Drax - Church (Hells Bells Mix)

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Drax - Church (Hells Bells Mix)

Post by Ahriakin »

It Figures, I do one remix many many years ago (Zybex, it er...kinda sucked), I spend the next few years composing but don't get back to doing more mixes before having to give it up again for a while...finally get back to writing and do up a 64 Mix that's ready for the very day that remix.kwed.org goes on holiday :? Ah well I guess even community gods need a break :)

Anyway a short and sweet remix of one of my favourite Drax tunes, I'm still amazed it wasn't covered before. I started making this one a lot longer and more elaborate but it was moving too far away from the feel of the original. For me anyway this one was 'less is more'.
I hope you enjoy.

http://www.whisperbetweenworlds.com/mus ... sBells.mp3

http://www.whisperbetweenworlds.com/mus ... Bells.flac
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Re: Drax - Church (Hells Bells Mix)

Post by Ahriakin »

A quick response to some of the shouts so far on the track, and really just to clear up one point. In reference to Makke's query though there is one loop in the percussion, the rest of the percussion (and all else) for better or worse (okay apparently worse ;) ) is my own. The unevenness I think is more down to the fact that this is the first thing I have written in 5 years - new tools, rusty technique, some parts of the process that came back easily and others that felt like pulling teeth.
I accept the criticism and appreciate the feedback (honestly), with the exception of "oooya-bugga" (or whatever that was), presuming it wasn't a desperate plea for help with his illiteracy I'll put it down to someone trying to weight a negative vote without actually having anything useful to say...good work ;)
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Re: Drax - Church (Hells Bells Mix)

Post by LMan »

Great way to handle criticism. Kudos for that!
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Re: Drax - Church (Hells Bells Mix)

Post by Ahriakin »

Nah the comments were fair. I didn't post it thinking the world needed to hear 'my masterpiece', it was a quick remix of one of my own faves mainly just done for me and to get my feet wet with the DAW again. I just put it up figuring someone might appreciate it as a remix (any remix ;) ) of what seems to be an overlooked Gem.
I'm still human and of course it stings a little but like I said the criticism was fair.
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Re: Drax - Church (Hells Bells Mix)

Post by LMan »

Don't give up. How about reworking the tune, posting several WIPs here and asking for practical feedback? Helps improve the skills a lot, I know from my own experience. :)
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