Delta Mix-e-Load....Here's a thought......

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Re: Delta Mix-e-Load....Here's a thought......

Post by LMan »

About Reverb etc: i opt for applying it to the lead only, eventually on the bass track, but please not to the drum track. :) It would ruin the sound.
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Re: Delta Mix-e-Load....Here's a thought......

Post by StuC_Ovine »

Ah I misinformed you, I was actually grabbing the position from the DRUM track as I thought htis would be the longest sample (or at the one that would end or go past bar 8)

No worries tho if the new timing is working. ALthough Ive stated it in Seconds I do track it as milliseconds :)

So Skitz is the current exe ok on your rig now ? Can I continue with the FX track stuff ?

LMan:- yea I'll assign the fx per track, so if you could have reverb on 1 track and echo on another etc

The retro compo has ended now so I have some dead time whist Smila is recharging his batteries, well that and us downloading and playing the competition entries ;)
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Re: Delta Mix-e-Load....Here's a thought......

Post by trace »

I have a thought. Is it possible to have a silent sample in the background that is exact 2 bar in 114bpm that keeps the sync in exact beat, so every loop has that as reference?
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Re: Delta Mix-e-Load....Here's a thought......

Post by StuC_Ovine »

Trace: The new exe is done on time and not the position of where its playing in the sample.

Just waiitng for feedback that all is ok so I can insert the FX. Actually started on it tho :)
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Re: Delta Mix-e-Load....Here's a thought......

Post by trace »

You mean the timerversion.exe? or a new one on the go? :D
I can't start that, nothing happends :/
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Re: Delta Mix-e-Load....Here's a thought......

Post by StuC_Ovine »

Yea the timerversion

Make sure you unzip first, this zip contains the .DAT file that contains the media.

In furure releases I'll just be posting the EXE, which is like 600k rather than having to post a 4MB file everytime.

To recap you should have


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Re: Delta Mix-e-Load....Here's a thought......

Post by trace »

The timer version doesn't work as good as the previous versions, when the loops starts over there is not a smooth transition to the next loops, there is like a small "gap" between the loops.

EDIT: Also the fullscreen mode is way to the right, I can't see the FX "column"
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Re: Delta Mix-e-Load....Here's a thought......

Post by StuC_Ovine »

Sounds like your monitor isnt audjusting to the fullscreen res change (1024x768)

The timing should be clock on now and should be no pause. Is it on all samples ? or just some ?

e.g. . make sure that the samples go pas the 4.211 second mark without fade ?
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Re: Delta Mix-e-Load....Here's a thought......

Post by trace »

It's on all samples, and I have made loops that goes past 4.211 and there is stil the "gap"

And I have also noticed that half way thru a loop (like on the 3rd beat there is a "click" soundish sound, it apperas to be a random thing, not every time...

I also noticed that when I have pressed spacebar the names of the loops doesn't match cause of the que thing, it changed before the actuall loops comes so they don't match... ;)
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Re: Delta Mix-e-Load....Here's a thought......

Post by StuC_Ovine »

See if this helps with the "gap".

Funny the tracks update themselves depending on which track is currently playing......

IM not sure what your random clicking sounds are, thats all handled by BASS, do you have other programs running that could interefer with the sound at all ?
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Re: Delta Mix-e-Load....Here's a thought......

Post by trace »

This works spot on and it's wierd, the klick is not there anymore and no I don't have other programs in the background that could interfere :D
Are they not suppose to update themself on current track playing? :D
They update themself with current track but in que so the tracks is showing a loop before the actuall loop is playing so it is kind of confusing ;)
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Re: Delta Mix-e-Load....Here's a thought......

Post by StuC_Ovine »

Yea I load the next track sample as the other one is playing, I think at the moment I cue the next track a bit too early

Next version I'll set it to cue the next tracks a bit later.
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Re: Delta Mix-e-Load....Here's a thought......

Post by skitz »

StuC_Ovine wrote:Yea I load the next track sample as the other one is playing, I think at the moment I cue the next track a bit too early

Next version I'll set it to cue the next tracks a bit later.
This is what confuses me as I thought that timing would be the least of our problems and in theory the 6000/114*8 formula should fit exactly as the cue for the next sequence to start on. Again, I don't know much about coding event driven applications but I believe you can setup timers that execute a given routine once it reaches zero? What are you using to code this demo in?
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Re: Delta Mix-e-Load....Here's a thought......

Post by StuC_Ovine »

Nothing magical Its a system timer, currenttime - eventtime

Not being musical it seems logical to me to see the time in milliseconds of a typical sample and work from that. We are not changing the BPM so theres no need to recalc the time using BPM a stright timer is all we need.

Currently the sample is 4.211 seconds in length before the next track is played.

The cueing of the next track is just done so there is no delay (all be it a few milliseconds) I cued it a bit early so that it would be confusing that you changed a track and it wouldnt take if you did it too late.

Coding is done in BlitzMax
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Re: Delta Mix-e-Load....Here's a thought......

Post by skitz »

StuC_Ovine wrote:Coding is done in BlitzMax
WOW! Just downloaded the demo of this and it's really quite neat! I might purchase a copy - Visual Studio sometimes feels like using a sledge to crack a nut and this is just so neat and tidy... I even like the IDE :P
DJ Skitz
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