Current SID "trackers"

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Re: Current SID "trackers"

Post by Vosla »

(name removed) wrote:(...)But in contract to Hoxs64 and CCS64 it still don't pass Emu-Fuxx0r v2.0 protected software (...)
Where is the deeper sense in protecting programs from running in an emulator??!
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Re: Current SID "trackers"

Post by Amok »

what a nonsense...
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Re: Current SID "trackers"

Post by LMan »

Vosla wrote:
(name removed) wrote:(...)But in contract to Hoxs64 and CCS64 it still don't pass Emu-Fuxx0r v2.0 protected software (...)
Where is the deeper sense in protecting programs from running in an emulator??!
Well I guess it's for purist programmers who want to make sure e.g. that their songs get played on real SID filters instead of emulated ones. Or that an interlace picture looks smooth and colourful on a 50hz TV instead of being an out-of-sync flicker-desaster inside an emulation window.
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Re: Current SID "trackers"

Post by Vosla »

LMan wrote:Well I guess it's for purist programmers who want to make sure e.g. that their songs get played on real SID filters instead of emulated ones. Or that an interlace picture looks smooth and colourful on a 50hz TV instead of being an out-of-sync flicker-desaster inside an emulation window.
Warum soll ich (absichtlich) darunter leiden, dass sich Deppen/Unwissende beschweren, warum Code-Hacks (unfreiwillig) nicht auf einem Emulator laufen? Da kann ich die Einstellung beider Seiten nicht akzeptieren.
Why should I (deliberately) suffer because some idiots/ignorants complain about code-hacks (involuntary) not working on an emulator? I can't accept the stance of either side.
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Re: Current SID "trackers"

Post by Analog-X64 »

In this day and age of E-Mail, why not just e-mail them coders and ask them directly why they have done this.

Personally I dont care either way and at the same time I dont get why they would do it.
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Re: Current SID "trackers"

Post by LMan »

Look at it this way: if it doesn't run at all, the "ignorant viewer / listener" might complain. If it runs though, (example Interlace pic or SID), and it looks or sounds like crap, the real ignorant will not be able to tell this is because of insufficient emulation or an out-of-sync refresh rate. So I can understand the blocking intent, but personally I would not employ such techniques either.

On the other hand, it's a nice motivation for emu developers to improve their emulation so it passes the test, similar to the browser ACID tests..
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Re: Current SID "trackers"

Post by mixer »

This is quite an old thread already, but as one of the authors it ispired me to write a few lines about what was involved in making the Vicious Sid 8 bit tech and the Fantas tune. There have been many questions and new suggestions about what is possible and I wanted to map some of this discussion.

See the Production Notes at CSDB for this demo ... otes#notes

THCM has not yet released the mod converter toolkit publicly, hope he gets the time and inspiration to complete it.

- Mixer
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Re: Current SID "trackers"

Post by Analog-X64 »

Very nice read..thanks for sharing.
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