Krabat - Cracktro

The place for musicians to share their knowledge and ideas about music and remixing, and to post WIP snippets and feedback. Also suggest tunes for remixing, here.
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Krabat - Cracktro

Post by SarahKreuz31 »

roaming around YouTube I found THIS: :confusion:

Loved it, when I was a child. And I still do. :lol: So i went straight to RKO, searching for a cool Remix, but there is none.

Why? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY? *tragic orchestra fades in* :yuck:

Any chance one of you guys can do a lovely Remix ?
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Re: Krabat - Cracktro

Post by Dis Cord »

This tune is taken from the game "Ark Pandora". There are at least two remixes of this on RKO.
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Re: Krabat - Cracktro

Post by SarahKreuz31 »

Didn`t knew that. Ark Pandora, you said? Okay, I check this out immediately. Thx for the hint. :thumbsup:
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Re: Krabat - Cracktro

Post by Razmo »

This is actually one of my favourite pieces by Daglish, if not the one I like the best, and I've been thinking about making a remix several times before... some day it might even happen! :lol:
Regards, Jess D. Skov-Nielsen (Razmo).
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Re: Krabat - Cracktro

Post by LMan »

Anyone else notice the striking resemblance to the Simon the Sorcerer Intro regarding visuals and music?

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Re: Krabat - Cracktro

Post by Chris Abbott » ... cat=NAM001

Also covered in New Age Stylee by me...
Won't somebody PLEASE think of the children?
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Re: Krabat - Cracktro

Post by SarahKreuz31 »

Kinda weird that I`ve been connected to this lovely Tune via A Cracker-Intro. :duh:

I was downloading and listening to all the Remixes yesterday. Some of them seem to be "ingame" Music of this "Arc Pandora". The ones who made a Remix of the tune above...well.....the best job did XxDusty IMO: ... 008%29.mp3

But just have to say: the "ultimate" Remix isn`t made yet. Even though XxDusty`s Version is good. (Have to listen to Chris` Remix, this one wasn`t available on RKO)

@Lman: Didn`t noticed that, but,yeah, you`re right.
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Re: Krabat - Cracktro

Post by Marcel Donné »

Cheers for jogging my memory. I forgot I'd done a remix of this ages ago: ... 26&cat=R64
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Re: Krabat - Cracktro

Post by Chris Abbott »

[quote="Marcel Donné";Cheers for jogging my memory. I forgot I'd done a remix of this ages ago: ... 26&cat=R64[/quote]

Yeah, that was Aces... I remember its difficult birth though :)

Won't somebody PLEASE think of the children?
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Re: Krabat - Cracktro

Post by Marcel Donné »

Oh yes, it was a stinker. Mike (who started the remix) insisted that the main melody be done on a guitar while it was clearly written for keyboard but once we got the groove going it worked itself out.

There are still a few of Ben's I'd like to tackle one day (no, not The Last Ninja :wink: )
It may not be next week, but whenever I find some time....
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