(name removed) please remove my tracks from your playlist

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(name removed) please remove my tracks from your playlist

Post by Amok »

Dear (name removed)

I dont want my remixes or other tracks to be played at your playlist. So please remove them.

Thank you very much...
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Re: (name removed) please remove my tracks from your playlist

Post by Makke »

I've been thinking about the same thing for quite a while, but I didn't want to come off as petty. Seeing as I'm not alone with this wish, I'd like to do the same.

(name removed), please remove all remixes that I've been involved with from your playlist. That includes both my own remixes and remixes I'm featured on. I don't want to have any association with Radio (name removed). Anything with my name on it must go.

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Re: (name removed) please remove my tracks from your playlist

Post by Waz »

(name removed) wrote:I will certainly remove nothing from our playlist as long as every track is available for free on RKO.
Considering it's a polite request by the original artist, I would suggest that you rethink your position.

Regardless whether a track has been made available on RKO for download or not, the original artist, may I remind you, still retains copyright of the work. And that copyright should be respected.

As an example, in the years that HVSC has been around, there has been the occasional request by musician to remove some pieces of their work from the collection. This has been either because the file was originally spread without the artist's permission or becuase they wished for their tunes to not feature, even though they may have been freely available in demos etc. In those cases, there's either been polite and fair negotiation to reassure the artist and for them to allow inclusion, or respecting their request. Either way, HVSC retains an important fact: the work always is the copyright of the original artist and in some cases software publisher.

RKO, like HVSC, releases stuff for free. However, the same rule of copyright would apply.

(name removed): a word of note: rather than feel that the world's against you, do some good for once, respect those requests and maybe (just maybe) people might start to actually give you the same respect back.
Warren Pilkington (Waz)
Zzap! 64, CF and HVSC Contributor
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Re: (name removed) please remove my tracks from your playlist

Post by Chris Abbott »

(name removed) wrote:I will certainly remove nothing from our playlist as long as every track is available for free on RKO. The listeners will decice, what they want to hear. If you're not satisfied, get a label (good luck) and delete your songs from RKO, even the so-called "distorted votes" which you have reproach me in another thread. You can't expect anything from me after spreading such lies. Otherwise show them here: Song, Kind of change, Date, IP...I'm still waiting for it.

Over and out!
1) You're an illegal radio station. You don't have a GEMA licence, therefore much of what you play is illegal. You seem to have a short memory: do you want me to restore my legal action through MCPS/GEMA to take you off the air? Your attitude makes it very tempting indeed.

2) People grant a licence to RKO to host their tracks by uploading them. That licence is NOT transferable to you. By right, you should ask permission from every single person. It's opt-in, not opt-out. And you know that any other radio station would remove them on request. Translation: just because it's on RKO doesn't give you the right to use it. Plenty of people like RKO and Slay but hate your guts. They have every right to stop you playing their work until you buy a licence that turns you into a real online radio station.

3) Imagined grudges against other people do NOT exempt you from copyright law, or entitle you to steal their work.

I've never read anything so arrogant. You just don't learn from your mistakes, do you?

If you don't change your tune, I will approach MCPS/GEMA again, and this time I will not let the matter quietly die: and I will also demand you remove everything that was written by everyone I represent.

I've done you SO many favours over the years, and you continue to behave like a complete git to all those around you.

No one owes you anything. And now you're annoyed me (again).

Won't somebody PLEASE think of the children?
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Re: (name removed) please remove my tracks from your playlist

Post by Chris Abbott »

ah, f*ck it, I'm through giving you second chances. You've had a million and you're still a nasty piece of work.

Remove all Rob Hubbard, David Whittaker, Ben Daglish, Martin Galway, Paul Norman, Richard Joseph, Tim Follin and Matt Gray tracks from your playlist immediately, no matter who did the recording. And remove all commercial C64 tracks from all albums released by C64Audio.com.

This is not a request. This is a demand, and it has the force of law.

It's also non-negotiable. When GEMA come calling you can either claim that you play no GEMA tracks, or you can admit you're broadcasting illegally.

Won't somebody PLEASE think of the children?
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Re: (name removed) please remove my tracks from your playlist

Post by Chris Abbott »

Wow, it's been half an hour and we still haven't had the traditional "fatalistic kicked puppy" reply.


Actually, I'll answer myself.

"It's not FAIR! You're victimising me when all I'm trying to do is bring happiness to the world"

Answer 1: You do it because you want to feel like a big man. Other people's happiness? Like you give a damn...
Answer 2: It's fair, because actions have consequences. In this case, the action of you acting like an arrogant evil tosspot means the consequence of being punished for acting like an arrogant evil tosspot.
Answer 3: In order to succeed, you must be liked or respected. In order to be liked, you have to be likable, and in order to be respected, you have to be respectable. EPIC FAIL!
Answer 4: Quit whining, you've had four more years than you deserved.
Answer 5: All the time I've known you, you've never acted in good faith. You're a weaselly, conniving, dishonest douchbag who gets what he wants by threatening and whining.

Hey, perhaps I should ban myself for being abusive :) I'm pretty sure I could pretend to be sad about it, apologise and then build up to abusing you again gradually, all the while pretending just to ask questions.

When did you stop sending death threats to Ziphoid, by the way? Just asking an honest question!

Won't somebody PLEASE think of the children?
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Re: (name removed) please remove my tracks from your playlist

Post by Analog-X64 »

This is a perfect example of missed opportunity... here was a perfect chance to say... "not a problem I'll remove the requested songs from the play list". It could have been a turning point for better relations. :nonono:
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Re: (name removed) please remove my tracks from your playlist

Post by FFRenzy »

hmmm, seems Amok has been banned from the (name removed) forum for the "injustice" he did to (name removed). but another person there posted the same request for removal of the tunes. Needless to say P is giving the same response there ( source, in German though http://www.radio-(name removed).de/board/thread.php?postid=22039#post22039 )
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Re: (name removed) please remove my tracks from your playlist

Post by Ahriakin »

Wow, way to go Chris :worship:

I can't believe that in such a niche community, who's very existence is testament to the amazing dedication of it's members, that something like this would have to happen. But I guess human nature is inescapable.
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Re: (name removed) please remove my tracks from your playlist

Post by C64GLeN »

My reaction to Chris' post....


@Chris Fair play, you've gave him more chances than he deserves. I'm sure a lot of community members will back you on this, if you need a legal fighting fund, etc...

This seems like a good time to promote this facebook group; Radio (name removed) is awful

However on that It's a shame for the other people at Radio (name removed), some of who I've spoke to, as they just want a German language radio station. This is completely down to Manuel (as far as I know), maybe someone else could step up with an alternative.

@(name removed) I am come to the belief that you have mental problems, please seek help. Also you can remove my remixes too (although I'm sure no-one would object to this).
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Re: (name removed) please remove my tracks from your playlist

Post by Analog-X64 »

FFRenzy wrote:hmmm, seems Amok has been banned from the (name removed) forum for the "injustice" he did to (name removed). but another person there posted the same request for removal of the tunes. Needless to say P is giving the same response there ( source, in German though http://www.radio-(name removed).de/board/thread.php?postid=22039#post22039 )
Translated to English: http://tinyurl.com/nqven9
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Re: (name removed) please remove my tracks from your playlist

Post by becker »

Analog-X64 wrote: Translated to English: http://tinyurl.com/nqven9
OMG, what a garbage. Don't use automated translators, ppl.
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Re: (name removed) please remove my tracks from your playlist

Post by Ziphoid »

(name removed) wrote:He has been banned because a false statement which I rate as calumny and not because his opinion. He (and everyone) is allowed to think and write what he want as long as he stay by the truth. If not, it's a rough violation against our rules. I don't want and will not start the discussion again about RKO stuff which I already did last year but his tracks has been removed now to end this childish discussion. Finally he will harm himself and everyone asking the same, because he don't hit me...rather he will reduce his level of awareness and that's what he oviously seems to be the most important thing for him. Everyone should remember that we do nonprofit work and that's the point.

So this are my last words to this.
Manuel, don't even START to talk about following rules, staying to the truth, the importance of raising level of awareness (or, reaching fame or whatever you wanna call it) and similar things. What have YOU been doing during these last years? Well, don't tell me you've treated people with utmost respect, behaved according to forum- and/or chatrules, shown common sense, told the truth at all times and behaved in others interests apart from your own? If you're trying to tell us ANY of these things, then you're simply telling a lie. You've basically written a book with your actions. Why don't you call it "How to piss most people off in the least amount of time", "Make yourself a bunch of enemies - For Dummies" or "Clueless in the scene" or something similar? I mean, you've even falsified logs of conversations I had with you and claimed that I would've written it and then posted it to the public as 'the truth'. D'oh. Next time, make sure you don't remove 80% of the vocabulary of the person you're trying to impose to be.

We've had to stand your spammy, abusive messages in more than one medium for way too long and even confronted you about it all. When you've said sorry and that you wouldn't misbehave again, we've been foolish enough to believe it, time after time, and given you more than one chance to behave better. For what?? You're accusing us of talking bad about you behind your back and therefor decided to spy in all ways you possible can. Well, OF COURSE we have been talking bad about you and your actions, simply because we've been so annoyed with it all. I mean, it's not like you haven't been talking bad about me and others behind our backs, huh? What even is MORE annoying is the fact that we simply can't ignore you, like some people have suggested, because you keep coming back with even more waves of annoyancing behavior. You just don't get it. You just think that the world is evil and has something against you. Why don't you stop up for a minute and think about why this is?! Couldn't it be some kind of relevance to it, perhaps? Couldn't it even be YOU who is the cause of it? *hmmm* Think about that, if you can. It's sad enough that we're even bothering with this and you're actually getting WAY MORE attention than you have deserved. But, as Makke stated in another thread, to become infamous is also a way of reaching fame. Or perhaps that's what you're after? Who knows... Either way, you've won in one way since we're still talking about you.

Ok, so you've taken Amoks tracks off your playlist. Fine, that's one down. Now, Makke requested the same and you have NOT done that, since I noticed at least his remix of Lost Patrol being played around midnight. Chris, as the owner of C64Audio.com has taken his hands away from you and demanded that you would remove all tracks he has the ultimate rights to, in the role of representing the composers. Well, just 10 minutes ago (by the time of writing), a remix of a track originally composed by Rob Hubbard (01:30:35 Sid Peasley - Commando) was played, so you haven't started removing them either. Perhaps it's time to do so, huh? Even though it's been said before in this thread, I'll just have to once more underline the fact that the thing you fail to realize is that just because you can get hold of a track freely on the web, it's not automagically available for you to play and especially NOT if the author requests you to remove it. Btw, please remove mine and Ollas' Combat Crazy and also Darryl - Unicorn II from your playlist, kthxbai.

By the power of being active head administrator of them, even though I'm not solely responsible for these sites, I hereby state the fact that C64Audio.com (as already stated by Chris, since he's running that one), Remix64.com, AmigaRemix.com and SceneSat.com are pulling back any kind of patience and tolerance there has been regarding you. You won't be banned or removed, since you'll obviously only try to get around that like you usually do by using proxies, activating 'hidden' accounts and similar methods, but the tolerance level will be lowered to zero. The RSS feed of your upcoming shows on the front page of remix64.com is removed and you are not allowed to make any kind of promotion for your radio on any of these sites without it being a violation of this. If you choose to continue to try doing so, you'll only make yourself look even more stupid towards everyone but I guess that is your decision.

Sadly, this affects not only you, but also the other members of your community. They have not misbehaved and we hold no grudge against them and therefor it's not them we're 'after' with this. They simply will have to pay this price thanks to you. This is even worse for the German speaking part of the retro community, since you had something you COULD have made something good with, but so far have failed doing. Getting deleted, banned, yelled at and overall met with annoyance from MULTIPLE forums/sites must have given you at least SOME hint about the fact that you're perhaps doing something the wrong way? If not, it's even worse than I could've ever imagined.

I could go on writing a BUNCH of more things, but it makes me annoyed that I'm letting you take up so much of my time that I could use for something constructive instead and therefor it's time to end this post.

As I said in the other, recently locked thread - if you're questioning my authority or set yourself against these decisions, feel free to try and make your case, even though I'm pretty sure that most people are quite bored of it all by now (apart from the people who are actually enjoying this 'drama', of course) and I can assure you that you won't get far unless you give anything that would be valid and constructive - which you've failed to do so far.

This thread will not be locked but I urge you others who wants to express your opinion to do it in a proper fashion and not lower yourselves to Manuels level, since that'd just be as childish as his behavior has been more than once.

// Ziphoid
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Re: (name removed) please remove my tracks from your playlist

Post by fnordpojk »

(name removed) wrote:I will not repead myself again so better do it before I let it do or "give you a reason" to do it!
--- Log opened Fri Jun 05 20:51:35 2009
20:51:35-!- Irssi: Starting query in EFNet with BettyBoo
20:51:35<BettyBoo> You're a confederate of the NAZI regime and must be elimiated!!!

--- Log opened Fri Jun 12 23:55:57 2009
23:55:57-!- Irssi: Starting query in EFNet with mregel
23:55:57<mregel> I wish you dearly that you will die a long and painfully death visited by the cholera or something like that. I will give a PARTY then and WE ALL will celebrate it!I wish you dearly that you will die a long and painfully death visited by the cholera or something like that. I will give a PARTY then and WE ALL will celebrate it!

..and that isn't reason enough?

Both IPs resolved to Wuppertal, which is the city in which you live. I very much doubt someone else in Wuppertal hates all of the SceneSat staff so much they want to send death threaths to all of us..

Isn't it time to just give up and accept the fact that you're never going to redeem yourself and then finally SHUT UP?
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Re: (name removed) please remove my tracks from your playlist

Post by Makke »

(name removed) wrote:Great! Outstanding! I just have waited for your first "welcome action" as new admin.
I love how you think you can get sympathy by provocing the admins over and over, and then when the reaction comes go "Come and see the violence inherent in the system! HELP! HELP! I'm being repressed!"
(name removed) wrote:Interesting that you cannot state (and prove) one useful example but this board and (you know the reason why).
We could throw proof at you until you choked on them, but you'd never accept their existance. Had you been a high school kid, making the kind of threats you've done, the police would've come to collect you a long time ago - in fear of another school shooting.

Your actions are pathetic. I'm not saying you are pathetic, because I believe you are very very sick in the head, and need very real help. Manuel, you need to see a psychologist. I'm not saying that as an insult, I'm saying that because it's utterly obvious that you need professional help.

Now, please, remove my tracks from your playlist. I'm very tempted to have them removed from RKO just to meet your demands, and to prove how serious I am about this. Manuel, remove my tracks. I won't be polite about it again.
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