What is your big goal for 2009 ??!!

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What is your big goal for 2009 ??!!

Post by tom »

Let me know ..
was 2008 a good year for you , or like for me, one of the worst years ever ?
What do you want to change in 2009 , or do you wish nothing should change anyway ?

My biggest goal for 2009 is to get more output and to try a few new things.
My feeling for 2009 is already very good even that 2008 has a bad end
due to a mailfuntion of our "Fussbodenheizung" (Under-floor heating ? )
in our office on Monday, which results in a damage caused by water... :roll:
Now we need to replace the expensive granit which is not so easy..

ok that's for now folks .. i will stop complaining now :duh:

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Re: What is your big goal for 2009 ??!!

Post by Chris Abbott »

My goal is to end it all!!!!*

* May mean something different to what it sounds like ;-)
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Re: What is your big goal for 2009 ??!!

Post by BeeZerk »

My year starts awesome and end up horrible, nevertheless don't let the things get us down!
Keep on....and on.. and on :D

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Re: What is your big goal for 2009 ??!!

Post by Analog-X64 »

It has been a bumpy roller coaster ride since 2001 and I hope 2008 is the end of the bumps and some good things to come in 2009.

Some of things I'd like to do.

- finish some of the remix projects that I've started.
- get the CGI Video started again and get it released to a scene related event like BreakPoint.
- Program a Game for RetroRemake. (I've already started re-teaching myself programming)

and the Goal/Result of all the above?? To keep the Scene Alive and hopefully interest newcomers.
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Re: What is your big goal for 2009 ??!!

Post by Vosla »

2008 was pretty nasty to me and my girl. Only good thing is that I got a (pretty much underpaid) job.
2009 will see expanding bills and not enough money to pay them. :-/
All is lost.
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Re: What is your big goal for 2009 ??!!

Post by omoroca »

2008 was a terrible year for me.

In 2009, I'd like to exercise more, relax more and become more calm and serene and less ambitious, in order to make it a better year.
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Re: What is your big goal for 2009 ??!!

Post by Infamous »

2009 I hope will reunite me with the woman i truly love permanently this time instead of the short but oh so sweet rushes I got last year, Im hoping my prospective move to the north (this is where she is ya see) will help things out no end but with a lack of work and very little money behind me atm its not looking like its going to happen and right now that is destroying me from the inside out, last few day's have been very teary and it was truly heart rending to watch her leave on the 30th and getting back on that train home... christ i didnt want too.

So now here i am at the start of 2009 depressed, scared, lonely and living on the shadow of a hope things will pick up .. I really hope this year is mine so much.
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Re: What is your big goal for 2009 ??!!

Post by trace »

I will try to finish as much unfinished track as possible :P
And not get so much project over my head going on at the same time :oops: :shock:
And hopefully THIS YEAR! :roll: release a online cd with my soft tracks, I keep pushing it :? :D

And last but not least really try to save some money!
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Re: What is your big goal for 2009 ??!!

Post by Dr.Future »

2008 was the best year for ages. I can only hope that 2009 will keep up with that.
A happy new year to everybody!
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Re: What is your big goal for 2009 ??!!

Post by Ziphoid »

For starters, 2008 just flew away extremely fast, and apart from a few highlights, might come down as one of the worst years ever for me.

2009 however, is looking quite interesting. I've set out to work less, eat better, sleep more, take more time for family and friends.

It's gonna be interesting to see the result of this...
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Re: What is your big goal for 2009 ??!!

Post by C64GLeN »

I've set a some new years resolutions on my blog

But mostly I want to be able to look back at the end of 2009 and look all the things I've accomplished, and hopefully some of those things will be scene related.
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Re: What is your big goal for 2009 ??!!

Post by Makke »

Seems like most of you had a shitty 2008. My 2008 was a bit of an off year when it comes to my own, "solo" production of music, and my activity in this very community. But in every other aspect, 2008 was a good and quite memorable year.

For 2009 I've promised myself two things:
1. I won't eat any fried potato for a year - this means no french fries, chips, crisps etc.
2. I'll work out a minimum of two times per week, for at least one hour per work out.

Hopefully that'll make my growing gut retreat as well. ;)

My wishes for 2009 is first of all to keep my job, I'm not worried I'll lose it but in these times you never know. I hope the band will get some studio time to record a proper 3-4 track demo. I hope Sara and I will have the time and money to take a weekend in Prague and/or Berlin. Part from that my wish is as always to keep healthy.
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Re: What is your big goal for 2009 ??!!

Post by Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson »

2008 was a good year indeed for me. And, boringly enough, my new-years resolution will be the same this year as the previous five years, and it's a really easy one: I will not start smoking during this year.

Enjoy this year, it will be awesome if you let it!
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Re: What is your big goal for 2009 ??!!

Post by merman »

2008 was a very good year for many reasons, and I'm looking forward to 2009.

My main goal is more writing - two book projects on the go, and more articles for Retro Gamer
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Re: What is your big goal for 2009 ??!!

Post by beyond »

2008 turned out to be a great year for me (buying a house, playing at Roskilde Festival, all our PPOT endeavours) except for the bad stuff (not being able to sell my apartment (you can get it cheap!), the kitchen oven breaking down just before xmas) but I tend to forget those. 2009 will be great, I can feel it! PPOT stuff coming your way! Including this video with chicks I keep rambling about... :)

My goal for 2009 is to be pro-active about my own stuff. Start projects and finish them too!
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