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Posted: 12/09/2004 - 23:22
by Hacky
But, cakes? Are you mad, I know a good brothel, you need the addy?<G>

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 1:08
by Matrix
Ebay is a good point really, why DOESNT C64Audio sell CD's thru ebay on the BUY IT NOW scheme ? You can setup webshops and all sorts on it !

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 1:13
by Matrix
I'm on a mission now to get my dirty hands on that Slay bootleg of it.
- Well, since you sent in a hundred Quid (Which ISNT NOTHING btw, thats half payment for one of my websites !!) .... im sure Chris wont mind u getting the recording, ill be popping it on my FTP tonight, ill send details to Chris so he can share it with whomever he sees fit to, inc Lala. The 3 parts are a WHOPPING 500 megs mp3's - or i can just put the tracks up without the inbetweeny chat... Its not an amazing recording at all.... but its better than a kick in the teeth till the DVD comes out.

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 9:19
by Chris Abbott
Er, frankly I don't have the space or bandwidth either. I'd rather send out a bootleg CD of the damn thing to sponsors who help me through this time of trial.


Posted: 13/09/2004 - 9:19
by Chris Abbott
> Ebay is a good point really, why DOESNT C64Audio sell CD's
> thru ebay on the BUY IT NOW scheme ?
Because Paypal are tossers and eBay is populated with lying, cheating, idiots. Present company excepted.


Posted: 13/09/2004 - 9:22
by Chris Abbott
I think the "I'm still in deep shit, please send money" message is getting a little diluted here...


Posted: 13/09/2004 - 10:14
by Milan Kleibl
Chris Abbott wrote:I think the "I'm still in deep shit, please send money" message is getting a little diluted here...

Hi Chris, thanx for BIT2004 it was GREAT!!!
at first 15.9.2004 I will send You 100GBP
at second, I offer You on my expenses selling of CDs on eBay (I hope that it will transparent and clean activity from my side for You) (I want buy CD from Ben Daglish or Rob Hubbard before time on eBay and I not found there anything :cry:
Best regards from Czech banana republic :D

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 10:23
by LMan
Chris, perhaps you could post news at the main site to rally for support.

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 10:29
by Matrix
Ill be sending a donation too Chris - i have a payment due in form a client in the next week or two - its yours.

As for ebay - yeah, full of scumbags, but paying scumbags... still, if it generates a little income, its better than nothing, and all things considered, i dont think the artists will mind.

Dont worry about the bandwidth thing... ill keep em on my private ftp, but only releasing to the artists themselves unless you say different (Andreas and Mark would like to hear the performances).

Posted: 14/09/2004 - 9:18
by Chris Abbott
Thanks guys... it's a hell of a hole, and it's still very scary! I gotta go into denial for a bit and have a sleep...


How much?

Posted: 14/09/2004 - 11:19
by Hacky
Chris Abbott wrote:Thanks guys... it's a hell of a hole, and it's still very scary! I gotta go into denial for a bit...
I know the feeling!

Chris, asking you this as obviously you're the man who would know, if this has already been addressed in another post then forgive me, and if someone could point me to it that would be great, as I couldn't find one, but my question is:

Firstly, how much money do you need to break even for BIT Live 2004? That is all costs, costs of getting the staff/musicians there, everything.

Secondly, how much does it cost to throw a BIT Live? In total, to do it 'properly'? So, accommodation for staff/musicians, costs of getting them there and back, etc, ie how much does it cost without actually paying anyone a 'wage' as such. The wage part we can add later, just wanted to know the round about figure for doing it at minimum cost.

And thirdly how many 'staff' does one need on the ground on the day? Roadies etc whatever.

I ask for more than mere curiosity, it's just so that I know what's what, so I can begin to think about how I could possibly help/sponsor/whatever the next BIT Live.

Posted: 14/09/2004 - 13:06
by Chris Abbott
Firstly, how much money do you need to break even for BIT Live 2004? That is all costs, costs of getting the staff/musicians there, everything.
There's a hole of about £4000.00. Still hoping the DVD will make some of that back, but the cashflow problem is pressing. I've got a VAT period coming up, royalties to pay, incoming bills and a business credit card bill, and I've got less than £1000 left. Scared does not begin to cover it. I even had to write a credit card cheque to pay the PA. How pathetic is that?

Secondly, how much does it cost to throw a BIT Live? In total, to do it 'properly'? So, accommodation for staff/musicians, costs of getting them there and back, etc, ie how much does it cost without actually paying anyone a 'wage' as such. The wage part we can add later, just wanted to know the round about figure for doing it at minimum cost.
It purely depends on (a) the amount of rehearsal time (and thus the amount of accommodation needed, the amount of studio time needed, the amount of equipment to hire, and (b) the number of acts. The more acts, the most costs. Well, OK, also the venue hire, ticket printing, other printing, transport and buses...

Hence this one cost about £8000 even if you include the fact that PPOT
and the C64 mafia very kindly paid their own fares.

And thirdly how many 'staff' does one need on the ground on the day? Roadies etc whatever.
I dunno. 10? The important thing is for there to be someone to boss these poeple about. It's terribly distracting being a roadie if you keep seeing and wanting to talk to people you know!

I ask for more than mere curiosity, it's just so that I know what's what, so I can begin to think about how I could possibly help/sponsor/whatever the next BIT Live
I'll be posting a message about the exact requirements once I've had a talk to Ben. It's time for the scene to take a leading role, pulling in favours, talking to contacts, etc. We have a hell of a network here, so we should really use it.


Posted: 14/09/2004 - 13:17
by Matrix
I'll be posting a message about the exact requirements once I've had a talk to Ben. It's time for the scene to take a leading role, pulling in favours, talking to contacts, etc. We have a hell of a network here, so we should really use it.
- YEAH BABY !! Now THATS what I call PRO-Active !! :D

Posted: 14/09/2004 - 13:31
by Hacky
Chris, re everything u said....OUCH! That's a lot to pay for one guy who can't afford it, I think you are a mad person, who MUST be single coz his wife left him over this, and an amazing person to put your own life on the line here to make this thing happen! I feel truly humbled by your actions, it's inspirational.

But having said that, it's not actually THAT much money, in terms of throwing an event like this, if the funding came from a variety of different sources. I know everyone is putting in their 25 cense here of opinions, but just to put mine in too...
:-P gotta put up some kind of a breakdown online, showing how much you need and what it's for, and how much is raised so far, so that people/organisations/sponsors, can donate and see what it's for and how much is still to pay etc. Also any sponsors need to be shown nicely with their names up in lights, and mentioned at all times so they get their free advertising and kudos factor for sponsoring the event. I for one, if I knew where the money was going and what the target was etc, would be willing to put up a considerable chunk of that total needed to throw a BIT Live event, and I'm sure there are others out there who would also want to, but it needs to reach further afield than this forum, somehow. People out there just don't know BIT Live exists, it needs some serious PR somehow.

God, I've become one of those people telling you you gotta do this and you gotta do that, please forgive me. I'm speaking generically to everyone out there involved, when I say Chris I mean all you guys too.

I've very selfish though, as I'm sure you know from dealing with me in the past, and you have to bare in mind that others would be also. That is to say, I only want to pay for things that I want to see, see my other post in 'Honest Oppinion'. And this is how most people would be I think, once you took this outside the small world of this forum, which is what you'd HAVE to do, to get £10k RAISED for each event BEFORE the event, it should never be the case that you have to keep finding the money AFTER the event.

Posted: 14/09/2004 - 13:45
by Chris Abbott
I think you are a mad person, who MUST be single coz his wife left him over this, and an amazing person to put your own life on the line here to make this thing happen! I feel truly humbled by your actions, it's inspirational.
Well, I expected to be able to break even, but ticket sales were 1/3 what they should have been given the success of Brighton. That's pretty much it.

And I'm married with twins, and Tanya has been very supportive. Although thinking about my children and the need to put food into their mouths was a big factor in deciding to end the financial insanity. No one decides to throw away that money, it just happens when people let you down.

I'm going to post a list of what needs to be in place before the next event happens, and it will be up the scene to provide it. If it doesn't happen, it doesn't happen.

Just to clear up some preconceptions:

1) There was some pretty good PR and interest, but it came to nothing

2) Big companies don't see any kudos in attaching their name to an event it's difficult to describe which involves a widespread 30-something geek demographic listening to non-commercially-viable music played in rock stylee. It just isn't trendy. Having sat at the Institute of Contemporary Arts and tried to explain to a pretentious 20-something arts graduate (female) about why she should be interested in an event like this,I'm well aware of how it looks from the outside. We're all, frankly, too fat and/or too ugly to be art. At least from the art world's point of view.

And to make this crystal clear: Tulip/Commodore promised sponsorship TWICE and didn't deliver either year. And I'm totally pissed off about it. They sold me up the river, frankly.
