Saturday Night Warmup cancelled tonight....

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Saturday Night Warmup cancelled tonight....

Post by skitz »

Hello All,

I am really sorry but I cannot really host the show tonight and so have cancelled it for this week.

The reason for this late cancellation is that I am having a really annoying side effect from the new drugs that I am taking for my focal seizures and although they are doing the job well (i.e. I haven't had one since being on the new drug regime) I am getting a really annoying side effect which makes presenting a radio show pretty much impossible!

Basically the medical term is Dysarthria (i.e. Slurring of speech) and the drugs I am on are know to cause this in combination.

I am hoping that I will be fixed soon by possibly swapping out the new drug I was put on with another one but I am not sure how long this is all going to take.

Anyway, I am feeling perfectly well but it takes me a lot of effort to speak at the moment so I dont think it's wise me talking for 2 hours, hope you all understand and I am sorry...

Remember to get shitfaced though! :)
DJ Skitz
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Re: Saturday Night Warmup cancelled tonight....

Post by Chris Abbott »

Could you just play the tracks instead? It's not the same, but it does give people their weekly unz!

Or you could do it like Stephen Hawking :) It would be "Speak and Skitz" (or more likely "Skitz and Spell") :)

Anyway, hope it pans out soon mate.

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Re: Saturday Night Warmup cancelled tonight....

Post by boatman »

I hope you get well soon !

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Re: Saturday Night Warmup cancelled tonight....

Post by Ic3m4n »

Thats really no good news :shock: ...i just hope and wish that you get well very soon!

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Re: Saturday Night Warmup cancelled tonight....

Post by Dumper »

You probably wouldn't sound too different than Boz normally does. :wink:

But seriously, i hope you feel better soon and the new drugs agree with you better.
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Re: Saturday Night Warmup cancelled tonight....

Post by trace »

Get well mate, cheers.
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Re: Saturday Night Warmup cancelled tonight....

Post by Analog-X64 »

Get well soon... your health is more important than anything else.
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Re: Saturday Night Warmup cancelled tonight....

Post by cpt_chaos »

analog is so right, although I was ready to receive some bits of skitziness. anyway, another weekend another try
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Re: Saturday Night Warmup cancelled tonight....

Post by LMan »

Get well soon, good Sir. :doctor:
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Re: Saturday Night Warmup cancelled tonight....

Post by Steve B »

hope the new meds work out ok
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Re: Saturday Night Warmup cancelled tonight....

Post by Vosla »

:confusion: Oi, that sucks! Get well soon, Skitz!
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Re: Saturday Night Warmup cancelled tonight....

Post by leoni »

Oh Skitzy, I wish you all the best and hopefully they'll find a level that suits you soon.
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Re: Saturday Night Warmup cancelled tonight....

Post by Reyn »

Oh darn Skitz! Hope you can find another drug soon, without the sluuuurrryy slideeflex.... HUG!

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Re: Saturday Night Warmup cancelled tonight....

Post by skitz »

Quick Update!

Been on a slightly altered dose of the same meds for the past week and still no change so as planned i will speak with my Doc tomorrow and the plan is to swap out the new drug which seems to have caused the side effect with one of the many anti-epilectic drugs out there.

will keep you informed but at the moment my show is on hiatus :(
DJ Skitz
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Re: Saturday Night Warmup cancelled tonight....

Post by leoni »

Oh dear. Well, take your time Mr Skitz *hugs*
Good to see you around again :)
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