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Posted: 13/07/2006 - 10:51
by merman
Hear, hear. Gibs just crossed the line.

Posted: 13/07/2006 - 11:01
by gibs
Tonka wrote:This thread needs to be locked NOT because of simple disagreements but because certain people are incapable of steering away from personal insults and attacks on other members.
Zidane was attacked by words more important than I said to D.H.S...

I just hope that you can understand that it was the best example I could give.

I think I'm intelligent, and I could not make you understand by the intellectual maneer...

I just hope you can feel what Zidane felt now...

End of chapter !

Posted: 13/07/2006 - 12:08
by Chappers
tas wrote:
Chappers wrote:I think that this thread can be safely locked now.

The World Cup is over anyway, and this debate is helping no-one, in my view.

We will all get our answers as to the Zidane story tonight anyway. I'm just as curious as anyone.... :)
Why lock it?

For once people have an opinion instead of general chit chat. I feel personally that Zidane deserved his punishment others feel the head but was understandable. Its good to talk and express a viewpoint!

The world cup has ended yes, but we can still debate it can't we? Bitlive ended too we should be able to debate that too!

I would be more than happy to continue if it was a healthy debate over the World Cup and Zidane, but Tonka quite rightly pointed out that it's now descending into personal attacks on forum members.

I've probably been a bit too quick in asking for a lock, probably better to keep it prominent that it should not get personal.

Posted: 13/07/2006 - 12:11
by LMan
I tend to agree with Tonka and Chappers... no more shit throwing in here. Especially not over a football match. We may discuss it - but in a civil tone please. So Gibs and DHS shake hands and take it easy.

Now let's sum up:

- Materazzi has thrown terrible insults, and for that he should be banned from international matches for a long time.

- Given the situation, Zidane's reaction might be understandable, but still terribly wrong. Gibs tell me, what else could the ref have done rather than send him off?

For the continuing discussion, let's handle Materazzi and Zidane as individuals, and leave the national aspect out of this.

For gods sake. :roll:

Posted: 13/07/2006 - 13:35
by gibs
LMan / Remix64 wrote:Gibs tell me, what else could the ref have done rather than send him off?

The ref has done his job. He's not guilty.
But I can't hear that Zidane (or someone else) can't control himself when you're pushing him over the edge.

I'm agree with this "you have to punish the real culprit, and the real culprit is the one who provoked it"

I'm not against the decision of the ref because he has done his job, there was n't lot of time to take a decision. there was a man on the floor, there was a reason, but there was a man on the floor.

hope I have replied.

About remix64 and about the famous thread about remixers complaining about bad rating from some reviewers :

when someone tell you that you're bad in music, or sport , or what you want, you know how hard is it to hear about this (there is a post on this board about remixers complaining, I don't invent anything) so imagine reviewer talk about your parents, and your race...

what's racism has to see with music ???

and what racism has to see with football ???

this is the same thing...

If I do a crap cover of rob hubbard I wouldn't hear that my sister is a whore...because I can explode like's human...and this is life...

Posted: 13/07/2006 - 13:56
by LMan
gibs wrote: The ref has done his job. He's not guilty.
But I can't hear that Zidane (or someone else) can't control himself when you're pushing him over the edge.

I'm agree with this "you have to punish the real culprit, and the real culprit is the one who provoked it"

I'm not against the decision of the ref because he has done his job, there was n't lot of time to take a decision. there was a man on the floor, there was a reason, but there was a man on the floor.

hope I have replied.
Yes, and I guess we all agree on that.

In theory, both should have been sent off.

Practically, ZZ commited something that everyone could see, while it was impossible to send Materazzi off for something noone could have seen.

In other words: if someone drives me so mad I kill him, I go to jail anyway - provoked or not.
gibs wrote: About remix64 and about the famous thread about remixers complaining about bad rating from some reviewers :
I see your point about justifying Zidane's action, but it's not a good idea to spread prejudices about nations or draw comparisons to the remixing. No need to get personal here. :?

Posted: 13/07/2006 - 14:12
by gibs
LMan / Remix64 wrote: I see your point about justifying Zidane's action, but it's not a good idea to spread prejudices about nations or draw comparisons to the remixing. No need to get personal here. :?
What do you think about Roberto Calderoli wich said the french team is composed of : "black, islamist & comunist" ?

Posted: 13/07/2006 - 14:27
by LMan
Stamping all italians fascist because of the utterings of a populist politician is just as plain wrong, just as the very thing he said.

You could as well stamp me nazi murderer because I come from the same country where Hitler murdered millions.

Lumping together and denouncing peoples because of the actions of individual assholes from that nation is what creates fascism in the first place.

I might want to add: every nation has its assholes. Italy. France. Germany. People can not really be split into nations or religions, it's just what they are born to. No: you can split people into peaceful guys and assholes.

And it's always the assholes who give a bad name to the peaceful guys from the same country.

Btw, I love Italy, France, and Germany. Even if there are assholes living in those countries, too.

Posted: 13/07/2006 - 14:39
by Tonka

UK's no.1 asshole... :lol:

Posted: 13/07/2006 - 16:37
by Vosla
Maybe I'm just way too pessimistic or just not fan enough but I got the impression that this time there were more and harder fouls. Completely unnecessary fouls. Damn ugly fouls. My "favorite" is that flying kick done by a chinese player.

Ok, you say soccer/football isn't for sissies. But it is SO DAMNED UNNECESSARY and gameplaywise HAZARDOUS to foul so hard and it let's make you think "Wow, this bad looser got such a tiny dick" he's got to use his feet to f*ck the competition.

Maybe I'm just way too touchy or not "hard" enough but I got the impression that "good" ol' racism raised it's ugly head throughout the whole event a little bit more. It's been fashionable to vulgarize and to ridicule the "enemy" team & fans. HELLO??? This is f*cking sports not WW2 reenactment!

Maybe I'm just fed up with everything and lost interest in dealing with appearances of human inaptitude to get along with each other.
God! I thank you for my limited lifespan for I cannot take this kind of shit for all eternity otherwise you could scratch 'hell - place of unspeakable evil' from my menu card and rename it to 'earth - where the neverlearning idiots dwell'.

Sorry for foul language...

... and -yep!- seems I'm a misanthrope after all...

Posted: 13/07/2006 - 17:45
by gibs

Posted: 13/07/2006 - 19:00
by tas
Chappers wrote:
tas wrote:
Chappers wrote:I think that this thread can be safely locked now.

The World Cup is over anyway, and this debate is helping no-one, in my view.

We will all get our answers as to the Zidane story tonight anyway. I'm just as curious as anyone.... :)
Why lock it?

For once people have an opinion instead of general chit chat. I feel personally that Zidane deserved his punishment others feel the head but was understandable. Its good to talk and express a viewpoint!

The world cup has ended yes, but we can still debate it can't we? Bitlive ended too we should be able to debate that too!

I would be more than happy to continue if it was a healthy debate over the World Cup and Zidane, but Tonka quite rightly pointed out that it's now descending into personal attacks on forum members.

I've probably been a bit too quick in asking for a lock, probably better to keep it prominent that it should not get personal.
Chapps, i know where you coming from and sorry i think that sounded a little bit abrupt.. if it did come over that way then i appologise.

The thread is good and healthy mostly but i do concur some posts have been overzealous and a bit of moderation should ofcourse be employed.

I don't think locking the thread is right but i would suggest harder moderation in deleting a few posts is probably in order.

What people should need to know here especially if they are none footballing fans is that Football is a passion and it can easily spiral out of control. I belong to a football forum myself as a Staff member and trust me moderating these sites made rmx64 very easy.

Closing threads which are involved with passion isn't always the right way to handle things but selective delicate moderation is much more difficult but worthwhile and more constructive.

Posted: 13/07/2006 - 19:39
by gibs
I appologise if my messages are disturbing, I want to precise that I wasn't in bad mood, and this is really what I think...I mean, I wasn't trolling...

So where are the "insults" Tonka was talking about ? I have read my messages and didn't found one ? or maybe my english is so bad that I can't see them...:shock:

so excuse me to be honest and to say what I think in the deep of me. :? I assume, even if now, I know than most of you didn't think the same... :roll:

Posted: 13/07/2006 - 19:58
by tas
gibs wrote:I appologise if my messages are disturbing, I want to precise that I wasn't in bad mood, and this is really what I think...I mean, I wasn't trolling...

So where are the "insults" Tonka was talking about ? I have read my messages and didn't found one ? or maybe my english is so bad that I can't see them...:shock:

so excuse me to be honest and to say what I think in the deep of me. :? I assume, even if now, I know than most of you didn't think the same... :roll:
Its football mate.. Your views may seem oddly put because of the english barrier but also because indeed it is football.

one thing i have learnt over the years is that when it comes to football there's much banter involved. Some get it! some will not, some will never!

Posted: 13/07/2006 - 20:02
by tas
Vosla wrote:Maybe I'm just way too pessimistic or just not fan enough but I got the impression that this time there were more and harder fouls. Completely unnecessary fouls. Damn ugly fouls. My "favorite" is that flying kick done by a chinese player.

Ok, you say soccer/football isn't for sissies. But it is SO DAMNED UNNECESSARY and gameplaywise HAZARDOUS to foul so hard and it let's make you think "Wow, this bad looser got such a tiny dick" he's got to use his feet to f*ck the competition.

Maybe I'm just way too touchy or not "hard" enough but I got the impression that "good" ol' racism raised it's ugly head throughout the whole event a little bit more. It's been fashionable to vulgarize and to ridicule the "enemy" team & fans. HELLO??? This is f*cking sports not WW2 reenactment!

Maybe I'm just fed up with everything and lost interest in dealing with appearances of human inaptitude to get along with each other.
God! I thank you for my limited lifespan for I cannot take this kind of shit for all eternity otherwise you could scratch 'hell - place of unspeakable evil' from my menu card and rename it to 'earth - where the neverlearning idiots dwell'.

Sorry for foul language...

... and -yep!- seems I'm a misanthrope after all...
heh, Vosla i'm not exactly sure in what your saying there.. but i think there was some wise words spoken!

And please say "Favourite" I like to read English. I always hate the American way. Entertain me here ;)