Data of Synthetic Virtue

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Data of Synthetic Virtue

Post by Kate-Z »

A cheeky non-c64 remix from me.. whilst still maintaining a link with it :)

I've produced a cover of Martin Galway's "Runes of Virtue" - which was a Gameboy game, and later a SNES game.

I remembered hearing this tune on Kenz's OMAHM podcast and really liking it, if finding the Gameboy instrumentation a little harsh, so I thought I'd have a go, two goes as it turned out :)

Full info + tune you can find here:

Hope you like :)
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Re: Data of Synthetic Virtue

Post by AndyUK »

Oh hell yes, I LIKE!! Such a good track too. Excellent work.. :worship: The video version sits just nicely too..

Weird thing is the C64 version on your page ( and that's really such a good song too) sounds like a Rob Hubbard track?? Go figure huh? Especially around the latter 3:00 parts.. Always thought Galway songs had that certain 'feel' to them.

Either way, it's fine work..

Gotta ask though, which song came first? the c64 one or 'data of... ' because if the c64 version was a conversion, then its a damn good conversion.
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Re: Data of Synthetic Virtue

Post by Kate-Z »

Thanks :)

the C64 one came after the "proper" remix - after Kenz had wondered what a C64 version might sound like :D I know what you mean about the Hubbard thing too, I could quite nail the Galway instrumentation quite right... but then its more me than him as well :)
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Re: Data of Synthetic Virtue

Post by Dumper »

Very nice indeed Kate, a pity it's not a C64 remix as it would get high votes IMO.
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Re: Data of Synthetic Virtue

Post by LMan »

What dumper said. :)
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Re: Data of Synthetic Virtue

Post by Kate-Z »

Dumper wrote:Very nice indeed Kate, a pity it's not a C64 remix as it would get high votes IMO.
Ah well.. mebbe just as well after what happened last time* lol :D

*2 bitter Scotswomen.
**except one isnt Scottish
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Re: Data of Synthetic Virtue

Post by LMan »

Well there are several of comments from people who appreciate what you did with the vocal version. Something not being mass-compatible says nothing about it's actual quality.
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Re: Data of Synthetic Virtue

Post by Vosla »

Kate, no matter if somebody likes your remixes or not; the quality couldn't be questioned and taste should not make up a whole review.
This remix is no exception.

Now we need somebody to port the game to the breadbin so this qualifies as a C64 remix ;-)
All is lost.
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Re: Data of Synthetic Virtue

Post by Analog-X64 »

I downloaded them and will have a proper listen on the weekend. Thanks for sharing :)
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