evryone safe?

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Re: evryone safe?

Post by Razmo »

Chris Abbott wrote:I find the problem with the alternative media is they expect you to blatantly trust them, too, and get quite offended and hostile when you don't.
I don't believe them... I believe the facts they can put on the table, therein lies the difference for me... the governments and the elite don't HAVE to get angry and frustrated, they only need to ridicule, which they DO quite a lot, to midcredit the things the alternative media comes with... so it's not that hard to see WHY they get angry.

I usualy just tell people that there ARE some other views on things, and then let the people decide for themselves... it's when people blatantly deny the alternative media even without reading what they have to say, and make THEIR OWN OPINION that I find them a bit arrogant really. And then of course when they ridicule people who try to find the truth, and also try to think for themselves.

But what people want to believe is up to themselves, and noone should be ridiculed for seeking the truth...
Regards, Jess D. Skov-Nielsen (Razmo).
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Re: evryone safe?

Post by Razmo »

Chris Abbott wrote:> not just blatantly trust everything you hear from governments and press.
Indeed. But when I hear someone saying those words (for instance, my mum!), what they're actually saying is "believe nothing you hear from the governments and press", rather than "evaluate each piece of information logically and with regard to motivations and hidden factors". Bullsh*t filters should be installed all round, I think, no matter where the information comes from.
You're right Chris... and A LOT of the alternative media (conspiracy theories) are just as fantastic as the explanations that come from the governments (9/11 and Obama's death for example)... so both sides are with a lot of crap, but the prblem for me is, that those who blatantly deny the TRUTH'ers would believe ANYTHING that come from the governments, and that in my opinion is naive... you should ALWAYS have your common sense with you when you make your opinions... on both sides...
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Re: evryone safe?

Post by Razmo »

C64GLeN wrote:Oh, please. This is exactly why we don't do politics in here. Now behave, before things get out of hand.
He he!... politics always get out of hand, especialy on internet forum's where people have no filter... I don't want to debate politics or oppinions in here anyway, just try to waken people up to the alternative explanation before everyone blindly believe what the press tells them... think for yourselves, make your own opinions... don't let the mainstream media take the decision for you without reading "the other story" as well... it's common sense if you want to have an opinion.
Regards, Jess D. Skov-Nielsen (Razmo).
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Re: evryone safe?

Post by Commie_User »

One thing I notice about 'alternative truthers' is that they can claim a lot of stuff but prove or disprove next to nothing, even when you ask them. Some of the worst are the 9/11 or 'Illuminati' crowd, essentially projecting their own meaning onto the word without telling the rest of us what they're talking about - and this can change from person to person.

But show an interest and ask them to put the whole dossier of evidence and proper corroborated history on the table and I hear things like 'Of course I have no evidence, they cover it up too well...'. They sound paranoid too.

The topical example are these riots. Riots fit right in with Leftist fantasies about class struggle - when seething thugs do it, illegal immigrants, prison inmates, it's the same old 'oppressed smashing the Capitalist oppressors' crap. But one thing wrong with these half-baked theories is that you don't get normal people smashing up their own country. (So let's put the Left and their criminal buddies on a remote tropical island forever, where they'll never be oppressed any more.)

And for making your own mind up, you face all kinds of obstacles from those we call the PC brigade. Even forgetting the jail side of it (Wilders for example, that schoolgirl who couldn't understand the Urdu kids or that bloke who sang Kung Fu Fighting in an Isle of Wight pub), there's a hell of a lot of peer pressure to not say or think the 'wrong' things. You get labels put on you if you do.
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Re: evryone safe?

Post by Chris Abbott »

Of course, you would say that. You're a total you.

A complete and utter one. ;-)
Won't somebody PLEASE think of the children?
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Re: evryone safe?

Post by C64GLeN »

Commie_User wrote:And for making your own mind up, you face all kinds of obstacles from those we call the PC brigade. Even forgetting the jail side of it (Wilders for example, that schoolgirl who couldn't understand the Urdu kids or that bloke who sang Kung Fu Fighting in an Isle of Wight pub), there's a hell of a lot of peer pressure to not say or think the 'wrong' things. You get labels put on you if you do.
I make my mind up not to believe the PCGAWNMAD stories the Daily Mail make up.
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Re: evryone safe?

Post by Commie_User »

I'd be happy for you to explain the examples (without shooting the messenger) then: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hampshire-13205220

http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/ne ... ownie.html

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... upils.html

Totalitarian stuff you must admit.
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Re: evryone safe?

Post by Vosla »

From my point of view, there is a lot of guilt put on the layman today by the ruling class to shut them up.
There are social problems ? Blame it on racism.
There are not enough jobs ? Blame it on the unemployed.
There is bribery and defraudation ? Blame it on bankers and politi... wait a moment - no, this isn't "political correct"...
There is order, happiness and prosperity - thanks to our great leaders! Don't you dare to think otherwise!
All is lost.
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Re: evryone safe?

Post by NecroPolo »

Besides some weird, seemingly real play of imagination, there is no strict evidence that anything exists outside your head where you're alone so why bother anyway?

If you don't like things outside - don't let them inside. Real is only what you accept to be real. Create SIDs and remixes instead of burning precious time on all of that :)


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Re: evryone safe?

Post by Commie_User »

I have no idea what the 'Lennonesque', fantasy-can-even-be-reality paragraphs mean but thumbs up to Vosla. If there was nothing to moan about then there would be no moans.
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Re: evryone safe?

Post by Vosla »

I'm an expert in moaning.
And I am not referring to anything even slightly erotic...
All is lost.
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