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Posted: 08/07/2005 - 22:47
by n3mo
Dimmignatt wrote:Lo N3MO...
Eyup!! ^^

Had a splendid ride back home? no asleep at the wheel? hehe..

Well.. just tossing sum greetings more.. ^^ I've just been looking at the pics from the Gathering, and they really turned out good!! Got a total laugh, and a trip down memory lane.. ^^ altho it's a week ago atm, it still will be one weekend that will be hard to outclass.. ^^

Anyways.. I'll be seeing ya online soon, dunno how I got to be that busy when I got home to DK.. hehe..

Greetings to ye all!!

Slay On!!! :mrgreen:

Posted: 09/07/2005 - 9:18
by Dimmignatt
n3mo wrote: Had a splendid ride back home? no asleep at the wheel? hehe..
Well to tell you the truth i was damn close to close my eyes a couple of times when i drove home but i managed to get them home safely..
Those wankers had the freedome to sleep the whole way so.. Yeah tried to keep myself awake and was thinking about the weekend.. DAMN I had fun..

Maybe I should post a link to my photos...

Posted: 10/07/2005 - 22:18
by lia
.... and here is the link

I ewnjoyed this gathering SOOOO damn much... see you at the next gathering :) (though it won't be at BIT-light)


Posted: 11/07/2005 - 0:17
by Driller
Wish I could have made it :(

But I WILL be at Manchester, showing my ugly mug :)

Posted: 12/07/2005 - 18:50
by StormKeeper
Here's my contribution. Sorry the gallery page isn't as flashy as everything else, but it's temporary until I get my proper galleries up. ... index.html

Posted: 12/07/2005 - 19:41
by Dimmignatt
StormKeeper wrote:Here's my contribution. Sorry the gallery page isn't as flashy as everything else, but it's temporary until I get my proper galleries up.
Ahhh.. more pictures... Somewhat BLURRY though.. But hey.. It was the gathering.. I think everybody was a bit "foggy" there :lol:

Posted: 13/07/2005 - 14:03
by Max Levin
I took some pictures too, but they doesn't look good for a second. So here's for the masochists:

Posted: 15/07/2005 - 21:54
by Floaf
Max Levin wrote:I took some pictures too, but they doesn't look good for a second. So here's for the masochists:
Hey, every picture from the gathering is awsome, they bring back memories :-). If you took these with your cellphone then I'm impressed. Much better quality than most camphones.

Posted: 17/07/2005 - 18:36
by Max Levin
Some of the stills are actually not that bad, no, but the movies... oh the movies, they are gruesome!
Anyway, thanks!

More pictures

Posted: 24/07/2005 - 22:25
by cookie
lo all finally got my pics online ... hp?album=1

enjoyed reading all the comments and seeing everyone elses pics hope to see at least a few of you guys in manchester for back in time lite


Posted: 24/07/2005 - 22:48
by Max Levin
Good ones!

Posted: 25/07/2005 - 21:22
by Vosla
you guys make me envious... :duh:
wish i've been there...

Posted: 05/08/2005 - 15:12
by Slaygon
I've put together a "Gathering Special" news entry over at with links to picture galleries, and HTTP downloads of both shows that ware made during the Gathering.

Have fun, I did! =)

Posted: 06/08/2005 - 0:14
Did you already read my PM?

Posted: 08/08/2005 - 12:26
by Dimmignatt
Slaygon wrote: Have fun, I did! =)

I agree !!!
It was one of the funnyiest (hmm that spelling was wrong) events I've ever been on !!!

ROCK ON !! I want another Gathering !!
How about a Christmas Special Gathering thingy ?? :lol: