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Posted: 01/09/2004 - 7:15
by LMan
Lynch's Dune shares the throne of my all time favourite Sci Fi movies along with Blade Runner. Shai-Hulud will devour you for this, Maindrian! :lol:

Posted: 01/09/2004 - 13:21
by xo
I got it on DVD. I wouldn't count it as my all time favourite though. :-)

Sorry to hear that about Pitch Black 2 maindrian. I've also seen lots of movies with too quick too confusing action scenes. I'll be seeing it anyway. It will be a Block Buster, but it may not be a cult movie like Pitch Black 1. I know what you mean with over-the-top action. I think Blade 2 had some over the top action as well, but I still liked it (and disliked it as well; just can't make up my mind about it:)

Theres something about sequels. Look at Matrix, Aliens, Terminator, Pitch Black. They are all "cult" movies with cool sci-fi environments and are pretty well balanced. Their sequels though are often incredibly much wilder than the originals but I must say that I often don't mind as long its not the sole thing that makes up the "spine" of the movie.

Posted: 02/09/2004 - 1:01
by Maindrian
Don't get me wrong, I don't mind Dune as an evening of campy fun, but my favoured brand of sci-fi has always been small scale, dirty and gritty. Stuff like Alien or Bladerunner. Both classics. None of your "You are the one, it is your destiny" type rubbish.

I would have loved to have seen Lynch's Dune before the studio hacked two hours out of it. No, really they did. Two whole hours. Frightening eh? :roll:

Oh yeah, Blade 2 rules. Much better than the first one.

Posted: 02/09/2004 - 3:51
by LMan
There's an extended version of Dune, which ran as a miniseries in the 80s. It was not approved by Lynch, yet it shows some more insights, especially into the way of life of the Fremen. Of course, it all makes even much more sense if you've read the book... :)

- Markus

Posted: 02/09/2004 - 9:45
by merman
I just bought the "Alan Smithee"* cut of DUNE on DVD, haven't had time to watch it though. This was the TV edit which includes more footage.

However... there is a new DVD edition coming out, with David Lynch's approval and input.

*For those who don't know, Alan Smithee is a very famous Hollywood director. If a director walks off a project or the studio doesn't like the finished cut, Alan Smithee steps in to finish the work...

Posted: 02/09/2004 - 15:07
by LMan
merman wrote:However... there is a new DVD edition coming out, with David Lynch's approval and input.
Yes, but as far as I know it's not extended in any way, just restored and with plenty of bonus features.