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Posted: 15/09/2003 - 18:40
by tas
excellent, don't be too long ya hear.... i got my stop watch running on go already :)

Bit V

Posted: 15/09/2003 - 19:18
by Pete Abbott
Kay d00ds, Bit 5 is here!

My place, next week, bring the beer.

Retro gaming on my TV, plenty of dancing in the opposite field (mind the horse poo) and a small shop over the road to buy winegums. :twisted:



The Opera Ghost (AKA Phantom of the haemorrhoids)

Posted: 15/09/2003 - 19:23
by Chris Abbott
What can I say? If it's run by an Abbott, it must be BIT Live :)

I'll bring the Midget Gems, and the Cheese toasties :)

you get the Darth Vader costume and pretend to be Martin Galway ;-)*


* obscure Xmas Chortles-type joke dating back to BIT 1, Dave Prowse, James Earl Jones and

Getting Jiggy with it!

Posted: 15/09/2003 - 19:39
by jasybee2k2
For me, the highlight of the evening was Renegade_si doing his jiggy jiggy to the monty tracks towards the end of the concert! :lol:

Where did they get Rob Hubbard's keyboard stand from? It made me laugh but I wonder how many of the others realised that it had collapsed before they saw him playing on the floor?

Not many that were in a sober state like myself I expect!

BIT rocks, keep up the good work!

Thanks for Playing! See you next game!
(there's a pun in that somewhere!) :wink:

Posted: 15/09/2003 - 19:45
by Pete Abbott
Chris Abbott wrote:What can I say? If it's run by an Abbott, it must be BIT Live :)

It might be a bit live if my wiring is anything to go by (listen to the racket THIS sucker makes)

I'll bring the Midget Gems, and the Cheese toasties :)

Hmmm, Lions please

you get the Darth Vader costume and pretend to be Martin Galway ;-)*

Oi Dave. Remember the Dark side code (or is that just a Mahoney Demo (!!)).


No doubt! :wink:

* obscure Xmas Chortles-type joke dating back to BIT 1, Dave Prowse, James Earl Jones and
and the Chortles Video. BUY IT NOW D :D :D DS

P.s. The chest and 64 thing - Just got good taste :twisted:

Posted: 15/09/2003 - 20:50
by Darrenxyz
Bog - if it was you on the ground with the C64 on your chest, you must be called Mark... If so, do you remember hugging me twice?


Posted: 15/09/2003 - 20:59
by Chris Abbott
Mark hugs everyone :) It's a BIT Live legend!

BTW: Ask him about Wizball ;-)


Posted: 15/09/2003 - 21:00
by Mayhem
dan gillgrass wrote:I think the Asian girl you are wittering on about is the one that had her back signed at BIT1
Correct-a-mundo there... though my brain has failed once MORE and I can't remember her name! I met and spoke to her for a bit during the afternoon, caught up on what had been happening since being plastered all over peoples' websites two years back :lol:

By the time Chris and I hit the sack at 4am, my feet were dead, Chris couldn't walk and we were both just UGH! Thankfully everyone's reaction and acclaim is enough to know that all the effort was worth it 8)

Posted: 15/09/2003 - 21:32
by Kenz
Hi peeps,

Still recovering from the SUPERB weekend. Complete and utter enjoyment overload. I'll be typing up my report in the next day or so - sooo many classic moments! (I was at the rehearsals on the Friday too so I'll wibble on about them in my report). I didn't take ANY photos as I was busy working so I'll have to nick some of the great ones you people are putting online (don't worry, credits and site links will be included) - hope that's okay.

Oh, and that was me trying to resuscitate Bog with a C64 (hitting RESTORE and shouting CLEAR! while pressing CLR/HOME - hehe!) Look forward to working with you on the DVD mate. 8)

And Natz wasn't the bored Thai girl. Natz was all smiley cos I introduced her to Mahoney (she's in love with his Armageddon Man remix). :)

Truly, truly awesome event guys, it was a pleasure to be involved.

(Seeing Rob perform live was an almost spiritual experience - every note he played was a joy. THANKYOUROB!)

Posted: 15/09/2003 - 21:39
by madfiddler
FromWithin wrote:
gazl wrote: Hiya Larsec, nice to meet you and your fluffy toy at bitlive, I was the one getting you to say "thank you please" and "sex wee" :)
Oh how I would have loved to have heard that! I think I would have nearly pissed myself! :lol:
It was soooo funny. Poor guy! I've got to record some fiddle for one of his remixes now, to make up for laughing :roll:

Posted: 15/09/2003 - 21:43
by Larsec
madfiddler wrote:It was soooo funny. Poor guy! I've got to record some fiddle for one of his remixes now, to make up for laughing :roll:
That'll teach ya! :P

Anyway, I'll mail you within the next couple of days... :)

Posted: 15/09/2003 - 21:56
by AdamDawes
madfiddler wrote:Mark and Adam (haven't seen Adam for years, since we were in an Amiga demo crew 2gether)
It was great to see you too mate, and a truly stunning performance.

I'd waited 15 years for Saturday night, and I'd happily wait another 15 if it meant I could do it again. Will we ever see such a star-studded and breathtaking set in a future BITLive? It'll be quite a feat I'd say.

I have an awesome photo of Rob, Ben, Martin and me together and I'll treasure it always. What a fantastic day.

Who was the other ori chick?

Posted: 15/09/2003 - 23:25
by Hacky
What an amazing nite! Thanks to the organisers and the musicians and technicians etc for making that happen against all the odds and cock-ups etc, I salute you all!

Was amazing to see Rob, and the man has balls to get up there on a crappy electric piano and play piano versions of those tracks! Was really cool! But, I'm a keyboardist myself, and anyone knows u NEVER use that kind of stand live! LOL Throw that thing in the bin someone!

Who was the dude with the oriental babe? Not my one, but the other one. I mean, mine was the little cute one who slept on the floor throughout the entire gig! She insisted on coming coz she was curious, but I knew she'd fall asleep. But the other one, whoever she was, managed to stay awake, so respect there!<G>

Please do another one next year if possible! And again in Brighton or in London would be coolest I think. Would Rob do it again?

Posted: 15/09/2003 - 23:28
by Bog
Darren: I clearly recall hailing you in the bar, mate! :D

However, you can tell I was *koff* a mite out of sorts if I didn't actually realise it was Kenz resuscitating me after Monty on the Run! Bloody hellfire, I nearly killed myself on that dancefloor - it was like some crazy fugue state where I couldn't... stop... DANCING!!!!!


I can't wait - all I want, all I want in the world, is to throw myself into helping out with these DVDs.... gh0d, the power and energy that was emitting fromt that stage was like standing next to an unshielded reactor!

Posted: 15/09/2003 - 23:30
by Bog
Oh yeah, I forgot: Natz was llovely, and had me in stitches of laughter at least twice :)