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Posted: 21/12/2004 - 10:23
by Chappers
went bonkers on speed

Posted: 21/12/2004 - 11:41
by Vosla
the world welcomed the

Posted: 21/12/2004 - 11:57
by xo
drastic measures imposed by

Posted: 21/12/2004 - 12:48
by Infamous
the karma sutra squad

Posted: 21/12/2004 - 12:51
by LMan
- They were renowned for

Posted: 21/12/2004 - 12:54
by tas
Calm and Sultana's plus

Posted: 21/12/2004 - 13:22
by Chappers
a rapid bowel movement

Posted: 21/12/2004 - 13:53
by Vosla
which quite pissed off

Posted: 21/12/2004 - 16:15
by Chappers
the Queen's favourite corgi

Posted: 21/12/2004 - 18:54
by Soppa
which had lost its

Posted: 21/12/2004 - 19:10
by DHS
pants in the forbidden

Posted: 21/12/2004 - 19:28
by ifadeo
deathstar of the empire

Posted: 21/12/2004 - 20:06
by Vosla
while duelling with Darth

Posted: 21/12/2004 - 20:17
by Dumper
Vader, whos helmet exploded

Posted: 21/12/2004 - 20:21
by Vosla
in a fluff of