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Get a life, dudes...

Post by DHS »

Ok, take a look here:


The image above means that after some minute the remix became avaiable for downloading, someone decided to vote it as "BAD".
A "bad" has a very heavy weight on the overall voting results.

Now, i don't want to interfere with the freewill of anyone, but:

-I can undestand one doesn't like a remix.
-I can undestand one hates trance/dancey and similar kind of music.

BUT it surely doesn't deserve a *bad* as a vote.
Meanwhile, Sonic Wandered great remix had a big red face (dancey remix), so i don't think the "kind" of music influenced the voter.

THE MEANING of wich:

Ok dude, whoever you are, you reached you objective: it's some time that each time i release anything that voting scheme applies. I'm sick of that.

If i'll ever remix a c64/amiga tune again (a thing i have strong doubts at the mom) it will not be posted to RKO and it will not undergo what now has become for my work a public lapidation by people who hasn't got the balls to raise his hand and explain his reasons (the "review section" of the charts is there for that), but, will instead only be avaiable from my website.

Get a life, dude.
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Post by CraigG »

Hey man, f—— this person. Your work is cool (as you may remember, I put three of your tracks on my retro CD). This sort of voting crap always goes on on this sort of site. Why not just ignore it? RKO is a great place to store all C64 remixes of _quality_, and not having your stuff there in future will be detrimental to you and the C64 community as a whole. Don't let some monkey with a computer stop you posting your work to RKO.

Edit: oh, and I really like the new track, too! :)
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Post by Larsec »

I think that remixers/musicians vote differently from the 'average' listener. The average listener is more likly to listen to, say, one of Markus Schneider's orchestral tracks and go, "Hell! I don't like orchestral music! I'll slap a bad vote on this!" (sorry, Markus no offence :))... Whereas the remixer/musician will be more likely to say, "OK, I don't really like orchestral music but this is really well produced and the sound of it is marvelous... I'll give this a good vote..." There are some remixers who don't really care about how well a track is produced and if it is quality work (I would like to slap these remixers... Shame one you, you should know better!) and of course there are 'average' listeners who DO actually look at quality, as well as the style and everything else... But I think the other tendency is more common... The one thing we all have in common is some kind of attatchment to SID music... and there it goes again with the people wanting the original feel of the SID and other people wanting original feel of the remix rather than the SID, seeing it done in a completly different way...
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Post by Makke »

When I vote, the most important thing is originality. To do a remix in a way that no one has done before. If there are 10 dance remixes of a SID, then it's not very original. Originality is what I demand to give a track an Outstanding. Preferably in a very surprising style.

Second is quality of production, mixing ect. Something I'm not a god at myslef. ;) It has to sound great to get a Very Good at me.

I give good to tracks that are produced in a way that definitly not hurt my ears. If it's the 10'th dance remix of the same track, with a pretty much flawless mixing, I give it good. (Dance remix being a very broad thing to say, I know...but I'm generalising here).

Average is a song that sounds average. It doesn't do anything for me. It's just another track in the bunch that I might as well have heard 2-3 years ago.

Poor is a track that doesn't sound good for various reasons. It might be playing the wrong notes, with a pretty shitty mixing etc.

Bad is something that hurts my ears and brain physically. They casue me damage, and usually I don't even listen to the end of the track for fear of permanent remixing anxiety. Usually these tracks don't even make in on RKO, so you guys are spared. ;)

Some people vote something bad or poor because they don't like the style. I've had bad votes because people don't like the style, and even though it's unfortunate, there's not much to do about it. If they don't like the style, they'll give it a bad vote no matter how well produced/mixed it is. No matter how original it is. And, as an arranged/musician, there's not much to do about it. Tough luck. In my opinion they're the ones losing out, being so narrow minded and wtf! Just keep on going. :)

PS. I've had six pints of Guinness tonight, so I don't know how much sense I'm able to make. ;)
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Post by dan gillgrass »

I already told u what I thought of the mix so I dont need to explain myself here......

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Post by Waz »

I'm sorry you feel that way, DHS. A real shame especially as I happen to like the tune:

* It's a demo tune that no one has attempted before, so no one will know how it's going to be remixed. That's up to your individual style to do. For having the guts and bravery to take my challenge on of doing something different, that gets respect from me

* It's a grower in that it takes several listens to actually sink in what you're doing with it. In many ways the growers are the tracks I come back to because they take time to develop their ideas and are fresher. Look how long the likes of Moby's "Play" or Dido's "No Angel" took before commercial success - ages. Because they grew on you and then you passed word around that it was a cracking album.

Don't let the doubters or negativity put you off, do what you feel you want to do and one thing's for sure: thank you for taking this tune on.
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Post by skitz »

DHS - I have just posted a review of this track.

Please, please, please don't stop remixing and releasing your tracks! :cry:

I have always been impressed with the music you produce and when I show somebody new to the remix scene what it is all about it is normally your "Thanatos" that I play them (and they are ALWAYS blown away!) :)

Trance is a funny thing - you either love it or hate it and it was unfortunate that the first person to vote on this track obviously hates it - however, if you look now at the voting you are up at 76% after 18 votes which in my book for such a broad range of listeners is excellent.

You are a fine remixer and producer DHS so please don't let the voting system on R64 put you off..... I am really looking forward to your next release and let me know if you ever want vocals :)
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Post by LMan »

Hey DHS,

don't you let this get you down!? Every remix in the top 50 has one ore more "bad" or "poor" vote. You'd think now those are by some fartknockers who just wanna mess up the system? Wrong. Usually they are people who vote "within normal parameters", people who are on these boards, people who you know from c64rmx. Sometimes you'd be surprised. I guess it's just that some remixes trigger the "yuck" nerves on some people, even if it's a generally well received piece. That is also the reason why the highest scorers on the charts "only" reach 92% and not 99%. It's also the reason why there are only about 25 outstandinig tunes in the charts.

Glyn's Firelord for example has 2 bad and 1 poor vote. On inspection, those voters seem to prefer more heavy metal stuff. So what should I do about it? Ban them? Teach them a lesson on what they should like? It's like that. It's sometimes hard, I know. But don't you let this touch you! After all, Total Egypt is now at 77%. My recent "Bravestarr" release "only" scores 73%, even if I am perfectly happy with the way it turned out. It just ain't no crowd pleaser I guess. :)

To quote a friend:

"I feel somewhat the same way as you.

The solution is maybe to take up some very simple and lame sid and having fun remixing it just for fun, without thinking about quality."


Have a nice day,

- Markus :)
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Post by Matrix »

Im with them m8, don't let 1 tosspot with an itchy trigger-finger for negativity put u off :)
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Post by Sonic Wanderer »

I know your situation, pal. I've been a victim of such votingscams atleast twice. Good thing is the ppl on R64 is pretty good at discovering tactical voting-pattern. Maybe Larsec should check from time to time, and maybe if such is the case even with your tune.
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Post by Larsec »

Sonic Wanderer wrote:Maybe Larsec should check from time to time, and maybe if such is the case even with your tune.
I already did... According to the votes this mix has gotten there is no way it could have been overall bad at any time... Which means one of the following things has happened:

1) The voting/chart system was screwed up for some reason

2) Someone changed their minds and changed their votes


3) One of the other admins found something wrong and deleted the votes...

I have no idea which one is true though...
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Post by Subzero »

Just so you know - it wasnt me :) I havent downloaded it yet - mind you i've never rated a track on rko yet!!

I'll go and download it now :)

I actually registered so I could rate this tune - I LOVE IT!! its dancy its trippy its going on cd-r for the car :)

maybe you should look at its rating now :):):):)
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Post by tas »

A view from 1 person counts for nothing. In time that vote becomes pretty insignificant and the reflection in percentage terms is hardly noticable.

These sorts of things happen in everyday life. You stand at the bar waiting to get served and some asshole storms his way infront of you and gets served first. Bloody annoying isn't it? well that one person doesn't put me off from going to a pub and it never will so i see no reason why one voter who votes away from the masses should put you off from doing remixes.

Sometimes however hard it is to accept, you just have to brush it off and look at the bigger picture. Is life all that bad cos one person is different to the masses?

Instead of concentrating that anger on person, look at the overall vote and think well maybe 70% of the listeners like it or maybe even 80&. that's something to be very proud of.

Look on the possitives and not the negatives and you'll see the possitives far outweigh any negatives. Take heart not anger.

Now i dunno where all that physchological crap came from, but i reckon it makes sense in a neily type of way! :)
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Post by skitz »

Ok - I have never written any lyrics before because I always end up be completely "GIRLY" and sound like a poof! But anyway, here are some words that I knocked up to the melody at 02:48 and the chorus at 03:16 - it kind of works in my head but I am too shy to sing it :)

Verse #1
I know it wasn't anything I said
but when you left me it just felt like I was almost dead.
We had something so close to happiness
why did you leave me, I cannot stand this loneliness.

Come back baby
I miss you oh so much
Come back baby
Should have never let you go!

There ya go.... now we just need somebody to sing it :)

Going back to the original title - maybe it's time I got a life too... :lol:
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Post by Michael »

If I could vote in percentage numbers, I'd rank it somewhere between the current "very good" and "good" levels. It would benefit from being a good bit shorter. The beginning sounds thin at times especially during the second minute. That is a showstopper. Shorter, punchier and more rich in sound wound have been good. I like what I hear during the 2nd half of the tune which is how more of the tune should sound like. The lead instrument sounds quite muffled and drags down that part a bit soundwize, though.

With regard to the individual who voted it poor/bad, with the current number of votes, that single vote is only 0.7% worth. The interesting thing about the charts is to find out which remix pleases the majority of listeners, regardless of style.
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