was give your view on things, and that is always a good thing. How your view is perceived by the other party is of course largly up to that party, but if you really want your point across, it is up to you to make the point interesting to read. And no, I'm not saying you didn't manage that. You did. :)
Razmo wrote:I'm from "out here" and you "in there", and maybe some of my idears are kind of "dumb" when viewed from the "inside"... and maybe some of my views on it all touch a "soft spot" or two, I don't know, but I'm just telling things the way I see them.
"out there", "in here"... Hm... In a way I can see where that is coming from, but what it really is, is just a bunch of people being hosts for a certain platform that provides certain things. The reason it all works is because we have the same common goals. RKO/c64audio being the providers of material, Remix64 being the forum where one expresses feelings about said material, and SLAY Radio being the place where people interact with the remixers, original composers and broadcasters in real-time. And most importantly, the main providers of this community; You, as a remixer, radio host, server/service host, casual visitor or listener. All of us provide for this scene in one way or another, practically making all of us "inner circle".

All in all, what we have here is a nice little community of people that love what they do, and want to share that with others. Hopefully doing that in a way that will not be percieved so much as an "inner" or "outer" circle thing.

Of course there will be discussions held that are not public. No real point in discussing a bunch of stuff in public that in the end proves too hard to implement, not a good idea in the end etc, but most of what is going on "behind the scenes" is stuff that involves site-to-site communications and integration, which is really not something you'd want to discuss in public anyway.
Razmo wrote:As I said earlier... I'm just a happy scener, and want to stay that way... I'll shut up, and see what comes :)
I hope we can all continue to be happy sceners. I sure am. :)
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Re: Fatal server crash (and the state of the scene)

Post by Dr.Future »

This Thursday I will give an interview to the local newspaper, regarding the c64, the remix-scene, and - for the 1st time - the rising amount of "SIDish"-sounds in recent CD-releases (Timbaland, Timberland, 50 Cent...). I'm quite surprised (in a positive way) that there is demand for information at the german press, but as they asked me I'll try to use this opportunity to bring the scene "back to front"... :wink:

If anyone is interested, I'll try to get hold of the "result"...
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Re: Fatal server crash (and the state of the scene)

Post by Razmo »

Hmmm... I seem to not get reminders again when something is being replied to posts I've participateed in :? ... Dr.Phuture... SURE! ... I cannot believe that no one has answered your last post yet... I for one would like to see/hear what comes out of that :)

Now the thing about getting THE SCENE to the front I like... Timbaland and associates do not bring us to the front, they just take, use and bring nothing from this place to the front, exept of course for legal interrests :roll:

And slaygon; I'm with you all the way... that was why I came with the idears in the first place... because I thought they would be welcome, but to me some of the replies had a faint smell of "WE" and "US" etc. etc... maybe I just interpreted something wrong, but anyway, I see that we're all on the same page, so let's rest that part of this topic :)
Regards, Jess D. Skov-Nielsen (Razmo).
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Re: Fatal server crash (and the state of the scene)

Post by Vosla »

"WE" ... "US" ... just come in, have a seat, take a cake... and you are one of us. Don't shit on the carpet, that's not very kind and not easily forgiven but otherwise feel at home. :wink:
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Re: Fatal server crash (and the state of the scene)

Post by Razmo »

Vosla: Come on! ... it's not the carpet that is the problem as far as I recall... but I guess it's lethal to shit on the Back in Time posters... right Chris? :mrgreen:
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Re: Fatal server crash (and the state of the scene)

Post by Vosla »

In this case... prepare for the diarrhoia of your life time... perhaps terminal... :wink:
Of course this would not be self-induced... if you understand what I mean. :shock:
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