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Posted: 12/07/2006 - 15:34
by gibs
merman wrote: Zidane will give his side of the story tonight in a press conference.
*sigh* (I can sigh too)

of course. and because he is a nice person I bet that he will not talk about those dirty things...he has spoken with the French president and he knows exactly what to say.

Imagine ZZ says that materazzi told him that "musulmans are sons of whore"...

just imagine... :roll:

questions 1: why 3 experts in differents country (uk, brasil...) are saying the same thing ?

question 2 : why zinedine give an headbutt ? for nothing ? why ?

maybe money will resolve this problem ;-)

Posted: 12/07/2006 - 16:14
by Chappers
I think that this thread can be safely locked now.

The World Cup is over anyway, and this debate is helping no-one, in my view.

We will all get our answers as to the Zidane story tonight anyway. I'm just as curious as anyone.... :)

Posted: 12/07/2006 - 16:57
by gibs
Chappers wrote:I think that this thread can be safely locked now.

for me you can even delete it ;) but before...


Posted: 12/07/2006 - 18:20
by gibs
Ok I have seen the ZZ interview.

Exclusif for remix64: ZZ says : he excuse himself for the gesture (all people & kids). he didn't said what materazzi said, but it was about his mother and his sister...and something really hard... he admit this gesture isn't pardonable. but he can't regret his gesture. because regret it, is like materazzi is right. he said materazzi isn't right. he said the agitator must me punished. without any agitator there are not this kind of gesture. he said "do you believe I can do something like this at 10 minutes the end of the match? at the end of my carreer?" I was hearing these things, and trying to move forward...but materazzi insisted and repeat 3 times. he said he prefer to be slapped instead of hearing this. the words were really hard for him. he said it's normal to be punished for the gesture (by the fifa) because he will never say to a child or anybody to act like this. it's not the right way.

when he was talking with the ref, he's telling him that there was an agitator.

sorry for the english

Posted: 12/07/2006 - 18:24
by tas
Chappers wrote:I think that this thread can be safely locked now.

The World Cup is over anyway, and this debate is helping no-one, in my view.

We will all get our answers as to the Zidane story tonight anyway. I'm just as curious as anyone.... :)
Why lock it?

For once people have an opinion instead of general chit chat. I feel personally that Zidane deserved his punishment others feel the head but was understandable. Its good to talk and express a viewpoint!

The world cup has ended yes, but we can still debate it can't we? Bitlive ended too we should be able to debate that too!

Posted: 12/07/2006 - 19:43
by gibs
on another channel (TF1) he was talking about racism about the FIFA that use players to show the example to supporters with the flag "NO RACISM".

He said : "WE ARE ALL ON EARTH TO FIGHT THIS PLAGUE"...and I don't know how to translate but he told about an Italian politician wich say that in France we are composed of "Black communist" and he said that "it's very sad" < sad isn't the right word but a mix of "serious/sad"

well you will have all this on the newspapers tomorrow. but believe me this man is a real man and I'm really proud of him. this year he offer us more than a gold cup.

poor materazzi (not able to assume what he said) will he play again football?
I don't think so !
poor Italia (no provocation of my share)'s sad and it's true. ... =NEWS&ct=5

Maybe ITALIA isn't WORLD CHAMPION this year !

Posted: 12/07/2006 - 21:26
by gibs
FIFA is embarassed because an new FIFA article (article 55) against racism and racial discrimination...

French : Michel Denisot lui a demandé si la réalité "recoupait" ce qu'avaient rapporté les tabloïds anglais qui, s'appuyant sur des spécialistes de la lecture labiale, ont accusé l'Italien d'avoir dit : "On sait tous que tu es le fils d'une pute terroriste." Zidane a juste répondu : "Ben oui".

source :,1-0 ... 033,0.html

now try with "google translator" this article (talk about the letter sent to the FIFA wich explain the Article 55) : ... rras.shtml

FIFA is deep in the sh*t !!! :lol:

This is not the end ! so don't lock :)

Posted: 12/07/2006 - 22:45
by merman
1. Zidane is guilty of a terrible action, and if he had not retired, should have been banned for a considerable length of time. He may have regrets, but as a professional footballer he is a role model, and playing in one of the most watched sporting events he let himself and his country down.

2. If Materazzi has used foul and racist language, he should be banned too. If FIFA are serious about stamping out racism, they should do more. For example, when the Spanish coach made racist comments about Thierry Henry, he was fined a pathetic £2000.

Posted: 12/07/2006 - 23:06
by Infamous
both players will likely get whats coming to them for their actions.. one is likely to be fined heavily, the other will probably find himself in exile much like adrian mutu after he had a bit of a sniff on the old white powder.

stuff like this if they truly want to stamp it out has to be treated in the highest manner possible, there is a hard point to defend zidane (from my own personal point of view as i said i would have snapped matterazi's fingers and made him eat them live on the pitch.. but thats just me).. it isnt right for kids to see .. but on the flip side kids will now hopefully also see that being a racist bigot isnt going to get you very far.

im sure we all wait with baited breath.

ps on waz's comments, ghana were the most entertaining team in the entire tournament i watched the 1st match with them vs brazil and it was bloody awesome, the way they played was just breathtaking and i hope to see them again next time around.. pure breath of freshair and definitely sure sign that the african nation isnt slouching.

also nice to see argentina get stuffed xD and by the best team possible to stuff em (thanks germany i and the rest of england love you all hehe).

its all over now, except for the memories and what great memories there are.. that 1st german goal, the ghanians, chubby ronaldo reaching and breaking a record, the silky skills of so many players, the most boring match ever televised (ukraine vs switzerland).. chris moyles in germany.. and so very few bad ones... all in all maybe the most organised and brilliant world cup in my time.

Posted: 12/07/2006 - 23:46
by xo
tas wrote:
Chappers wrote:I think that this thread can be safely locked now.

The World Cup is over anyway, and this debate is helping no-one, in my view.

We will all get our answers as to the Zidane story tonight anyway. I'm just as curious as anyone.... :)
Why lock it?
Indeed, there is bo need to lock this thread over simple disagreement, this is a forum of debate afterall, even if the subject is outside the domain.

But there is no contradiction between understanding Zidane's loss of temper and agreeing with the referee decision. None whatsoever. One could of course argue that this understanding should lead to consequence, but that would be asking a lot of the referee and spectator. In retrospect things often look different.

Posted: 13/07/2006 - 8:58
by DHS
Zidane is of course a fantastic football player.

Zidane, isn't either new to headbutt hits, as he was redcarded in 1998 in a match against saudi arabia (i won't even imagine what the saudi player may have told him, surely nothing related to terrorism).

In the end, Zidane is a football player, not a chess player.
If he can't control himself when provocated, expecially at the finals of WC, when he would probably do the difference in a match where is team is by far the superior one, the fault is only his own.

He could have waited and punch, headbutt, sodomize the offender at the end of the match.

BTW: Materazzi version of the story is of course very different. But, as my non-racist friend stated, italians are moaning-cheaters (i would like to add mandolino-pizza-mafia-berlusconi-tarantella), so he's probably lying.

Posted: 13/07/2006 - 9:31
by gibs
Interviewer: You know the Italian players well because you played in Italy for five years. Did you have any problem with any of them beforehand?

Zinedine Zidane: Not at all. You always have friction with certain players...that is the game, it has always been like that. But I never had any clashes with anyone.

Interviewer: Nor Materazzi?

Zinedine Zidane: No, never. There was nothing beforehand and nothing in the match until he started pulling my jersey.

He grabbed my shirt and I told him to stop. I told him if he wanted I'd swap it with him at the end of the match.

That is when he said some very hard words, which were harder than gestures. He repeated them several times. It all happened very quickly and he spoke about things which hurt me deep down.
Interviewer: Everyone wants to know exactly what he said...

Zinedine Zidane: They were very serious things, very personal things.

Interviewer: About your mother and your sister?

Zinedine Zidane: Yes. They were very hard words. You hear them once and you try to move away.

But then you hear them twice, and then a third time... I am a man and some words are harder to hear than actions. I would rather have taken a blow to the face than hear that.

Interviewer: He said these things about your mother and sister two or three times?

Zinedine Zidane: Yes. I reacted and of course it is not a gesture you should do. I must say that strongly.

It was seen by two or three billion people watching on television and millions and millions of children.

It was an inexcusable gesture and to them, and the people in education whose job it is to show children what they should and shouldn't do, I want to apologise.

Interviewer: You apologise to them but do you really regret having done it?

Zinedine Zidane: I can't regret it because if I do it would be like admitting that he was right to say all that. And above all, it was not right.

We always talk about the reaction, and inevitably it must be punished. But if there is no provocation, there is no reaction.

first of all you have to say there is provocation, and the guilty one is the one who does the provoking. The response is to always punish the reaction, but if I react, something has happened.

Do you imagine that in a World Cup final like that, with just 10 minutes to go to the end of my career, I am going to do something like that because it gives me pleasure?

Interviewer: No of course not. But at the moment you exploded...

Zinedine Zidane: There was provocation, and it was very serious, that is all. My action was inexcusable but you have to punish the real culprit, and the real culprit is the one who provoked it. Voila.

Posted: 13/07/2006 - 9:59
by gibs
DHS wrote:Zidane is of course a fantastic football player.

Zidane, isn't either new to headbutt hits, as he was redcarded in 1998 in a match against saudi arabia (i won't even imagine what the saudi player may have told him, surely nothing related to terrorism).

In the end, Zidane is a football player, not a chess player.
If he can't control himself when provocated, expecially at the finals of WC, when he would probably do the difference in a match where is team is by far the superior one, the fault is only his own.
We all know about his old headbutt. I thought there was football supporter here. so why point out it? it wasn't the same circumstance.
IMO you never touch a ball and never play in a club in your life.

The fact is that in Italia, you don't care about racial discrimination. the only thing that count is that you won the cup (are you clairvoyant to say that "if zidane was expulsed, France will won" ? nobody can say this thing). so I propose you to return to complain about the bad rating on your remixes (your favorite thread) :wink: (It's a proposition) and maybe delete your Human Race 4, because I think (I think) it's an insult to the original one.(therefore you can ask to lman, I haven't bad rated one of your remixes)

Ok, I don't like your remixes and you (because of your thought). should I insult your parents with dirty things ? I don't think...

Posted: 13/07/2006 - 10:06
by DHS
I surrender to your almighty and strong arguments.

Posted: 13/07/2006 - 10:45
by Tonka
This thread needs to be locked NOT because of simple disagreements but because certain people are incapable of steering away from personal insults and attacks on other members.

If certain people want to throw shit, then why not fuck off to the KVR forum or somewhere - plenty of that crap going on over there...

I like this board because of the friendly and (usually) adult behaviour and conversation, but with the recent Parallax stuff and now this, I seem to cringe everytime I visit here.

Really, this thread is getting beyond pathetic :roll: