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Posted: 06/09/2004 - 8:07
by Chris Abbott
Well, things would have got even more ugly financially if it wasn't for PPOT, Skitz and Boz.

At least the 150 people we're expecting actually deserve the concert they're going to get, though. And hopefully the DVD will kick some ass when it's released.

And there will be more C64 CDs, just not as many as before.


Posted: 06/09/2004 - 9:19
by SIR'86
I've not seen anything in the press about BIT Live 2004. Could we somehow get it mentioned on a major website, like Slashdot, BBC, Blues News or other sites?

Posted: 06/09/2004 - 9:29
by Chris Abbott
Actually the news has been submitted to Slashdot and NTK any number of times, but this time they flat out refused to print it, even though there are any other number of crappier stories. And PR went out to thousands of journalists.

I guess we're just not interesting any more.


Posted: 06/09/2004 - 11:29
by hyperhack
They are a bunch of w*nkers for taking that attitude! I bet most of them used to mess about with 8 bit machines like the C64 and Speccy in their youth as well! Sounds like they are way too high up their own asses to realise!

Posted: 06/09/2004 - 13:34
by SIR'86
Saw on Blues News today a new site that's about milestones in computer gaming. However home computers don't get mentioned at all. No C64, speccy, Apple II, ST, Amiga. These machines were the foundations of computer gaming, but there seems to be a tendency to rub these out of official computer game history and give consoles all the credit instead.

So I assume that the C64 isn't 'sexy' any more. :(

Posted: 06/09/2004 - 13:48
by Vosla
SIR'86 wrote:Saw on Blues News today a new site that's about milestones in computer gaming. However home computers don't get mentioned at all. No C64, speccy, Apple II, ST, Amiga. These machines were the foundations of computer gaming, but there seems to be a tendency to rub these out of official computer game history and give consoles all the credit instead.

So I assume that the C64 isn't 'sexy' any more. :(
So I assume it's a miserably edited site, nothing else. Who cares.

Posted: 07/09/2004 - 3:44
by Matrix
Nobody look at me...

I did the poster, the dvd cover and have advertised on every commodore forum i post on plus some i dont.... i didnt buy a ticket yet because ive had a medical issue which threatens my attendance, in fact i wasnt sure until today i could even attend. To cap THAT !! the main pc took a spike on the mains which wiped out the power supply, mobo 2 hard drives and 3 cards.. ive had to salvage it and rebuild into a new machine since its a paid for use server... forum host, graphics host etc etc u get the idea, and ive had to put up with the stigma of a dell optiplex p2 with sod all ram for a while... hence no rotating banner (sry chris)... but u were lucky to get the poster...

Ive made arrangements to bring lewis (Evil Zippy) down again this year, but we will be paying on the door.

Links of proof:

126 views: ... forum=16&3

57 views: ... 58&forum=1

299 views: ... .php?t=211

66 views: ... a490f2bf26

(I put a post in the gaming chat at bouffy's forum, seems to have been deleted though)


Posted: 07/09/2004 - 9:50
by SIR'86
I've also posted a bit of info on the DVD Forums gaming forum. I couldn't put a proper advert up as they don't allow advertising, but I mentioned it and hopefully raised awareness.

Posted: 07/09/2004 - 10:49
by Chris Abbott
Thanks SIR :)

Although awareness is only half the battle. I'm aware of the London sewage system, but I don't want to buy a ticket to visit it :lol:

Sorry, been waiting ages to produce that joke!


Posted: 07/09/2004 - 11:12
by merman
I bet the effort left you feeling drained, Chris. Or are you flushed with success? :lol:

I posted on the Live Publishing (RETRO GAMER) message board this week, reminding people it's the last one.

Posted: 07/09/2004 - 12:41
by Matrix
Dayum, SIR - didnt know u were as close as Sheff m8 lol ... 40 mins up the road at best :D M62 / M1 - If ya wanna meet up one day drop me a line, i goto the Meadowhall quite often, actually it could make a real good meeting place for the boys from Donny too !

Posted: 07/09/2004 - 12:55
by tas
Donny Boys???

Lol, that'd be me and er.... me ;)

Posted: 07/09/2004 - 15:19
by Matrix
Well, you look like more than 1 person in a suit ;) - ok so bwhahaha just the 3 of us, could be a laff :)

Posted: 08/09/2004 - 13:22
by zerozillion
150 people?! :-/

most people are asses when it comes to pay sth to get sth. i mean, they grab all the free stuff and gone they are.

and if the tickets would cost twice as much or even more (and the flight...), nothing can stop me from seeing that :)

too bad that rob won't be there. but i'm sure it will be great anyways!

i want lotsa hubbard tunes!

Posted: 08/09/2004 - 13:38
by Matrix
Come wearing the mask :D