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Posted: 13/09/2004 - 17:19
by Dasse
merman wrote: Dasse! That was you! I saw you at Kings Cross in the morning, then again at the venue. I was the guy in the Commodore Scene T-shirt. Glad you enjoyed it.
Oh cool so that was you! :o
I must have looked like a lost rat, coz they rebuilding that station and first time in london.. oh man! ;)
Its quite hard to know who is who if I don´t see any pictures on faces.. hehe.. but I had a wonderful time over there! cya next year, somewhere! :)

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 18:36
by tas
The real thanks goes to Chris who yet again put in a huge amount of work and a huge amount of time to get this thing organised.

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 20:22
by madfiddler
Do you have to ask?

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 20:28
by Slaygon
madfiddler wrote:Do you have to ask?
Because I'm in them? Awwww. =)

PS. I am interested too! ;)

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 21:26
by madfiddler
dream dream dream dream dream dream dream ..... ad infinitum

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 22:29
by Chris Abbott
> The real thanks goes to Chris who yet again put in a huge
> amount of work and a huge amount of time to get this thing organised.

I really appreciate being appreciated, but my high profile nervous breakdowns obscure the more low level breakdowns experienced by the other members of the team: especially Skitz who did as much work organising this as I did. Sometimes more! ;-) And at previous events Boz, Kenz, Skitz and, loads of others have worked like slaves, hauling boxes and providing me with support. I feel uncomfortable when I get all the credit, since those guys carried the event and a huge amount of the other stuff we've got up to, like BIT 2, BIT 3, Karma, and no end of other acts of madness ;-)


Posted: 13/09/2004 - 22:37
by madfiddler
Well we love you all :)

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 23:43
by skitz
madfiddler wrote:Well we love you all :)
Steady on.... :D

I tried to keep my "International Man of Mystery" persona from last years BITLive where absolutely nobody knew me or even took one picture of me. I even grew a beard so some of you who did know me wouldn't recognise me.

Oh well, I guess I have SLAYRadio to blame for being noticed this year. Still, nobody asked me my autograph :cry:

Posted: 14/09/2004 - 2:31
by rambones
Thanks Chris for doing it, and the people helping out, the Kenz-Boz-Skitz gang, and Slay Radio - Slaygon, Kwed etc. etc.

And all musicians, but..

Especially Benn.

If we didn't have at least one of those guys, what's the whole point ?

I loved the Mr. Death scenes - you know..

But I could hear from Benn the first announcement: "..... The fabulous Mr. David Whittaker!!!!", that it was not real.

Can't fool me Benn, but even if it's sad in its own way, it's so great that you did these things! makes it 'digestable', so I don't get stuck in sadness over the announcement for 10 mins. :-)

Posted: 14/09/2004 - 9:02
by merman
madfiddler wrote:Well we love you all :)
Hear hear!