Cheer to the ROTY 2007 winners here!

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Re: Cheer to the ROTY 2007 winners here!

Post by skitz »

Dafunk: You rule my world and I want to have your baby's... j/k - now go and get yourself a f&*king record contract already!!

Peter W: You came, we listened and you kicked our frikin ears off! Outstanding result for such a short period (8 months!) in the scene... keep 'em coming!

DaXX: I have written a macro to download any remix you upload to because I know they are going to be gold!

Reyn: Only one word to say really: GENIUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks to LMan for letting me host this years awards and to Slaygon and Ziphoid for helping during the show.

Finally I would like to apologise for over running the first part of the show (entire show should have only lasted 3hours and went on for 4!) - if you couldn't be assed to go into work this morning because it was so late you can tell your boss it was my fault! :twisted:

Anyway, congratulations to all the winners especially Dafunk who I must do a collaboration with one of these days..... :)
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Re: Cheer to the ROTY 2007 winners here!

Post by Stormy »

Congrats to all the winners. Well deserved! Also to all involved in this big event.

P.S. Must say I was pleasantly surprised to learn I was one of the nominated ones. Nice to know someone actually considered me as the old fart of the year. I mean best veteran. :)
So, thanx to all who voted!

P.P.S. 2007. Great year. Innit?
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Re: Cheer to the ROTY 2007 winners here!

Post by 7thpixel »

Congrats to all the winners. The C64 remix community has such a positive vibe about it, and I'm sure you'll continue to attract newbie remixers along the way :)
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Re: Cheer to the ROTY 2007 winners here!

Post by FunkyM »

Congrats to all the winners :)

And it was a joy to hear Kenz on SLAY again. Perhaps I shall start a petition to have a Kenz Live show on a regular basis...

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Re: Cheer to the ROTY 2007 winners here!

Post by Makke »

Congratulations to all the winners and runner-ups, and cheers for the votes I got! ;)
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Re: Cheer to the ROTY 2007 winners here!

Post by Dafunk »

congratz to all involved, and thanks for all the support! :)
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Re: Cheer to the ROTY 2007 winners here!

Post by nada »

Congratulations to everyone and my special kudos to Reyn, Dafunk, Beezerk, Makke and Moog for their amazing work.

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Re: Cheer to the ROTY 2007 winners here!

Post by Mayhem »

Congrats to the winners, plus Beezerk and Hazel for fully deserved second places :)
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Re: Cheer to the ROTY 2007 winners here!

Post by omoroca »

Congratulations to all winners and thanks to everyone involved!

I was very suprised that Dafunk and Hazel made it in front of my personal favorites Reyn and moog, but you guys obviously hit the spot for most of the audience! Congrats!

Also, I would've bet everything I have that Beezerk would be the newcomer of the year, but Peter W. also made a fabulous debut imho, so Peter, you deserve it! Especially for your fantastic instrumental version of Spy vs Spy

The rest was as I had expected. Reyn's Green Beret live at the Church set a completely new standard here in the C64 remix scene and is more a historical event than just a piece of music. Very special congratulations for this trailblazing work!!!
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Re: Cheer to the ROTY 2007 winners here!

Post by Infamous »

Congratulations to everyone who won, Some definite deserving winners there and a specially a huge gratz to dafunk well done mate.

I also want to say thank you to everyone who voted for me, sitting there with alister brimble above my head on the veteran tag wasnt something I expected at all and it really warms my heart to know that you guy's appreciate me as much as i appreciate you. so thank you.

didnt expect my bmx remix to be quite so high up on the list either, again thanks for the support over the years to all of you and I hope i can continue to tickle your ears for as many years to come as is possible.

thanks guy's

and again gratz to all the winners.
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Re: Cheer to the ROTY 2007 winners here!

Post by C64GLeN »

Finally got around to catching up with the show yesterday, and may I add my congratulation to the winners.

We had an excellent selection of new talent last year, here's hoping that continues into 2008...
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Re: Cheer to the ROTY 2007 winners here!

Post by Condor »

Congratulations to winners! :cheers:

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Re: Cheer to the ROTY 2007 winners here!

Post by daXX »

congrats to all :-)

and thanks for all your votes and downloads :cheers:
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Re: Cheer to the ROTY 2007 winners here!

Post by Reyn »

This is silly.. just read this topic! /me feels ashamed!

Anyway, thanks all for the nice words and many grats to Dafunk and Peter-W and Daxx!!!! :D
And thanks to everyone that voted for me last year!! Duizend maal dank!!

Hopefully more to come this year!


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