Suggestions anyone for the next BIT Live ?

Radio shows, podcasts, live events, CD releases, etc...
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Post by dan gillgrass »

madfiddler wrote:I've done a couple of gigs in Blackpool, and had the "opportunity" to look around, with my wife.

In one sentence...."IT'S A HOLE"
A hole? I dont know what you mean!!!! I was there last Tuesday actually, the bums, the sewerage, the sluts.......... ah, such fond memories

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Post by madfiddler »

I think the clubs are open late here, not being a clubber, I can't confirm though.
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Post by Cloudy »

Brighton seemed good to me. Not been to the others, but Blackpool IS a hole, and Brighton's pretty cool - lots of stuff to do so if you're travelling from afar you can spend a couple of days there quite easily, which you can't really do in Blackpool unless your sense of humour stretches no further than signs proclaiming "You don't have to be mad to work here but it helps"
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Post by Vosla »

"You don't have to be mad to work here but it helps"
now THAT sounds interesting... :lol:
Last edited by Vosla on 15/09/2003 - 17:35, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Tim Forsyth »

(at last, I have gotten rid of Freakybun99!!! aha hahaha).

Anyway, yeah, certain pubs down here in bournemouth stay open till 1-2am, some clubs till 3.

The english licensing laws are a complete shambles and it pretty much depends on the local council as to what you can get away with.

They keep threatening to change it (to allow 24 hour drinking - horah!), but I'm not holding out any hopes.....
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Post by tas »

so we have found your level then vosla? ;)
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Post by Tim Forsyth »

I'm happy to travel wherever to the next event. Brighton really suited me as getting there was a breeze.

Its just a shame I couldn't have made it on the Friday to meet up and actually put more names to faces before heading on into the concert.

Was it me, or was the bar like an oven??
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Post by Vosla »

Neil, it was the "You don't have to be mad to work here but it helps" part. that's sounds all too familiar to me... :wink:

Well, my hometown is so boring... i guess no town at the size of 20000 people could top that.

Hmm, a nice excuse for being an equally boring northern germany redneck.
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Lee's PeeknPoke
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Post by Lee's PeeknPoke »

May I suggest Manchester? Its big, loads of clubs,cheap hotels and venues, and a massive airport?

(I there too)

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Post by tas »

If blackpool is a Hole! then Manchester.... well no more said ;)

Tis a good night out tho, i'll give ya that =)
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Post by madfiddler »

Think Chris is right though, really good idea to keep it within a reasonable distance from Stanstead and Gatwick, as these are the two airports used my EasyJet. Sure, you can get flights then up to Manchester, but that then adds to the cost for everyone attending.

Maybe we'll have the next one in my front room, or.. hehe... an outside festival, with camping :)
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Post by Matrix »

I have to agree with Mark ... "In one sentence...."IT'S A HOLE" ... you drive along the sea front and the muck and dirt just hits you.... amazed its still standing - maybe the buildings are held up by it even !!

Manchester is pretty good - if you can clear the floor's Aflecks Palace would be a good venue location !

As for not being able to top this one - the answer is simple ...... put the tickets up by £5 - we advertise for MUCH longer and we book every skilled sid-musician alive - plus we drag loads of the demo-groups in too... should be just like the copy parties of old plus an amazing display of live acts !!!!!

I mean hell !! why not HAVE a copy / Demo party - LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL ........ AGAIN !! Right Mahoney ? :D
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Post by tas »

oh no! that was then and leave it at that. Bitlive is fresh, and exciting. demo parties are something else completely. don't change the format anymore than what needs to be surely.
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Post by Chris Abbott »

Part of the attraction for BIT Live, as I see it, is that you don't need to have any particular skills or show off to have a good time: the copy parties seem to be about coding in real-time, showing things off or sleeping in the venue in a sleeping bag: things about as attractive as ... something very unattractive. It's kind of "retro-lite" :)

Anyway, with the next one it will probably be the venue that's unusual: I'm still drawn to this all-night-riverboat-party-on-the-Thames idea. Of course, live acts have now become central to the concept now, so we'd have to develop the range in some way. This time we're going to give ourselves lots of time though.

Either way, I think we've outgrown smelly, sweaty clubs.

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Post by tas »

ooooh, riverboat and oooooh again. and more oooh's than your average ooooh type ooohey thingy.

sounds like a great idea. ooooh!
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