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Posted: 13/09/2004 - 17:41
by Makke
Kenz wrote:Someone said it was shite? :evil:
I guess no one said it was shite (you just don't say that to the mafia ;) ), just a couple of "weakest link" kind of hints.

I guess they either didn't get the point, or are over sensitive to rap. Most likely both. But as I said, I don't really mind it since I (and the people whos opinions I care about) liked it.

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 17:55
by Bog
It's true.

It's all my fault.

I did a Bad Thing. (3Mb WMV9)

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 18:05
by Kenz
I loved it matey - your dance moves (and Larsecs) had to be seen to be believed!! LOL! :lol:

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 18:10
by Kenz
Bog wrote:I did a Bad Thing. (3Mb WMV9)
Excellent work my young apprentice - that was flatulence worthy of "The Z-Show!"

(Which you really must guest star on at some point Bog!)

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 18:11
by Bog
Which you really must guest star on at some point Bog!
Oooo, yeth pleathe nithe man!

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 19:33
by rambones
Chris Abbott wrote:> It was a bit anticlimactic to end with SID80s.

1) No, it wasn't.
2) PPOT asked to be first


It was just perfect. First we get into the groove with a greatly planned PPOT show, then we have some loony on the stage trying to do a new remix of a shitsong, live.. great SID he must have used, but where was the filter ? the arpeggio was absolutely awful!

I might add that when the loony signalled the end, I stopped on the spot but noticed a lot of bad NOR gates flipping over the top..

Then it went into the greatest surprise I ever had, some human beatbox stuff, arranged by a loony that got his shit together and decided to be a real pro.

Absolutely fabulous!

The human voices just had such a big effect on me, I surprised myself. I thought i was in total control, but I was not!

I think a certain tune with some very high notes composed by Rob Hubbard, really made me have an orgasm!


The end act, I'll just say out flat, were the best trained band at the concert.

Climax when climax is due, and so the progression of the whole concert was a spot on hit.

I just wish we had some more loonies.

I am der ager-lish and losthisvoice.fiddler - geniouses, bordering on the insane.

A pro drummer, and a pro base. John Hair ? :-)


Posted: 13/09/2004 - 23:26
by rambones
madfiddler wrote:
SIR'86 wrote:I really hope that Stuck in D Eighties do a studio recording, they were totally mindblowing.
We have talked about it with Chris. However, 1) we do feel that we are a totally live band - how else can you be when you never get the chance to reherse with each other..... each time we play something it will be completely different.... and...2) we live all over the place and would be a nightmare trying to get all of us in the same place at the same time... yes there's email and the internet... but a CD needs to be done altogether.. at the same time... me thinks...
Hi Mr. Lostyervoiceehahwellyouhavevoiceinhandsowhatyouneedvoiceforanyway.


I read somewhere, but maybe it's only a rumor I made up for myself, to remember something else that I think I heard a rumor about.. but:

There was this small band that had no talent, so they made many many covers, in the end remixing them, then fame came to them, and they just went around the whole world and wrecked on recording studio and hotel after the other.

But now they made the tunes themselves, and now, 40 something years later..

The Rolling Stones, are still rolling.

10 GOTO "Another studio"
20 "Jam, drink, eat, fuck, compose, remix, jam, fuck, dance, take breaks"
40 GOTO 20
64737 REM failsafe - only use in emergency
64738 GOTO 10

As you see, there is some kind of magic in this program, so it can't stop.
Only if you turn off the power or use the reset button, it will stop.

But since you now have the source, it takes on 3 mins to type in again.


Thanks for a lovely evening, so far, the best.
I think that stratocaster ? violin, can do something you didn't think of yet.

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 23:51
by hyperhack
Makke wrote:
Kenz wrote:Someone said it was shite? :evil:
I guess no one said it was shite (you just don't say that to the mafia ;) ), just a couple of "weakest link" kind of hints.

I guess they either didn't get the point, or are over sensitive to rap. Most likely both. But as I said, I don't really mind it since I (and the people whos opinions I care about) liked it.
Makke no offence dude but I reckon you should stick to composing lol!

That's just my opinion though, I've never been a fan of rap music!

I wanted to shake your hand for sending tingles of joy down my spine with your Golden Axe remake but I didnt know it was you and Larsec up on stage lol! Yeah I know i'm a twat for not being more perceptive!


Posted: 14/09/2004 - 0:00
by rambones
Boz wrote:
A lot of us English people are of the stick-in-the-mud type. "Ooh, Copenhagen is too far away, blah blah blah..." To you I say


Getting a plane to Denmark is so bloody easy - even I can do it! Start saving your money now! I don't want to see a SINGLE THREAD from any of my fellow English inhabitants saying "I can't come to Copenhagen because it's too far / the dog ate my passport / I almost shat my pants / etc etc". Just book the bloody flight / hotel as soon as we know the date!

I paid 75 pounds to get there and back with Easyjet from Copenhagen to Stanstead.

It took 90 minutes to get over there, and 60 to get back.
(in south of CPH/90, in from north/60) - routes vary depending on what control tower says.

Posted: 14/09/2004 - 0:14
by rambones
Bog wrote:
what if i dont HAVE a passport ? - How much IS it to Cope anyhow ? just so i have a round target figure to aim for ?
I've just looked on Easyjet, and it says an early-march flight to Copenhagen is about 16 quid.

Sixteen smegging quid.

That's only two beers from LSO, that is!

I know that we are being screwed in the ass here in Denmark for plane tickets, but I didn't know it's that extreme.. OMG!!! :shock:

The cheapest I get when using easyjet website with creditcard, is (hold on to your socks!):

34 pounds one way, 50-80 return, depends on time of day..

My ass feels sour... aehhh....

Posted: 14/09/2004 - 0:43
by rambones
Makke wrote:
Matrix wrote:I havent seen the visuals yet, so i guess i missed the C64 Mafia joke... Sry Makke m8, no offence....
None taken. The mafia performance wasn't about musical/artistic perfection, it was for a laugh.

Most people I've talked to (who saw it live) said it made them laugh, and that was what we were aiming for. And I guess the mafia must've been the least interesting group to listen to over the stream.

I was actually surprised at the positive responce we got after the gig. I thought people were going to hate us, 1) because we didn't play live (except for Larsec on the opening 1942 act), we just rapped/sang to a backing track and 2) hip hop/rap don't sit well with most people, in fact a lot of people hate it with a passion.

But, as I've told everyone else, what we lack in talent we try to make up for with humour, and I hope we succeeded. Anyway, both Larsec and I had a lot of fun doing it, and I know a lot of people who were there liked it.

So anyone listening to the stream telling us that we were shite, you missed 75% of the act since you didn't see the stage performance, and that's what you get for not being there. ;)

To sum up, I had fun doing it and that's good enough for me. Love us or hate us, as long as I'm having fun I don't give a shit.

Ps. I'm not much of a rap fan myself either, and I don't rap...I just pretend that I do...

The thing that BIT live has, that nobody else has, is that it's not just a stream of tunes played by 1 band, and finito.

Oh no! the more you can put in there, to break off people to give them a few minutes to digest input after each performance, the better.

I've never seen anything like it in fact.

The closest I can think of is a rock festival like Roskilde or something, but it's still a 'stream' - you have to get your head disconnected now and then, or otherwise you stand after the concert, discussing "ehhhh was it really that good?", "i felt bored somewhere, did you ? because bla bla".

My point is, at a multiband concert or festival, you HAVE to choose which performances you want to focus on, beforehand, because you have some preferences you go by. People are somehow not ready for surprises, don't ask for them, the big guys don't KNOW what people want, they just PUSH shit in your head, to brainwash you to BUY the shit.

BIT has something that is unique, and that is that the memberswapping/guestperformance in the bands is a NATURAL thing that just happens, it's not planned.

It's a workshop, that is not yet defined as a workshop.

Musicians love workshops, therefore it can only progress. Never go static.

I think maybe a fog is starting to clear, and the picture is getting more obvious to you than it was just 2 days ago.

You have the choice: use BIT to get a solid band together, and sell yourself to some big asshole sometime, and get stuck in a recording deal that will eventually milk you so you don't want to continue anymore.

Or stay in the workshop, and do what you want.

The revolution you are part of can't be stopped anyway, so just make it a pleasant trip as much as possible.

Mahoney said on stage: ".... you only live once.." or something..

Life is a choice, and every minute is a choice of which life to live.

Choose the best, discard the rest. Live. Be.

I love you all guys.

Posted: 14/09/2004 - 1:08
by rambones
hyperhack wrote:
Makke wrote:
Kenz wrote:Someone said it was shite? :evil:
I guess no one said it was shite (you just don't say that to the mafia ;) ), just a couple of "weakest link" kind of hints.

I guess they either didn't get the point, or are over sensitive to rap. Most likely both. But as I said, I don't really mind it since I (and the people whos opinions I care about) liked it.
Makke no offence dude but I reckon you should stick to composing lol!

That's just my opinion though, I've never been a fan of rap music!

I wanted to shake your hand for sending tingles of joy down my spine with your Golden Axe remake but I didnt know it was you and Larsec up on stage lol! Yeah I know i'm a twat for not being more perceptive!


Rap/RnB is the top seller in the world for some years in case you didn't know.

If anyone can make a rap album based on SIDs, you need look no further for the final countdown.

Offcourse it has to be good, so it requires hard work. :-)

Another hint.. what is the thing about a movie soundtrack that makes you adore the composer as a GOD or getting stuck in the theme ?

The feeling....

What feeling do you get every time you listen to this compose(s) you prefer ?

The one you seek.

What do you seek ?

SID feeling - added your personal filter, what you want to add to the tune.
(if a remix)

So what is it REALLY you want ?

Your own feeling, expressed freely, no bugs - pure download.

We happen to have actually GROWN up on this feeling, from the SID masters, and now we can't ever get rid of it - it's IMPOSSIBLE!

It has become us, it IS us. I am you and you are me, and you are Rob, Benn etc. and they are us.

Is it really so hard ?


I don't care that my writing is crazy and so on anymore, the thing that happened to me after finally attending BIT which I should have done already from the start, was the final lock in my head that was opened.

In other words...

Galway IS GOD !?!??? :-)

Posted: 14/09/2004 - 8:54
by merman
I have to agree, the VARIETY of the acts is what made it so special. Where else can you get rock, dance, rap, comedy, a capella and ALL-OUT FUNK in a single evening?

Makke & Larsec, it was GREAT to see the Mafia live & loud.

Posted: 14/09/2004 - 9:38
by Makke
hyperhack wrote: Makke no offence dude but I reckon you should stick to composing lol!
None taken. Opinions are good, and everyone's got one.
hyperhack wrote: That's just my opinion though, I've never been a fan of rap music!
I just don't see how people can be open to SID music, but totally closed to hip hop.

I'm not much of a rap fan either, but at least I'm not totally closed to the genra. I don't normally listen to symphonic music, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying Schneider's or G.R. Browns symphonic remixes. In fact, I love them.

Oh well. Each to his own, as they say.

Posted: 14/09/2004 - 9:43
by hyperhack
Sheesh man!

I was only having a joke about C64 Mafia and mentioning that Im not personally a fan of RAP thats all!

That doesnt mean that I still didn't find it funny thought, I was laughing my head off with the stuff they come out with!

Why is it, you make a couple of comments and Rambones comes back with an essay or two?

What has this guy been smoking/taking? lol
