Tusker Redux

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Tusker Redux

Post by Kate-Z »

Hi all,

Thought you might be interested in my rework of my previous Tusker (first level) arrangement - I wasnt entirely happy with the original soundmix, and after learning some awesome things from Putzi I remastered it, and re-did the latter third which I wasnt happy with either.

Tusker: The adventurer wore khaki shorts

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Re: Tusker Redux

Post by LMan »

Rocks :)
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Re: Tusker Redux

Post by Analog-X64 »

Great music and great website :)
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Re: Tusker Redux

Post by Dumper »

Excellent Kate, I like the Tomb Raider touch too.
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Re: Tusker Redux

Post by AndyUK »

NICE!!!!! ( though I'm damned if that Melody at 1:48 had me thinking of something else, and you have no IDEA!!! how long it took before I got it out of my head and worked out what tune it sounded like heh ( shadowfire tune2 Fred Gray btw!! ) so thanks for that :duh: heh )

And yes the TR tribute part is Sweet!!

Really, you've created a quality tune here. Great Job!! Everything fits perfectly. ( Nice choirs too )

Hows the Sw1000 working out btw?
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Re: Tusker Redux

Post by Kate-Z »

do you know? I've hardly used it so far. Piping in external audio is a bit of a chore versus just dealing with VSTi's and samples. I like knowing its there though as a base of instruments :)
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Re: Tusker Redux

Post by putzi »

thanks for the "awesome things" :cheers:
Glad to be of help for some people :D
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