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Posted: 18/12/2003 - 10:19
by Chris Abbott
why not just release the full version at cinema and on dvd as a complete superbit edition instead of having to wade through a deleted scenes screen
Because most deleted scenes were quite rightly cut from the movie for either being crap or slowing the pace down to a crawl and contributing nothing to the experience... It's amazing to see how much a film can be improved by cutting out the fat. I wish they'd done more of it on "Goldmember".


Posted: 18/12/2003 - 12:02
by Feekzoid
Matrix wrote: I hear Christopher Lee is boycotting the film since he was cut entirely from it which is the final cataclysmic battle over the shire between Saruman and Gandalf !! (7 minutes length).

Im sure its going to be a good film, but i refuse to be ripped off a 3rd time.

Just my 2p.
The scouring of the shire scenes were never filmed, they were never intended to be part of the movie. Saruman will meet his end in Isengard.

As for the DVDs... I dont think anyone is being ripped off. People are simply being given the choice. The theatrical release of the film is released on DVD. People who liked the film will probably buy that on. But people who are bigger fans of the story and the film interpretations would surely hold out (like I did) for the extended editions?

I know its hard to wait so long to see a film that you enjoy so much again, and I must admit this is where I cheat by obtaining the theatrical release "by other means(!)" until such time as the EE:DVD is released, which I buy, pronto.

Posted: 18/12/2003 - 12:24
by Matrix
:( They never filmed it :( - But its a KEY part of the story....... more rewrites. :( how can he meet his end at Isengard if he's not in the movie ? - oh well i guess ill find out eventually.... so many things different to the books :(